I walked down the alley past the two buildings behind his apartment. Flames of fire getting ignited as if by my action. Desperation running down my skin like sweat. With strength from a broken heart, I ran like never before. I did something wrong. I abandoned Omar. I left him! That was the most obnoxious thing I have ever done. I knew very well that that was their intention all along and I fell right into their trap. Good thing I realised it sooner before they even got to strangle my neck. I escaped their crutches and ran all the get back my love.

My hands, swaying with my body up and down helping me balance myself as I ran. It was dark and I couldn't see but his existence led me to where he was. I managed to sail through the darkness either way and found myself at this mini tuck shop toward the subway. I saw Omar at a distance and he was talking to some lady in a car. She seemed to be shouting at him. What did he do now? I stopped and took a few breaths before I ran after him. Boy he can walk! It takes me to run to catch up with him. I am not strong...but the fact that am going after him was making me stronger.

I waited for a few minutes and resumed my marathon. I decided to shout his name for him to get me. For him to know I was right behind. For him to know his Prim had come back. I stopped and screamed so as to get his attention.

"Omar!!!", I screamed from behind him making sure my voice was loud enough for him to recognise it. I knew he would hear me. I knew he would know it is me. I knew he understood my voice. Even if I would have whispered, he would get it. Best still, even if I couldn't say a word, even if I'd just think it, he would still get me. That's the Omar I know.

"Omar please stop!", I shouted again and it prompted him to walk faster. Didn't he know it was me? Or maybe he didn't hear me. He walked faster than ever before as if he just wanted to get away from me. I walked even faster to get to him but I was alerted by a grip that brought my world to shake from it's foundation.

"You're not going anywhere!",he shouted as he pulled my hand and dragged me away from my destination. I know this voice. I knew this voice very well. The voice of Gavin Adams. The enemy in a friend's coat. He pulled me away from the trail and unto this mini shop.

"What are you doing!?",I asked angrily while trying to free myself from his grip. He held me so tight that I couldn't break free.

"I will not let you repeat the mistake you did. He is not good for you....",he began but my rapid alternating motions cut him. I broke free from his grip and he looked at me surprisingly.

"And who is?",I asked while looking at Omar. I wanted him to look at me and maybe he'd come help me. But he was far and getting out of my reach. I had to keep up. I didn't know where he was going but I needed to keep track or else I'll lose him....again!

"I am...", Gavin Adams replied after I just asked. I got shocked!

"You? You have got to be kidding me!!", I shrugged and headed for Omar but he grabbed my hand again.

"What does Omar have that I don't have. What??? I have money...I can even get that cool hairstyle of his. Is it because he lives in an apartment? Because he's an engineer? Because he's famous....", Gavin started pointing out those little things about Omar and I stood their hearing him out. I didn't even know why I was doing it.

" What is it Prim? Why do you want him and not me? Am your friend right? We've been together since kindergarten. I knew you were the one for me. I went to New Orleans for school so that I'd treat you well one day. I worked day and night just for you Prim. Why don't you like me? I came back here just for you...",he laid down his life in a second and some of the things he mentioned really shocked me. Is this how to woo someone? Is it? Or maybe I wasn't good at this wooing thing. He walked close to me and held my hand in his. I didn't look at his face to avoid making it awkward.

"Please...Primrose....please....choose me...", he begged as if his life depended on it. He looked at me with James Dean glossy eyes. His face was not far from mine and I could sense the heat that was coming from his. It came all the way to my face and stimulated my sweat glands to get to work.

"I can't choose you. I won't ever choose you Gavin. You're a murderer. You sent those goons after me! How could you? And you say you love me??? You guys just don't get it! You're taking away my happiness and expecting me to be happy. How can I do that? How can I be happy without my joy? Omar is my joy Gavin. You'd be a good friend to step back and let me live my life", I said and took off but he didn't seem to understand me. He wasn't letting go so easily and he followed behind me. Before I knew it, he grabbed my hand again and it really irritated me.

"I won't let you do this. You're going to die....Cass sent goons after you...he sent them to kill you on spot!!",he revealed it. Unfortunately, I already knew that y'know from the dream so...spoiler alert! Sorry Dude!

"I know that; that's why am here...", I replied and snatched my hand from his grip.

"What are you planning on doing exactly? Because my love for you made me tell them to kill Omar instead. How will you help him? Will you die for him? A man that's already dying with the shame you've covered him in? Oh maybe that's why you like him....he's psychologically different", he smirked and it invited a tight slap from me.

