Guards of the Vault

[Quest Part 1 Completed: You earn half the value of the defeated Chaos Beast]

[1270 Chaos Meter Earned for defeating a Superior Chaos Beast, based off of quest requirement.]

[500 Rune Coins earned]

[Chaos Meter: 125/600]

[You are now level 12! 5 Free Stat points

[You have passed level 10! All stats increase by 1]

[The "SHOP" is now open to you! When used, Whisper will provide items even when outside his shop as long as you have coin.]

Cyrus couldn't believe the amount of notifications he was receiving. First the amount of Chaos Meter increased, then the shop unlocking, and finally all his stats increased to 10 leaving him the 5 extra to place where he would like. It was like a moment of victory that had been written on his face. Chase noticed it as was messing around with something he couldn't see.

"What has gotten you excited?" He walked over to Cyrus as the happy young man had said one word.

"Shop!" Small amounts of swirling purple clouds on the ground started to bring out a tall clothed figure. Obscured by his long robes, only his bony hands were visible. The figure known as Whisper looked at Cyrus.

"Ah... you have... coin for me?" The 8 foot tall man opened his hand to Cyrus.

Chase was shocked, "How did you summon the Shop Keeper? He doesn't respond just for anyone." Cyrus watched as Whisper turned his head towards Chase.

"I answer... when coin... is offered... by inheritor..." He couldn't see it, but Whisper smiled at Chase with his wicked smile that could make a vampire feel like they had just been staked. Cyrus held out his hand and was ready to pay Whisper.

"I am looking for something good, how does 500 coins sound?" This brought the attention of Whisper immediately. Feeling the coins hit his bony hands and vanishing as they did. Pulling aside his robe he reached into the darkness that seemed to keep his body obscured. Drawing his hand back, Whisper pulled out a new weapon for Cyrus.

"Wolf's Fang... advanced weapon... should be... useful..." he also pulled out a carton of bullets for him. The gun looked like it had a silver finish. A specialized barrel that looked like it had chains wrapped around it. Finally a wooden handle with a wolf engraving that dangled two links of chain.

Taking the weapon in his hands Cyrus got the details on Wolf's Fang.

[Wolf's Fang: Deals 8 + STR/DEX stat, can be infused with 3 CEP to cause the runes on the weapon's chains to flare up. This does double your base INT stat in damage for the next 2 shots (ignores Enhance bonus). Uses .50GI magnum rounds.]

Taking the bullets which had 24 rounds in it and a spare clip with the box which held 7 bullets. Then Whisper reached into his cloak again and pulled out another Skill Crystal.

"A congratulations... for buying... from me... again..." He handed the Crystal over and then started to descend back into the clouds where he came from. "Shop again... any time..." he left saying with a big smile under his robe's hood. Then he vanished, and Cyrus held a new useful weapon which he equipped.

The weapon took its place just below his lower back, below where his short blade would rest. He would be able to reach it easily with his left hand so it doesn't get in the way with his short blade when he would have it. Chase on the other hand was still baffled by Whisper even coming to them.

"How could Whisper listen to anyone? He never comes out of his shop. Though even when two people are at his shop, he is always at both. He is a mysterious being whoever he is." Chase said resting his hand on his chin thinking. But Cyrus just smiled, allocating his points.

[STR: 12 (6)]

[STM: 12 (6) Phys./Elem. Resistance 12% (6%)]

[INT: 11 (5)]

[HP: 8/30]

[CEP: 18/28]

The moment he put his points into his HP he suddenly felt that burning sensation in his body. Like his arm felt on fire from the inside out. The Unshackling process had begun once again. His hair became tipped with that purple glow, his body felt hot, and his right arm began to crack as lines of purple energy seeped through. He could feel his hand had elongated a little as it turned into a claw.

The shackle had fallen off and revealed the runes beneath. Chase saw all of it, he backed away anticipating that Cyrus had just turned into a deranged beast. But as the transformation had finished, Cyrus got to his feet and looked at himself. Feeling his hand and stretching it then making a fist.


[All CEP abilities are halved rounded up!]

[All Stats double and are at max power.]

