Haunted Blade

Shards of ice rained down from the sky like glistening tears meant to punish the wicked. Leaving behind these spears to lodge themselves into the marble floor. Thomas the vampire corrupted by shadow was dodging the shards with ease. His taunts towards the mage casting them were making the eye on Grimm to squint.

Grimm kept leading Thomas, besides his infuriation at the young master, he decided to follow the order given by Cyrus. Visne had been spraying their goo everywhere to keep the shield up for as long as possible. Weakening the shield's defensive capabilities so that their master could make a swift strike. Cyrus was ready, pulling out the Withered Dragon Sword which increased his stats again. His strength felt powerful while his Intelligence helped increase his reaction speed and the power of the spells. Grimm's shards got slightly larger from the sudden boost. Cyrus moved closer which allowed him to be in just the right spot.

Thomas had finally reached the pillar Cyrus was standing at. Using his power increase to preform as many Bleeding Edge's as possible. From his attacks came out of no where. Even the shadow's eyes widened as 3 quick shallow slashes nicked his skin. But right before Thomas could react, Cyrus was already moving thanks to his enhanced reaction time. His speed might be under classed compared to Chase and Thomas, but his reaction time made up for it.

Dodging only barely as he could see the attack coming as it moved in almost regular speed in his perceived time. Chase was amazed that Cyrus hadn't gotten hit yet, but he knew it wouldn't be long before his friend did. Running behind Thomas Chase raised his sword and sent an attack that went for his head but circled about in a blur to slash at his side. Metal grinding against metal was heard as the sword from his sheath had flown out and intercepted the attack. Cyrus and Chase were no worried for the weapon was able to keep pace with Chase.

Cyrus had to use every ounce of power and focus he had to make sure he could keep landing hits with the Bleeding Edge and dodging the attacks coming his way. Grimm kept making it difficult for the shadow to pay attention to one person as the eyes had to watch all the Ice Shards that were being produced. Which was no problem for the grimoire as it had no issues of running low on magical power. For it had no physical body limitation to prevent it from casting spells of low level. The problem with the form was that it was even weaker than the human body.

Cyrus could tell that Thomas was getting annoyed by the small cuts on his body not healing properly until after a few seconds apart from one another. As his face had contorted from confidence to frustration. That is when a open up his guard to then release a torrent of shadow whips around his body. Causing Cyrus and Chase to back away.

"That is it! I am done playing games!" The shadows around the area seemed to be gathering around Thomas and surround his body. He had become a massive ball of darkness, not allowing Cyrus or Chase to approach. Not even their magic seemed to get through the wall. Deciding to regroup and retreat, Cyrus called back Grimm and Visne. With his summons returned and the two having retreated to cover, he could feel the power boost having run out.

"We need to do something about that shadow, if we can separate it from him somehow I am all ears." Cyrus wanted to know if there was a way to get the shadow off of him. Thomas was Chase's older brother, if he had to fight his sister because of something like this. He would do whatever it takes to save her.

"There is a way, but I don't have any with me." Chase responded looking defeated.

"What is it that we need?"

Chase sighed, "We would need Aurora Stones and to get one into his body. But Aurora Stones are incredibly rare and I don't think anyone has one." Cyrus thought for a moment, thinking if there was any way to claim one.

That is when he had an idea, "Hold him off for as long as you can, shouldn't take 2 minutes." Chase nodded and pulled out his book. Reading from it Cyrus saw the armor and weapon glint more than usual. Chase had enhanced his weapons and armor with magic.

"You will have those two minutes, better hurry." Chase went out and taunted his brother. "You think hiding behind that shadow power makes you worthy of being the next head?" Cyrus could them hear them back and forth. While crossing blades and sounds of rubble flying everywhere.

Cyrus held out a coin and called for Whisper. Once again those dark clouds appeared on the ground as the tall figure became visible.

"You... called?" Whisper asked, holding out his hand.

"Do you happen to have an Aurora Stone by any chance?" Cyrus watches Whisper actually had to think for a moment. Placing his bony hand to his where his chin should be. Reaching inside the cloak he pulled out a glowing stone that seemed to contain a part of the Northern Lights inside it.

"Rare... item... trying to... save Thomas?" Whisper held it out, "5000... save him... I shall give... reward..." Cyrus handed the coin over without hesitation. As the last coin touched Whisper's hand the stone was added to his inventory. Pulling out a slip of paper and handing it to Cyrus

"Keep it... see me again... give back..." Then he dissolved back into the clouds and vanished. As he vanished Cyrus pocketed the paper and went out to look and see the fight. Chase had been cut up severely, while Thomas looked a little winded. The bleeding effect from him had done good work, but it wouldn't have worked completely.