"You Fool!", I slapped him again. Why would he tell them to kill Omar instead? Oh No....this was bad..really bad...and again, he's psychologically different? "Don't ever make fun of Omar like that. Not on my watch. Even in my absence don't ever dare. I'll always be there to take revenge for him. Don't ever think am a helpless little girl because am not. I am stronger than you think I am. A little trip to New Orleans and you already underestimate me. You should never have left...maybe then you'd have a clear picture of who I really am....Even so, so what if he's sick...the doctor said he had been cured!",I defended myself and pushed him so that he'd learn how to behave around me. I continued to walk away so that I lose track of him. Hoping he doesn't grab me again because I couldn't see Omar anyway. I got closer to the railway and I saw him a far. Full of joy, I delightedly smiled but it all dispersed after I saw a figure in black cloths like this of an American black Ninja. He was holding a chisel and was aiming it at Omar. How was he even doing that. You aim with a gun right? How was he doing it with a Chisel? A blade?!

"Omar lookout!",I screamed giving him a warning and he turned around to look at me. I was sorry. It was my fault that he was going to get killed. My problem. My doing. My deviousness. He was going to take it for me! Oh No.....Not unless I take it first!

"As far as I know...psychological disorders don't get cured....", he laughed from behind me but I didn't pay attention to him. I heard the train horn and I knew it was near. Again! He grabbed my hand.

"You know me very well Prim...I leave no stone unturned, no battle unfought, no glass unbroken...until I get that which my heart desires....and as long as I want you,I'll never let you get away from me!!!", he scared me. I looked away and I saw Omar jump the rail way to the other side. I had to get to him. This Gavin was becoming an issue in my life that I couldn't get rid of so easily.

"Yeah I know that. I know that very well.....and you also know that when I say No...I mean it...and I swear on my mother's grave...I will never come to you! I will never belong to you! Gavin're a monster!", I yelled at him.

"You turned me into this monster was you!",he shouted back at me. He let go of my hand in the course of shouting as he was using his hands to explain and express his gestures. I found a chance to render myself free and ran away from him. I ran fast almost catching up with Omar but I got nervous when I saw the train so close. I looked behind and saw Gavin Adams. He was racing to catch me so that I don't go save Omar. If I stay on this side, Gavin will catch up with me and I won't be able to save Omar. If I jump,I'll reunite with Omar again. Although it was a fifty-fifty situation because chances of getting run over by the train where fat. Jump girl!! You can do this! I gathered my courage and I managed to jump. Gavin was a second late and he ended up falling over the railway and getting run over by the train.

"Omar duck!" I shouted getting closer to him disregarding the fact that someone just died here. Not that I cared but if I stayed, I'd lose another life so I'd better save this one so that I don't lose both. I saw Omar look around to see what was making me shout and wail like that like an ape.! His eyes got fixed on a man in a hood. He was in this scary dark agent black outfit, carrying a chisel in his hands...aiming it at Omar! I got frightened. I hoped I wasn't too late. He seemed to get a clear shot and I wouldn't be able to reach in time. Am sorry Gavin. Thanks for saving my life but unfortunately, am going to lose it...again! Not that I didn't care that you saved me, but I care enough not to accept your help. I felt bad that he died helping me although I didn't really want his help. I appreciated him being a good friend. A best friend growing up. We ate ice creams together, played hide and seek together. Bathed in the mad together and here we were...not less than enemies. Maybe after this we will meet again. Because apparently, the only way I can save to be prey to the chisel! And I was going to do it. I wasn't going to let him die. It was meant for me, so I had to get what's rightfully mine. I turned around to look at the flesh that was minced by the train. No remnant was left of Gavin to bear witness that a human being was murdered here. It was all gone. Trains can be rude. They only left blood stains around the area and some on itself. Worst of all it wasn't even stopping. No sorrow that they had taken away someone's life.

I turned around and focused on being a hero and saving the no no...the jerk that broke my heart. However, I wasn't angry. The brokenness was beautiful. It made me see some fragments that I never even knew existed in me. It made me realise how much of a good person he was being by putting my heart together. He helped me a big I have to help him. I ran toward him and in the direction of the chisel. The assassin had thrown it and I blocked it's way by running in between it and Omar. When he saw what I did, he shook his head telling him to move away and started running toward me. I was happy. So happy to see him run after me like that. The sound of his footsteps was loud in my ears and my body completely understood that we will live longer. I adored him. More than he knew.....

I absolutely forgot I was in a rescue mission. Completely. His sight was all I needed to live. To take a step, all I needed was Omar. My life force, my best friend. I loved him so much. I couldn't imagine me without him anymore. He's taken me through a lot and I don't think I'll be able to thank him. I won't be able to repay him. I won't be able to pay him back. No...I won't. I looked at him and my expectations really brought out a frustrated man in me. He didn't seem happy that he saw me. It seemed as if he had been caught red handed in a murder case or something. Horror crept on his face and I could see he was getting colder although he had a jersey on. He stopped running and I reduced my pace. He was so close. So close I saw his face filling the whole sky. I wanted to run to him. To hug him again. To touch his hair again. To feel his arms around me again. To get the heartbeat that I always get when he touched my hair. I wanted it all again. One last time.

