Escape the Blind Crow Hag

Running was all they could do. Cyrus and Chase were being hunted down by the crazed hag. The crashing and banging as she had been flying about the room trying to locate them. While they ran Chase had managed to see a section of covered boxes and dove behind them. Cyrus following right behind, took cover in the boxes as the sound of cawing got louder next to him.

Cyrus panted and looked at Chase who was injured from the creature's attack. "What is this thing? Why is it so strong?"

Chase closed his eyes as he would slowly begin to heal himself, "She is known as the Crow Hag. She is stronger than most creatures as she feeds off the energy a person's body gives off." He points to Cyrus, "That form is like walking by a fresh bakery, she can smell something irresistible."

They sat there and Cyrus thought it would be a good idea to spend a use of healing. He also consumed 2 CEP because of the half cost to increase the heal to bring him to full HP.

[HP: 30/30]

[Chase's HP: 132/250]

Cyrus felt the shackle reform as it blazed to life. He sighed, "Well I guess it's for the best, don't want to die because of her." He peaked his head through cracks and above the boxes. But she just wasn't visible to his eyes. While his senses were overloaded that he couldn't even sense her energy.

"How are we supposed to get out of here?" He then realized, "She has an orb doesn't she?" Chase nodded, which caused Cyrus to groan, angry that they had to find it.

Chase placed a hand on his arm, "Chase, you may have a chance to sneak around. The moment your shackle reappeared, I could find it difficult to feel your presence." He then leaned against the boxes, "If we are to get out of here we need to get the orb that is on her person." Cyrus' heart sank as he knew what he was suggesting.

"You want me to..." the rush of feathers came over them then vanished. "To pickpocket her for the orb? One hit and she'd kill me." But he knew he had to just be careful. It was the only way to get out with their lives. The hag was too fast and too strong to be fought.

'Taurus would have immense difficulty fighting her even with his invulnerability,' Cyrus thought as he watched as a crow landed on a table pecking at a corpse. The woman continued her screeching and taunting as she continued to zip around.

That is when he caught sight of Yuri and Samantha's phantoms duking it out with an alternate version of the hag. They were dodging and bouncing around her using the summon to take the blows for them. Before they managed to grab the orb and run away off to the northern side of the room. He would remember where they ran for it may be the exit.

The woman's voice could be heard again, "Come out dearies, I only want a little taste! I am old and hungry, you wouldn't want an old lady to be hungry would you? Stop making grandma Morgana run around so much!" She then stopped and turned as something hit one of her crows again. She had appeared next to the crow, feeling around with her hands she would brush its feathers.

"Oh my poor baby, what happened?" It was still alive, just stunned by something bonking it in the head. "Don't worry, Mama is here," as she was going to turn around she felt as if there was an empty space behind her. "Whose there?" She turned to feel around at the empty space but it wasn't there anymore.

Cyrus who was right behind her tried to find where the orb was. But it wasn't anywhere he could see on her sides or back. But as she was turning around to find out who was there, he laid flat on the ground. That's when he saw where the orb was. Around her neck was a purple orb that dangled low enough to reach.

'How the hell am I supposed to get that?' Cyrus slowly backed up as the tall woman was searching around for whatever she felt. Having seen where it was he decided to try and lure her attention else where. Tossing a bone to the side made her look away. Cyrus got up and slowly worked his way back to the boxes.

"Cyrus, did you find the orb?" Chase asked having seemed to recovered from his wounds.

"I found it, but it's going to be tough to get it. For it was around her neck," Chase looked over the boxes and slumped. "I think I have a way to distract her long enough to get it, but the problem is how to execute it." Then the flapping of wings landed on the top of the boxes.

They both froze as they looked up seeing the tail of a crow as it had just turned around to peck at a finger. Cyrus looked at his status and pulled up his spells. He could only think of the Ice Shard spell that would be useful in this moment. Before he could act the crow flew off with the finger.