[STR: 24 (12)]

[DEX: 20 (10)]

[STM: 24 (12) Phys./Elem. Resistance 54%/29%]

[INT: 22 (11)]

[Because you have reached Shackle of Fenrir lvl 2, you able to use Rampage!]

[6 CEP, Rampage (Unshackled) lvl 1: You create a ring on the ground around you (10m). All enemies within that ring are instantly attacked as you vanish from target to target. Dealing your STR stat in damage. "Enhance (Focus)" for your strength will double this damage.]

Chase asked, "I demand you speak, if you are still conscious speak your mind!" Chase had his attack ready, as Cyrus could feel it coming if he didn't respond. Turning around and raising his hands to show he was still stable.

"I am still here," he said with a slight growl to his "R" sounds. Which had surprised himself, "I am not a beast! This just happens when I get low on health." Cyrus said with honesty, he hoped Chase would listen to him.

Chase lowered his guard and signed, "You scared me to almost a 'second' death." Still cautiously approaching Cyrus, Chase looked at him. "Is this your true form? I've never seen such a transformation before."

Cyrus decided to pull up his status and saw that his race was altered. Instead of just human (???) it read something else.

[Race: Human (Altered Chaos Beast)]

The words worried Cyrus, 'am I a Chaos Beast? But, no that couldn't be right, I haven't lost my sanity or become a Crisis Beast. Instead,' he looked at it again, 'there I am, a beast.'

He had to look passed it as he closed the menu. Looking forward then to Chase, "Shall we continue forward? I want to use this form for as long as possible." The reason he wanted to, was because it made him feel stronger. Made him feel powerful, even though in the back of Cyrus' mind, he knew it made him look like a beast.

Chase led Cyrus to the exit, having the orb in his possession allowed them to progress. They moved through the portal and found themselves in a room with two black suits of armor. They were standing on each side of the door between them. Chase halted which caused Cyrus to stop.

"These knights might react hostel to you Cyrus," Chase explained, "let me try to get them to let you pass." Chase walked forward towards the two knights the visor of their helmets lit up red and the light followed Chase. They were still, but the way their eyes tracked him were like sentinels protecting something incredibly valuable. Which to Chase he knew it was the vault.

"Knights of Galihath, I am Chase Galihath, returning to open the vault of my family. My guest is under my protection and shall not come to harm." His words reached the knights, but they did not move. They stood firm on each side of the door, not moving an inch.

Chase thought it was strange for them to be unmoving, "This is a command from your superior as a Vampire Noble, you will not harm Cyrus Reinhard." Which caused them to shudder, then move to the side in a janky motion rather then a smooth one. Almost like they were resisting to move. Chase called him over, but the way he was gesturing meant for him to be slow.

As Cyrus moved forward their eyes locked onto him. The rattling of their armor as they were told to move and that he was protected by the house of Galihath. Step after step seemed to make the knights seem almost restless. Chase kept an eye on them while heading towards the door. While Cyrus had reached behind his back with his left hand, grabbing the hilt of Wolf's Fang.

That's when the sound of metal stopped, as they had leapt forward. One to Cyrus, while the other to Chase who had his back turned about to touch the door. Chase whipped around with a well placed kick to the Knight's helmet. Cyrus drew his new sidearm, the runes glowed brightly with purple flames. Two shots were fired and made two large holes in the armor blasting through the other side.

The Chaos infused bullets tore whatever was inside apart as he gained more points towards leveling up.

[Beta Black Knight slain! 160 CM points!]

[Beta Black Knight dropped a piece of its armor! Sent to inventory.]

The sound of the body crumpling to the ground and the two craters from the bullets impacting the back wall. The other Knight and Chase had looked at Cyrus, who was surprised by the sudden death of the Knight. He never thought being unshackled and the doubled damage would be so powerful. He understood why the power was sealed as a punishment.

This power of his had once belonged to Fenrir, but passed it onto him. He wondered if one day he could unshackle himself freely. That's when Chase took the opportunity to punch through the chest of the Black Knight and pulled out its Beta Crystal. The shape was more spherical for Advanced tier beasts. The Knight reached for its core then fell down and left behind its armor as it dispersed from within.