His body got numb and I could tell he had forgotten how to think. This was the time he'll walk to me and I'll do the same with the wind blowing my hair. My eyes sparkling in the starlight and he himself engulfed in an armour of boldness raising his chest like a man. I whispered his name and I knew he heard me. I walked closer to him and sadly I felt a cold metal pushing it's way through my flesh. I widened my eyes in shock and awe. What was going on? I looked at it and remembered it was the chisel that was going to kill Omar. I saved him! Yes...I did ! I looked at it and then at Omar...and then at the surrounding and fell. My fall was slow and at the same time so fast. I had nothing to support myself with so as I fell,I rested on the handle of the chisel favouring it and pushing it further in.

"NO!" he shouted running to my aid.

"Are you Okay?",I asked with a smile on my face. Blood started leaking out through my smiling lips and it's taste was so awful!

"No....Am not okay.....Am not Okay!!!", I heard his cry and his voice grew faint though he actually shouted the last part. My eyes began to close but I managed to keep them open. Something was happening. The world started spinning and it was so fast. So fast that I couldn't see anything clearly. Then I started feeling hot. It became hotter by the passing second, and I opened my eyes slowly. I was surrounded by flames and for a second I thought I was in hell. I looked around and saw that I was alone and it brought sense to my soul. I wasn't in hell, most definitely. I wouldn't be alone! Gavin and Cass must be around here somewhere. If I won't see them, I won't believe this is hell.

I looked up and weakly I reached for the flames to see how strong they burn. A realisation hit me and I saw that the flames weren't really flames. They were bits of memories hidden within the fire of death. Intrigued by their colours, I managed to sit up and looked at them. Through it, I could see a lot of things. It was like a mirror that was reflecting my whole life in a moment. Memory after memory they started coming back. From the very first moment to the last.

'Is that your natural hair colour',he asked. I was amazed to who asks that at first encounter and forgets a greeting or to ask for the name. I turned around to look at him and I saw a difference. Someone you don't meet everyday. He's not the Mr Popular or knight in shinning armour type. More of prince charming with perfect timing. All I needed was an evil fairy to render me dead and in less than seconds I'd get my kiss and come back to life. He was more of the bubbly guy in the building. He was gifted with masculinity and handsomeness. He had the Robert Pattinson look in his eyes and the smile like that of cupid making me not to wait for the arrow;although it faded after he saw my face. I completely ran into a shock wondering if my make up was messed up or my lipstick had nudged at such a moment. Then, he left and was nowhere to be seen. My heart throb sure knew how to make my heart sob!

Then I met him again in the restaurant.

"Which way to the manager?", he asked making me quiver in fear but it all dispersed like smoke after I saw the smile on his face and realised he was joking.

"I love to see the city at night. The lights look like tiny stars and I just really love it. It's just like the cosmic ocean.... It's so awesome. And when the sky is full of stars they twinkle and shine bringing delight into each and every soul...", I commented after looking at the city night view from his balcony. It was beautiful... and looked more beautiful because I was looking at it from a top view....or maybe because he was right here with me!

"You are very beautiful Prim",he said after we both fell in the pool at Dino-Rhino when he was giving his friends some space. Mature and quiet nice of him.

"So.....",He started holding my hands in his "Make me some macchiato?", he asked.

"Oh Omar",I laughed "Of course", I said taking my hands away from his and heading for the kitchen. That's the number one thing I did best and I'll always do it. Making macchiato. Especially when doing it for him. I always remember to add a secret ingredient. Love!

"Your eyes are blue...", he told me looking straight into them.

"You're wearing a blue shirt,so they're reflecting the colour",I replied

"They do that?", he asked with a tiny smile on his lips.

"Sometimes...",I smiled. He smiled too. I kept on looking at him and he reciprocated it. I didn't take my eyes away from his like I always did sometimes. There was something about this moment and I just couldn't let it slip away. I just held my eyes fixed on his. There was some magic working and I wanted both of us to experience it....and we did...well almost.

"Omar what are you so afraid of?",I asked him after I noticed his convulsions were constantly triggered by a feeling of fear.


"Me?", I laughed. "I won't eat you"

"I know", he smiled.

"Please be honest with me....I want to help",

He nodded.

"Am so afraid...I fear you'll leave and never come back. That's why I never told you about it earlier. I didn't want to chase you away",

"I won't leave....", I assured him. I was really not leaving. I just found my superman so where the heck would I be off to? I also had a mission of my own. Seems like this was no more friendship but a war agreement. Mission after mission .

"Well.....why don't you want me to leave?", I asked,knowing I was provoking the bees.

This was the right time. I had to know what Omar felt for me. Was is TeamFriendZone or Team Girlfriend? I was looking at him expectantly. Waiting for him to tell me exactly what I wanted to hear. He was still looking down and silent.

I got impatient. I wanted to ask again but I held it within. Let me not make it obvious that I was expecting some particular answer from him. We lay in silence for a while.