Thomas called out, "Did your human run off to hide?" Chase had several cuts and bruises that were slowly healing but not fast enough. "Brother join me, this is your last chance.

Chase shook his head, "Never, shall I forsake my friends for power. Mother would want me, want us to stay true to who we are. This," he gestured to the shadow on his arm, "this isn't you."

"But it is me! I have always sought for power and recognition!" Chase just smiled, "Why are you smiling?"

"Because, you said you were looking for recognition. Meaning you were looking for acceptance from people that you were strong enough to become the next leader." Thomas gritted his teeth and swore at Chase.

"You don't know what you're talking about, how could you understand? The shadow offered me power to be recognized as a threat to all who would oppose me."

Chase shook his head and lowered his guard, "But that isn't my brother who I knew a long time ago. Someone who was kind, played dirty out of fun when we sparred, loved to visit mother's grave, and shed tears together knowing we will never see her again." Chase looked at Thomas, "Where is my brother? I want to be able to be there for him when I couldn't all those years ago."

Cyrus came walking up behind Chase and placed a hand on him. Using the Sacrifice healing magic to lower his own HP to 9 points left. Causing his body to change and alter again. The shackle had cracked and fallen off, blazing out of existence in purple flames. Chase looked at Cyrus who nodded to him telling him he got it.

"Don't worry, we will bring him back." Cyrus said to Chase, looking over to Thomas who was surprised at what he saw. "Thomas, I know your true self is still in there, fighting for control from the shadow. It has poisoned your mind and impacted your soul." Cyrus held out the Aurora Stone in his left hand.

"How did you get that?" Thomas backed up a little, "Those aren't supposed to appear for another 10 years!"

Cyrus just smiled, "I have a friend who loves money that has given me the chance to save you. I hope you're ready," Cyrus clutched the stone. "Oh and to make this interesting, all you have to do to kill me right now is hit me once. You're strong enough to do that, while all I have to do is get this inside your body. So want to play a game of cat and mouse?" Thomas' face changed when he heard how weak Cyrus was.

"You are going to be the mouse then, cause if you're weak," shadows began to surround Thomas, "you will die!" He then changed Cyrus. Using his Enhance Skill (Focus) he decided to go with his reaction speed again. Now having an increased power of his INT stat. He believed that his Shackles of Pain may help slow Thomas down.

"Shackles of Pain!" Fiery chains began to wrap up Thomas' legs, arms and body. The fire that was covering them searing the shadow. While he was suspended in the air, his power was halved and couldn't move.

"What is this?" Thomas demanded, trying to break free from the chains. The shadows on his body retreated from the flames as they were causing significant damage. Thomas let out a cry of pain and anger.

"Your brother is right, you do want power to be recognized. But you don't have to lose your sanity for it. Power always comes at a cost, even mine. Yours will tear you and your desire to be leader apart." Cyrus didn't approach Thomas with the stone yet, for he new he was going to break out. Instead backing away and creating some space.

That is when the sword from the sheath came flaying at him. His timing had to be perfect as he expected it sooner. But he dodged it by flipping backward, doing a backhand spring. Drawing his blade Cyrus crossed swords with it. He could feel its power even when blocking the attacks with his double strength.

Cyrus knew he had to slow down the sword as well as Thomas. He decided to use the Shackles of Pain on the sword, allowing Thomas to be freed. Having his power back Thomas came over to Cyrus with incredible speed. But still managing to dodge it from his Focus on his INT stat.

A flurry of claw strikes and the shadow becoming a whip like attack from his left arm. It was difficult to dodge its attacks, but he had to keep moving. The sword was locked in place and couldn't move. The halved stats on it prevent any escape. Although Thomas was being careless in his strikes, attacking wildly.

"Just die already!" Thomas roared, the eyes on his arm were straining to stay focused on Cyrus. But what he found interesting was every time the shadow went to attack him. The eyes would close, giving him a small window of opportunity to possibly strike. Cyrus had to be brave and stupid to do what he was about to do.

"Enhance (Focus) Resistance!" As he did that, the attacks were coming in quickly. But he had already went for his own attack when the whip came in. Thomas saw as a chain came out of Cyrus' hand and attempted to back away, but instead it pierced his body and drew him closer.

As the shadow's whip hit Cyrus, he was left with a single hit point. At the same time, Cyrus used all his strength to slam the Aurora Stone into the chest of Thomas' body. The eyes of the his arm began to open as the stone entered his body.

"AAAAAARRRRRRRHHHHHH!" The shadow and Thomas screamed as the stone began to react. The shadow covering Thomas' arm was twitching and bubbling as it was trying to resist the effects. But it resisted more and more, parts of Thomas were reverting back to normal. His face had the shadow dissolve away revealing both his eyes.