Cyrus walked over to Chase, "Why did they attack? If they serve the castle and you, then they shouldn't have attacked right?" Chase just looked down at the armor, holding the sphere in his right hand.

"Something has taken over the castle," Chase looked up as if looking through the many floors, "my father wouldn't allow this to happen." He tossed the sphere to Cyrus, "Seems you get stronger the more you use these, we should go inside, before more show up." He walked over to the door and placed his hand on it. A spike pieced Chase's hand and caused blood to bleed down a section of the door. A magic seal revealed itself and began to unlock the door. "We need all the power and equipment we can carry, I shall gift you anything of your choice and something special."

As the door opened, what they saw were two separated loot piles. One faded and transparent, the other tangible and intact. Cyrus had a guess that the special instance he had entered had caused this. Nothing on the phantom loot seemed to have been touched, even the door had a faded replica still closed. Cyrus watched as he saw Yuri and Samantha looking at the door on their side of reality. Arguing about something before heading to the next floor.

Cyrus turned back to Chase who was looking at the vault. Inside there were tomes, art pieces, statues, a few weapons, armor, gold coins, crystals of various types, and even a chest that shared the same runes from the system. Whatever was in here was going to be useful. Cyrus walked in and looked at the various items.

"Cyrus, come here, I have something to give you before we take from the vault's treasure." Cyrus looked at the chest not to far from his grasp, but he decided it was best to go to Chase before just taking anything. Walking over Chase stood over a pedestal with a book inside a reinforced glass case. However, the book didn't look like any other book he has ever seen. It was black in color with silver metal covering the book's cover, spine, and back. The face had a large protruding oval in the center. The object had a line through it, that is when Chase knocked on the glass.

When he did so, the oval opened into reveal an eye under the object. It looked about before seeing Chase, then looked to Cyrus. Chase snapped his fingers and a magic circle had formed over the glass.

"Grimm," Chase tapped the glass again, "Grimm, you are being given to a new owner for it is time to let you see the world again." The eye on the book blinked, then looked at Cyrus and back to Chase. "Yes, him, you will teach him proper magic and prove an invaluable ally to Cyrus." Grimm, tossed his gaze back on Cyrus who backed up from just the intense stare it was giving him.

"You want me to have this book?" Cyrus pointed to the book in the glass, "I don't think it likes the idea with how its looking at me." The eye then looked back to Chase who smiled, "Why are you smiling?"

"Because you may not believe me, but Grimm used to be a powerful magician who was near his death. My father gave him a chance to live again and learn powerful magics. But the cost was that he forget his own past life, serve my father's family, and be granted eternal life as a living book." Grimm blinked, "I am giving him to you cause I think it was time he left the vault for learning new things about your world and possibly whatever events you come across."

"I don't like the way you're saying that, it sounds like a farewell gift than anything else." Cyrus pointed out, but Chase waved a hand dismissing the comment.

"Not a farewell gift, just a gift, as a token of my thanks and my trust of you." A window popped up in front of Cyrus.

[You have gained the trust of the Galihath Family!]

[The son of Roland Galihath has granted you protection from the denizens of Galihath castle. All residents will know your name and greet you respectfully. You may be asked to return to the castle for a quest or favor in the future if you manage to close the Chaos Tear.]

[New Quest: Save Roland Galihath from ???]

Cyrus looked at Chase with a face of worry, "Chase, I need as much power as I can obtain before we reach the top." The vampire stared at Cyrus with a curious face, "Just trust me and we need to do it as fast as possible."

"I don't understand, what has you in such a desperate mood all of a sudden?" Chase asked while turning to look at Grimm. That is when Chase heard Cyrus speak which made his blood chill.

"Your father is in grave danger..." Chase froze, Grimm blinked and looked at both of them quickly. "We need to get to the top and stop whoever opened this Chaos Tear." Chase inhaled a deep breath, before exhaling.

"Take Grimm and whatever you need, I will grab my treasures and be ready to go." He turned around and didn't look at Cyrus, "Let me know when Grimm accepts you, place your hand on the circle of magic." Then he went to a wardrobe inside the vault, which Chase was happy was in this reality. He opened it and saw his prized gear...