A complete quiet.

"... Because I like you....", he said as he slowly raised his eyes. I didn't have time to look back in his eyes as my head got blown off. He liked me!!!! That was the most amazing thing he's ever done. So far other than loving my coffee! Really! But another much more amazing thing happened on a day later.....

"Once upon a time there was a boy who loved a girl and her laughter was a question he wanted to spend his life answering....", he whispered into my ear, grabbing my hand. I couldn't help but blush because I understood everything. I knew what he was talking about. My heart totally understood. For he was the boy...and I was the girl...I loved the whole setting and how his brilliant mind hatched such a plan to bring a beautiful night together like this. Fireworks that spelled my name and made me the most happiest girl on earth. He really made me feel like I was the only girl. I really loved Omar. I've never loved anyone this much....I know! Even my very own heart can witness.

You should have seen my face when we went to Disneyland. I was so shocked and happy and amazed and all these feelings in me. I didn't know I'd ever come to this place. I just didn't know. It was such a miracle I'll forever be grateful for. "I can't swim....but I jump, You jump right?", I asked anxiously and holding his hand tight.

"Don't worry, we're a better version of Rose and Jack", he winked and at the count of three, we landed with a splash in the water. He carried me on his shoulder all the way to the shore. I'll always praise God for giving me someone like him. Who taught me how to live my life to the fullest and full of ego I shall lie on my deathbed, narrating all my chronicles to my grand children. I went as far as Disneyland. I tasted of a very expensive cake and got into a cold war with the sales boy. He sure was a boy! No manners and respect.

As if it wasn't enough, we went to the Eiffel tower too! The place my dad had always wanted me to go. I made a friend too. Catherine! I really miss her and I hoped her father recovered. Losing a father is painful and I don't ever want anyone to go through such. Horrible and horrifying visions of darkness haunt you. Totally sad, scary and choking. To top it up to the tip, he had an entire estate with white roses writing my name. I couldn't imagine it. I always thought it was my mere imagination. I couldn't believe I had really gone to Disneyland, Eiffel tower, Linterna de amor. All those places. It was unbelievably real. I have lived. I totally have lived. Such a life where I was sure of getting everything is want. All I needed to do was to snap my fingers or ring my whistle and it would all come to pass. I lived even best than a princess although I was no princess to begin with. When I lost everything, actually I had gained it all. A man whom when I first saw, I sparked up. His countenance was like lightning and his raiment white as snow. Handsome in every way. He was one of those types of men who didn't really worry of going out to court women because the women where the ones who actually did the courting. No wonder someone had an evil eye on him.

"I wish I never knew you Omar...", I said it in anger and anguish. Of course I didn't mean that. That was just to make my friend Omar know that what he did was wrong. He watched it all happen and yet he chose to believe the fraud. Typical of men. I left the palace and didn't even go home. I went to linterna de amor hoping the day will be fair and bring good news. Maybe Omar would finally believe me and make a new beginning out of this. Maybe..... I spent my whole day their and even my night. I didn't sleep or do anything. I just sat there still and quiet. I sat in the same spot all day until the security guard came and told me they where closing. Everything seemed to be going in fast motion until this earthquake stroke and it all went in slow motion. Still in denial and not wanting to leave, I went in and signed myself up for the night. I went back into that position again until the next morning. The same security guard came and told me it was morning and they where open for the day. I decided to stay for the whole day again. No interest in eating whatsoever. Just the waves in the water as they dispersed. Lily's logic echoing in my brain and making me remember her. I closed my mind shutting her thoughts outside. I didn't want to think of her. Why? Why complicate matters? Why waste my life when it was already a waste?


When I got home, there was something different that had happened. My room was different. It....was in colour! I walked around admiring all the pretty decorations that really brought back the life in this place. Who would have done this? Definitely not my aunt. If she did it in praise of me again I swear I'll just have to chop someone's head off whether hers or mine, I don't really care which. I walked to my bathroom and began rectifying my mistakes. I took my white dye and applied it to my hair. Changing my hair colour was the number one wrong thing I did. Brown is never promising,never has been and never will. I walked into my bathroom and rinsed it off. With the help from a blow dryer,I quickly dried it and sat in front of my mirror looking at my face. It had gone all dim again. The light and joy had dispersed and I couldn't really figure out what to do to bring it back. I kept on looking at my face until my eyes where motioned to some piece of paper on the table. It was a note and was right on my dressing table. 'Its always good to add a little colour to your life'. Little? I laughed after I saw the irony behind. That's when it hit me. Today was Omar's day number ten. His love challenge had been completed. He asked me last time he came why I didn't have colour in my room and I said because I was losing mine. He said the exact words that where written on the note. He said it again!....He added colour to my life... He still came through to me in the fit of rage. He was mad at me and yet he still came for me. Why? Because he loved me! Omar loved me!!! If he was really mad at me he wouldn't have done this for me. He wouldn't. I was wise enough to know that. I knew him pretty well. I quickly got out of my room and raced out to find him. I went to Cass's house since that's where Liam told me he was. I texted. He replied my text. Good man! Liam didn't seem angry with me after this whole misunderstanding. He trusted me all this time.! Why didn't I fall in love with him?