Letting out a breath as they relaxed a little. The sense of danger from just being around birds that the hag could see through was immense. Cyrus laid out his plan of how to acquire the orb, but he knew someone wasn't going to like it.


[Fenrir does not take kindly to be used as bait.]

Fenrir stood in his bipedal form and walked around the room. The smells of corpses didn't bother him not one bit. The only thing that bothered Fenrir was the smells of potions. His eyes darted around as he looked for a bird to walk up. Getting hungry wasn't an issue for Fenrir, it was more out of anger he wanted to eat one.

He couldn't believe he was being used as bait for luring out the hag, but it was a clever plan. Using Fenrir as a summon meant as soon as they had the orb, Cyrus could resuming him back to the shackle. He personally didn't like being owned by anyone, but he had a second chance at gaining strength by supporting Cyrus. After all, he did die and decided to pass on his powers to the boy.

All Fenrir thought while fighting Cyrus some time ago was the fact he could be hidden from the gods. The ones who punished and chained Fenrir to a rock for fear of his power. He could still taste that blade in his mouth, which made him angrier. Spotting a crow who was munching on a finger. Fenrir ran right for it and in one solid chomp of his jaws, killed the crow.

It was a poultry meal, but it was at least what he was tasked to do. That's when the shriek of the hag came barreling towards him. A hand grabbed hold of Fenrir as the monstrous strength of the hag held him in the air.

"YOU... you killed my baby! I could end you right..." she took a whiff of Fenrir as she held him in her hand. "Oh, you don't smell like the boy, but also smell like him. What are you? You feel all fuzzy and soft," the Crow Hag wiggled her long skinny fingers around Fenrir's body.

He took the opportunity to lift his left leg and strike at the rope holding the orb. It detached as fell towards the ground. Below Fenrir, Cyrus was there able to catch the orb before it hit the ground. The Hag took a step forward as she felt Fenrir move in her grip.

"No no no stay still! Moving around ruins the flavor of your energy!" She grabbed him with both hands. Cyrus was having to roll across the ground to avoid getting stepped on. "I must savor the taste of energy for it gives me more strength!" Her mouth opened wide, the crow beak she had was wide enough to eat a man's whole head. Terrible teeth and a tongue that was coated in saliva.

That is when that empty space seemed to exist again. She stopped herself as she felt it move away. But that wasn't the only thing she felt. It was if there was a link between the creature she held in her hands and the empty void.

"What is this?" She followed the line slowly at first, still holding Fenrir. Seeing that it was following Cyrus, Fenrir let out a howl to alert him to the presence of the hag. She dropped Fenrir as the sound had deafened her inside the room. For all her screeching, she was surprisingly receptive to piercing sounds. Fenrir then felt the similar tug that happened as he was returning to the shackle.

'Another chain... but one out of my choice... don't disappoint me child as you and I will do much together." Fenrir had vanished as his essence returned to the shackle of his summoner.


Cyrus felt Fenrir return safety as he was running towards the boxes. He held the orb under his arm before putting it in his inventory. Chase saw that he was running, pointing towards the north. Following his direction Cyrus and Chase booked it to the door. Chase was obviously faster and Cyrus was afraid to use any of his energy in chance of getting discovered further.

"Get back here and become my dinner!" The Crow Hag screeched, running after them. She was able to catch up, but because Cyrus was nearly invisible to her she couldn't get a good guess on where he'd be. Swipe after swipe of her large skinny hands towards Cyrus. He managed to dodge and duck out of the way.

As she was distracted by the empty space she was swiping at, as a low hanging bar had smacked her right in the face. She recoiled and held her beak.

Cyrus and Chase managed to get to the northern section of the room. Finding a door there they pushed on it which caused it to open. The portal inside the door had allowed them to pass with the orb. As they pushed through, the collapsed onto a wooden floor.

Cyrus looked up to see a familiar shadow, it was Whisper, they made it to his shop.