The effect traveled down his arm as the shadows tried to make one final attack against Cyrus. However, it was slowing down, moving slower and slower as it reached out to touch Cyrus. Just before it did the shadow dissolved, showing Thomas' arm completely freed from the corruption. Removing his hand from Thomas' chest as there seemed to be no shadow remaining. The stone came with and still had its glow, although faint.

Chase ran forward and caught Thomas who was falling to the ground. "Thomas, Thomas I am here! Answer me!"

With a weak smile and his eye slightly open, he managed to say, "Hey little brother, when did you get some good friends?" He chuckled and closed his eyes. Chase looked at Cyrus and place his hand on his brother's chest.

"Please don't be dead, don't be dead!" Chase begged, while Cyrus used his Heal spell to wrap Thomas' body in green chains. Healing his wounds and closing anything that could proved deadly. Watching this, Chase looked to Cyrus who looked exhausted.

"He will be fine, only unconscious." Cyrus could feel the life energy still within Thomas even before he healed him. Turning his eyes to the sword still bound by his chains. He walked over and looked at it. From the sword itself, it seemed to radiate that same dark shadow that possessed Thomas.

"So you're the one that started it," Cyrus held the stone and placed it on the sword. The room began to rumble and shake. The orb stuck in the statue's hands came loose, crashing to the ground. A scream of pain coming from the sword as a dark force left it. However, not all of it left. Some still remained but weakened.

Cyrus knew what he had to do and he didn't like it. He placed his right hand sword's grip and got that familiar notification.

[Warning! Shadow attempting to invade your body!]

[System refused possession, would you like to consume the shadow within the sword?]

Cyrus agreed and could feel as chains came from his arm wrapped around the blade. It began to draw it in and the he could feel the essence of the shadow being devoured.

[2 points of INT added!]

[You have successfully claimed a new summon!]

[Haunted Blade, Delrune added to summons]

Chase had looked up to see the whole thing as Cyrus himself was surprised that this would be a summon. Turning around and walking over to the orb and picking it up, he had acquired the Orb of Blood. Upon doing so, the blood pouring from the eyes of the statue began to change. Instead of red, it became clear and pure water. The blood in the pool below the statue also reverted back to the natural look it had.

"Well, this makes the statue a much more fitting beauty." He decided to bow and pay his respects to the lady of the castle. Then he felt a gentle hand touch his cheek.

[You have gained favor with the spirit of Celeste Galihath]

[A blessing has been given to you as well as a message.]

He decided to open the message in his notifications.

["Oh Child of the Devourer, thank you for saving my sons. Take my blessing that shall give you a new ability. Please tell my sons that their mother loves them and has watched over them even after my death. Now, please save my husband from the shadows of this place. Thank you..."]

With that, the feeling of the hand on his cheek had vanished. A tear had come out of his right eye as he felt his heart ache.

[Blessing of Purity: Your body now has a high resistance to being corrupted. You can tolerate consuming the Shadows.]

[Use the new ability "Hand of Purity" to also cure those infected by the shadows.]

Wiping away the tear he turned around and walked over to Chase and Thomas. Chase looked at Cyrus who seemed to radiate a slight glow before it faded. Cyrus sat down and started to heal himself. Using an enhanced heal to give him full health in one go. His form reverted and the shackle returned to reduce his power.

Thomas began to stir as he opened his eyes, "Where... am I?" He looked about and saw Chase and then a human sitting not to far away. "Chase, why is a human in our castle?"

Chase smiled with a tear in his eye, "That human, is Cyrus Reinhard, the one who saved you from the shadows." Thomas looked at Cyrus, who waved with the shackle on his wrist. Thomas slowly sat up and then got on his knees and bowed low to the ground.

"Thank you for saving my life, Cyrus Reinhard. I am deeply sorry for the trouble I have cause you both." Cyrus stood and walked over and held out his hand. Thomas looked up and took his hand.

Helping Thomas up he nodded, "You did a number on your brother more than me. I am just happy to have helped you both out." With that he noticed his notifications again revealed that the quest to save Thomas has been completed. This included the rewards from the quest.

[Rewards for saving Thomas Galihath!]

[For defeating the Alpha Shadow and claiming the Haunted Sword, Delrune. You and all summons receive 2540 Chaos Meter, 10,000 coins, and 10% affinity to the Slayer's Short Blade.]

Cyrus looked at the rewards and felt the surge of power as his level increased to 16, gaining 4 points. As well as the metamorphosis of his summons. His power just made a drastic jump.

[Shackle of Fenrir has reached Level 3]