I quickly took a cab to Cass's house and found them outside. Cass seemed to be leaving to go somewhere. I didn't care about that because I knew it was to devour someone else whom she'll find as prey just like how she did with me. I walked to where they were and I was welcomed by Cass. And by welcome I know you know what I mean..

"So.....we're in white hair again?", she asked. "What does that symbolize? Sorrow? Pain?", she started messing with her eyes in this cool fancy way I can't manage. She is so lucky...not that she can do it but that I can't. Otherwise....she would be blind by now. I have ten fingers and I know how to use them properly. And they all have really long nails.

"Liam where's Omar?", I asked ignoring Cass. I wanted to see the face of my one true love. That's all.

"I don't know...he just left but took the direction of the subway hours ago.....", he replied and it got an angry Cass.

"Why'd you do that?!", she threw her purse down and confusion was across Liam's face as much as it was on mine. So what if I knew where he was...he was still my boyfriend... He hadn't broken up with me yet. He was still mine and I was still his.

"What's the problem with that?",Liam asked calmly as if nothing happened. I so liked this guy. So very much!!!

"She will go and attack him again! She just won't stop!", Cass pointed at me. She had completely changed. She wasn't the Cass I knew. Well of course. This wasn't Cass. It was Luen! Her Luen side was dominating and bringing out the worst in her. I've always fancied and loved Luen but this time I hated her. Omar always refused ever dating Cass but accepted dating Luen and I was like that's the same person! He said they where different. Now I see the difference. I totally see it.

"No she won't....", Liam defended me.

"She will....if she managed to put chloroform in the air conditioner to keep them dead for as long as she can complete her mischievousness, proves she's capable of anything",she shouted at me.

"Cass.... How did you know there was chloroform in the air conditioner? I don't remember ever mentioning that...", Liam posed a very good question and it also got me thinking not about the chloroform but about my puzzle. I finally found the last piece. She scratched her head and ran out of answers.

".... Oh my God...", I covered my mouth.

"C'mon my love...we'll miss Icy-ivy if we won't go now....let's let the detectives do their work....the heart will always want what it wants!....and my heart wants you",she smiled at him pecking his cheek.

Those words....those words! 'Boss always says so...', that's what one of the goons said. The boss being talked of was none other than Cass herself. Goodness! Icy-Ivy...? Why why does she want to get Liam there? Natasha said I should never go there and that it's dangerous...oh Cass...why? Then I remembered Tony's last words...'', he told me the name. He was actually spelling out Cass's name and he was saying it letter by letter. C-A...and then he got shot. That's Cass. Oh my Goodness. Cass was the real culprit here. She was the demon! HOW DARE SHE?

I jumped on her and strangled her. She deserved to know the consequences of her actions. It appears she knew nothing of what some of us would do. Liam came and tried to pull me away from Cass but it didn't help. My grip was too tight for anyone to break. Especially in moments that am angry, I always get utmost strength and I couldn't understand where it came from. I felt like I was on a solid rock and not on the beach anymore. My feet would easily get sunk in the sand and I couldn't get a firm standing position and yet now I did no wonder I wasn't joking with my grip.

"Prim let her go!", Liam shouted.

"It's her.. She's the real mastermind! Why Cass...? Or should I say Luen? You have no idea how Omar loves you and this is how you repay him?..",I asked almost crying.

"Lu-Luen? You're Luen?", Liam asked in shock. He didn't know? Seriously? He didn't know his trophy girl was once someone's wife to be? Not just someone even,his very own brother! That means he didn't know they dated before because Omar said they dated when she was Luen and not Cass. This is really a shocking experience for Liam. I can only imagine.

"Oh my God! I'd never have dated you if I knew you where Luen!",he cried and squatted. His mind was too weak to accept such cold truth and it's weakness was expressed in his legs giving up. I found this as a chance to talk woman to woman with Luen once and for all.

"Looks like it's a habit of yours breaking people's hearts", I began.

"It's just you and me and I guess no need to put up with the charade. The plan was to eliminate you so that I stay with Omar but unfortunately I had to go this far to get what I wanted. Trust me I didn't want it to get this far. not as bad as I seem to be. Am just a woman who sought attention that's all. Omar was more than a friend to me since our lives in the orphanage. He was the only one there for me. My parents didn't want me but he was there. He made the pain go away and I just missed that feeling. I liked Liam but I knew I would never love him because I had already given my heart to Omar...unfortunately, he gave it back to me. He didn't want to keep it anymore. I thought he still loved me. Someone's efforts are a reflection of their interest in you right? If that's true, then he put up a lot of effort in helping me, meaning he loved me. But because of you it was all a mockery to me! And that choked me Prim. Worst still, some guys got introduced in the story and I got confused to what was going on. Every guy wanted you. They even turned into villains just to have you even though they knew it would only be a Romeo and Rosaline romance. They were still willing to die for you. What's special about you? I couldn't understand that. Gavin wants you, Tony wants you, Omar wants you. Even with Liam it's Prim this, Prim that...and I grew sick of it. No one appreciated me. Everywhere I go it was always Prim and I swear I was sick of it. I was dimmed. My light was dimmed because of you. I became a nobody because of you. I admit I was hurt and jealous and envious. Even I wanted to go to Disneyland. I've always wanted to see the Eiffel tower. Omar said he'll take his girlfriend there one day and it had to be you. Why not me? Why didn't he take me? What's wrong with me Prim? You're a woman too and I know you can understand me more than all these men. Please tell me. Am I not pretty enough? Am I not beautiful enough? Am I lazy? I have a well paying job....I have a good heart don't I? So why did he not want me? He was the air I breathed...", sadness ran down my spine and I quivered sealing it all over me. Cass's story was sad. Very sad. All she wanted was attention from her best friend. That's it. Circumstances really bring out situations in us that make us change the coarse of action although I wasn't necessarily changing mine. Minutes ago I was angry trying to get this woman deleted from my software but here I was admiring her and seeking to actually know more about her. She was strong. Putting up a fight inside when she sees me and Omar together. I can imagine it was really hard. A very hard encounter in life. In fact that's the worst thing someone would ever go through seeing the only person you love, love someone else and the best you can do is help them get together.

"Touching? I bet....I lost myself in all that experience. I didn't even recognize my face in the mirror. All I could see was a monster painted feminine for humane recognition. In case you didnt know, there is a love that is as strong as death and Jealously demanding as the grave. That is the love I had for Omar. And since he chose not to satisfy it...all because of a some petty cheap white haired prodigious coffee maker, I vowed to teach you all a lesson. A lesson you'll all never forget. You bragged of how much you where in love with another. How much you where better than Romeo and Juliet and yet you forgot one thing...It took Romeo and Juliet to die for their love to be sealed. If they hadn't died I don't think they'd be as famous and influential as they were in death and I just had to see how much better than them you were. There really is honour found in death sweetheart. So listen here you little peal squeak", she frowned and squeezed my cheeks together hurting my mandible.

"People don't fall in love. We grow in love. Everything that falls breaks and everything that grows gets stronger!!! And since you claimed to have fallen, you just had to break...", she explained while crying. I didn't know was sensible to some extent but I didn't want to believe that logic. The logic that brought unusual twists and dispersed all the fun in life as it is.

"So that pushed you to try and kill my friend? It doesn't make sense...", Liam jumped in and he was angry. I almost forgot he was still here but I was thankful he came round. I don't know what I would have done to Cass or what she would have done to me as to her I was the source of all her problems. "You're saying your jealousy prompted you to ruin my dream and kill the people am looking after?", he asked angry again and seconds later I saw a tight slap on Cass's face. She lost her balance and fell on the bonnet of the car. She hit her head against the metal and I also felt the pain. She got a small scratch on her forehead and instantly pity filled my heart. Cass was a nice girl but Luen was the demon here. We needed to exercise an exorcism as soon as possible before the whole of Cass's feature is covered and hindered by Luen's influence.

"I gave you all I had but you used me....why Cass...Luen? Whatever your name is...", he cried. He really shed tears and I saw them run down his cheek. He didn't know she was Luen! I can imagine the pain. Omar and Cass betrayed him. They where never honest with him. I looked at his face and for the very first time it was anger. The face of a betrayed man was on Liam's and it scared me.

"I pampered you too much. I loved you too much. I trusted you too much. I forgot that too much is poisonous... Anyway...I can rectify this...Omar should know of all this but first I need to call the cops", he said while taking his phone out.

"Ha! You Guy's are the time I'll be going to jail, Omar won't be there...he'll be gone. I sent an assassin to assassinate him on spot. The moment he just left yesterday, I gave them a phone call and I told them to leave it all to me for all I wanted was the head so that I can keep it in my room and look at it everyday. I've always loved his eyes.... the eyes of a traitor. Omar broke my heart. He betrayed me. All the passion in his heart wasn't for me....but for some wretched Prim. A girl with white hair and an ugly face. I don't even know what he saw in her.....she's such a pain in my neck that can't go away no matter how many painkillers I took...", she kept on talking and talking and talking and I kept on listening and listening and listening. Some of it made sense,some didn't. She sent an assassin!! To kill Omar!

"You sent an assassin?",I asked as if that was the only thing I picked from her speech. Well it was the only important thing I picked. The other where just nuisance after nuisance that got in my ear and escaped through the other. I realised she was playing me like solitaire and I just had to make the going tough so that she doesn't win the game. Besides...all this was just to waste my time so that I don't go rescue Omar on time.

" always come to the rescue don't you? Rescue him now....I can never kill the man I love...not in a thousand life times....I knew you'd go and save I want you to be the one dying...go ahead and save the day...go our prince charming", she laughed wickedly. She wanted me to die? She sent an assassin after Omar because she knew I'd go and save him? Really? Did she mean that? No! She was was all a lie....a pure lie...

"You are lying. You never sent anyone after sent him after don't love're just obsessed by him. Remember this my dear, obsession is not love. Some call it an illness but when it comes to you,I'll call it an evil have no idea of what love is...utterly no idea....all you do best is break people's hearts. Out of such a heart as yours love can't come love can come out....only hatred!!", I said giving her a firm look. "I always knew you were the devil...since day one. I always knew it was you"

"Unfortunately, I was always two steps ahead of you", she laughed mockingly..

"Oh really? I wanted you to think that.....I played snooty because I wanted you to think you are two steps ahead of me..four steps actually...", I teased back although I was being dishonest. I just wanted to piss her off. At least this once. She really was always two steps ahead of me. If only I would be the one taking lead maybe things wouldn't go this far. Maybe....maybe we'd be somewhere by now and life wouldn't be such a bother. But now, it was. It was almost over and I still didn't know what to fight for. Cass on the other hand needs justice and Omar on the other hand needs me or he'll die. I can't let him die. Whether she was saying the truth that she sent the assassin actually for me or for Omar I didn't mind. I just wanted to get there.

"I am a very good fairy God mother right? I just made your dream come true!", she winked at me and crossed her arms across her chest. She really made my dream come true! My nightmare. Today was the day that nightmare was driving at. Today was the day I was going to was today!

"'re such a Godmother.....that makes my nightmares come true. With no doubt you are a descendant of those evil creatures that found no refuge on the Ark", I nodded confidently and yet Fear flooded my mind as I was about to take such a drastic step

"Let's not involve God in this", she rubbed her hair. Omar didn't believe me and he'll believe me now. I told him he'll believe me right on my death bed and I guess he will believe me now that I was going to die. I constantly told him Cass was the evil one but he never believed me. He waited for it to come this far and he can finally believe me. So unfortunate.

"Go get him Prim....I'll dispose the trash", he said looking at Cass as she leaned against the car. She didn't seem bothered or shocked or in guilt. She was perfectly fine. Well what do you expect? I turned around to leave. I ran and ran...seeking to find that which left me.

My head began to sting and it stung badly. I closed my eyes tight and put my hands on my sides. I gritted my teeth as led by it only to remember all this was just a happened hours earlier. I remembered I was at the railway station. Just that. Nothing beyond it. The flames I saw earlier became more violent. My memory was becoming weak as I couldn't remember anything else. The stronger the memory...the lesser the flames. I noticed and figured after I saw them dance around. They danced and drew me closer to their lustrous beauty. The colours seemed so right and with different colours just like a rainbow. However, this time a few more where added and it was a very long spectrum from white to black. It was very beautiful. I wanted to touch them with my palm and feel their little heartbeat but I couldn't. Something was holding me back. I didn't know what but it kept it's grasp.

There and then, the flames started losing colour and become weak signalling to me that it was becoming less of a memory and more of a moment. The once beautiful flames started changing from the million shades of awesomeness to a shade of grey. It flickered making itself noticeable and it changed again. Now it was a red-yellow orange flame. It still burnt brightly like the iridescent fireworks making it peculiar. Then it all changed to black! I was scared. So scared.... until I heard someone call my name...more of him...calling my name. I wanted to get up but I couldn't. I was unable to....I drove my eyes only to see something penetrating my abdomen. It's sharp edges had streaks of blood and I knew my life was only in minutes. This is what was holding me back earlier, from touching the flames...I was wearing out fast and the life in me was weak. So weak that it would let me go to them but fortunate enough my memories where strong enough not to. They brought me back. Brought me back to him....

"Prim....", he shook my head and I slowly opened my eyes to reality after dropping off the lovely memory train.

"Are you okay?",I asked again with a wider smile on my face. That's why I came here make sure he was okay. If there was a bruise on him then I wouldn't be able to forgive myself. He didn't say anything. He just stared at my face and it really brought fear in me to see him like this.

"... It's so good to add a little colour to your life....", I recited his quote after reading it in my room. "You really brought colour to my life Omarion Green. You only forgot to colour my hair and I thought I would....", I said in a sad note. I coloured my hair. Coloured it in blood. I saw it turn red after blood stains leaked on it. I noticed after I titled my head to the side hoping if I were to die I shouldn't be looking at him. He noticed the change in my mood and he grabbed my face to look at him. I looked into his brown eyes. Emotions ranged from agitation, to sorrow, to concern, Gently, his thumb ran over my cheek wiping the tear I didn't even notice had fallen. I was supposed to be doing that. Wiping his tears. The fact that I was going didn't really go well with me. I was so afraid of it. For a second I didn't want to. I just wished there was a way I could live again. How I wished....! I just opened the cool chapters of my life and terror already stroke bringing me to the last chapter. Maybe my book was that short. Maybe! I had no choice than to live with this one like it was the only one I had.

"I won't be gone forever Omary...",I whispered softly. Maybe my tone would bring back the Omar I knew in him although I knew I was actually lying. I was going to be gone...forever! And as far as I know, forever is such a long time.

"...promise me you won't close your eyes....", he requested.

"I promise...",I replied. I wanted him to smile though. He wasn't smiling. "Omar...I want you to always remember this story. There was a rose that had four petals. It was very beautiful. When the sun shone it's rays against it's petals, wow such a magnificent sight it was. Unfortunately though, it lost the first petal a few moments after it just sprouted. It learnt to move on and see the best and positive side of negativity. Some time later, it lost the other two petals. This time, it grew grievous each passing second and realised there's no good in seeing the positive side of negativity. It decided to focus on the negative side of positive hoping to learn something new and make sure it doesn't lose the last petal. Unfortunately, that didn't work too. This time, the petal didn't fall of like the others, the stalk was just uprooted by a wicked man who thought it was just wasting the soil....", I paused not knowing where to take the story to.

"What happened to the petal that remained?",he asked curiosity all over his statement. I smiled hoping he'd smile back but he didn't. I felt so weak I couldn't speak anymore. But I had to....there was something I had to say before I shut down.. I had to say it

"I don't know what happened to it but I know one are the last petal....and surely....a petal can survive without a stalk...get it from me...", I said with much difficulty. I had lost a lot of blood and my body was becoming ischemic and I was beginning to die. eyelids began drooping but I pushed them open. I just made a promise to keep them open and I had to live by it. I had to fulfill it. I saw him though blurry, take out something from his pocket and drive my hand in it. It was a bangle! The tenth bangle. Today was day number ten...he gave me nine bangles yesterday and said he'll give me the other today! He just did....although, I won't live to wear or show it off.

" sorry I won't live to sleep in that colourful beautiful room...", I apologized as tears slowly fell down my cheeks. I could hear the voice of death telling me to say my last words as the time was nigh. 'No',he said quietly but I read his lips. He came close and hugged me tightly. Our very last hug.... It broke my heart to know that I won't ever see him again. It really broke my heart. I didn't want to but I knew I had to. If I didn't, then Omar would and I just couldn't manage to live without him. I grew so fond of him. So attached to him like he was my very own body part. I didn't want him away even for a second but here I was going away from him...for all eternity!

"Have you said your last words?", asked GrimReaper in a tone I considered kind for an angel of death.

"You're the very first face I saw when I was born....and the last face I see before I die.....I love you Omar", I smiled as I felt my soul being lifted off the ground. In the hands of reaper I lay as we disappeared into the clouds.


On the bed lied a girl. She was still in her early years. I could tell from the smoothness and fineness of her skin. Sleeping silently she lay. Motionless and unrealistic. Her skin paler with each passing breath. It grew paler and whiter as snow just like her hair. Her lips were pink and as withered as the roses on her mother's grave. Her nails were polished in colour that resembled that of her lipstick and her dress was pure white. She looked like a bride. A very beautiful bride. Besides her sat this good looking young man. He kept staring at her and at times forgot he had to blink. He held her hand in his and said a little prayer...hoping that maybe...she'd just open her eyes and say something...something like his name.... She longed for it too. She prayed asking God that just this time. Let it pass. Let it not be now. .....her soul cried and threw itself as his feet hoping to go back and say a proper goodbye but unfortunately, the answer was no. Such moments. When you are desperate. When you want something badly but you know you can't have it....because it's late...far too late. Too late to make amends. It's's done....

"It's going to be okay....", one of the men whispered to the other. He seemed a bit strong compared to the friend who wasn't even moving. You'd think he was just a sculptor but he was an actual living being. Fasciculations were noticeable on his lips but words couldn't come out. Such a depth of pain where the whole body becomes numb and the brain itself shuts down. No thought crosses the mind, no emotion just the cold dead silence.

"They said she's gone....but each time I touch her skin....I feel it getting warmer", was all he said and went back to his silence again. Hope is really a powerful thing. A beautiful thing. A sensational feeling. That which everyone hopes to have but not all get it. It is not expensive...just hard to find. It is found in places where lies don't exist...where only goodness dominates. It is fed by nothing but love. No ordinary love though...but the sensational love...the love that comes right from the core of the heart. The love that makes people love one another with each passing second. The love that grows with each argument....the love which some have decided to call TRUE LOVE!