The Sword’s Will

Pressure could be felt all around Cyrus as I've gravity was closing around his body. The very presence of the dragon in the dark room was intense. The dragon's eyes never blinked, just a never ending stare as it evaluated him. Not a word was spoken, no one moved. Just the sound of silence and of calm breathing.

Cyrus looked at the blade, the low glow from the eyes were still there. Just watching him as they remained silent. Until the dragon finally blinked, moving its head to raise above Cyrus. From within his mind a whisper came as a deep low voice.

'You, great summoner, Inheritor, human of Earth. Why have you called me here? You wish to speak with me?' Cyrus remained calm as best he could. Delrune continued, 'What do you hope to gain from seeking me out?'

Out loud in the dark room Cyrus said back, "I wish to understand you. Who and what you are, though I see you were once a dragon." Delrune blinked and lowered its head to be next Cyrus' face.

'I am a dragon, the fierce Er'Delrune! A dragon who would feed on the blood of my victims to gain strength.' Then he pulled back and got quiet again, 'but I was defeated and my body was used to forge this weapon. My essence remained in the blade as I was passed down from generation to generation of warriors.' The sword floated down and stuck itself into the darkened ground.

'I gained strength and knowledge of the humans who used me. Some good souls who fought evil creatures. While some used me for evil deeds and massacred thousands of humans.' Cyrus felt bad that Delrune was used in such a way. But the dragon growled, 'Don't feel pity for me! I am nothing but a tool now rather than the dragon I once was.'

However, Cyrus didn't feel that from the conversation they were having. "I don't think you're just a tool, yes I have used you like a weapon cause I didn't know your soul was linked to the blade. I am sorry for mistreating you," but he was stopped by a low rumble as Er'Delrune laughed.

'Child of man, you have not shown me any mistreatment. You have allowed me to slay beasts and feast on their essence. I have yearned for that taste again, but I was trapped and corrupted by shadows. Thanks to you, I was freed from that cage and will serve you willingly.' Er'Delrune moved its head close to Cyrus again.

With a gentle tap of his snout to Cyrus' forehead, a sudden energy pulsed through his body. The blade that was stuck in the ground began to morph and change. The dragon head symbol now uncoiled out to form the handle. The mouth of the dragon allowed the indentation to enter or leave from the mouth. The blade itself became longer and more narrow, almost looking like the point of a spear but 2m in length. The wings of the dragon spread out and formed a guard while the tail became a sharpened point. While the body of the dragon coiled around the handle it fit to his hand like a custom made design.

As Er'Delrune pulled away it grinned, showing a missing fang, 'I have unlocked the weapons form for you. You have my trust and full devotion to your goals. Just remember to share in the bloodshed with me as your weapon.' Cyrus looked at the new Look for Delrune, but since of meeting the dragon within. Cyrus decided to call it by its full name, Er'Delrune.

As he nodded, Cyrus opened his eyes to find that the sword truly did change. He held it in his hand and saw that it's stats changed. Noticing that the pool of health it can take from him increased to 20. While Lord's Call changed to Master's Call allowing him to have weapons magically manifest to his hand rather than fly to it.

[Er'Delrune (True Form)]

[Dragon's Soul: When HP is consumed, an aspect of the Er'Delrune will attack with you. Dealing damage based of your INT stat.]

This was an unexpected addition he was happy to see. Knowing he is only getting stronger, but in his mind he just thought it was almost too quick. The system was handy and the powers he got were good to have and allowed him to survive. Cyrus just felt it was too fast, which bothered him a little.

As Godfrey had witnessed the blade change in Cyrus' lap, he knew he did it. Putting his hand on Cyrus' shoulder he smiled, "Good job lad, you were able to commune with Delrune and have unlocked its true potential. Now, you must try it with the Slayer's Blade. Though I think you'll find more resistance with that one." Cyrus nodded, for they all claim it was an heirloom of his family name. Though it could have been a different Reinhard family to begin with.

But he had to find out, dismissing Delrune as he attempted to focus on the Slayer's Blade. When he closed his eyes and focused on picturing the blade he found himself not in a dark room. Instead he found himself in a cottage, out in the middle of nowhere. Inside was a fire warming up the room, while what he assumed was a man covered in a white hooded robe.

The man looked up and saw Cyrus standing there, before returning his gaze to the table in front of him. On that table, laid the Slayer's Blade, broken. Looking upon the broken blade Cyrus felt sad to see it in that state. As he approached the table the person looked up and saw Cyrus sit down in the opposite chair.

"What do you want?" The person's voice was overlapped with both male and female voices. "Why have you come to this place?" It felt like a broken record with the weapons as Er'Delrune asked similar questions. Cyrus looked at the hooded individual, trying to find out who they were.

"I have come to gain more affinity with the Slayer's Blade. I also want to know if my family is the one who used it in ages past." The figure turned its gaze to the broken weapon. Seeing as some of it had reformed and was slowly rebuilding itself. Returning to Cyrus, the figure seemed to only look depressed or lost.

"Ask three questions, I will answer what I can." The hooded figure said, waving a hand in front of him. Cyrus thought for a moment, wanting to make sure he had these questions wouldn't be wasted.

"Am I tied to the owners of this blade?" The figure looked at Cyrus intently though he could see no eyes under the hood. There was a brief pause before the man held out his hand, beckoning Cyrus to approach. He did so and the man grasped both his hands and looked at them. The figure traced his finger along Cyrus' hand and nodded.

"You do hold the line of Reinhards, however, over the ages it seems like the line grew weak. They seem to have almost faded into memory, lost to the threads of fate and time." The figure released his left hand and then looked to his right seeing the shackle. "Ah, so you do possess a power to rival many great beings, a trait that is only passed down once every few thousand years."

[Affinity to the Slayer's Blade increased by 10%]

Cyrus saw the notification as the figure looked up and nodded, "Yes, seems it also tracks our connection to you." Letting Cyrus go and allowing him to return to his seat. All Cyrus could do was stare at the person in front of him. For it seemed to know and see the windows that pop up for him. Waving its hand again, "Ask your second question."

Cyrus thought for a brief moment before asking, "What happened to you?" The figure looked at the blade for a good long time.

"After my last owner was killed in battle, not a good man but not a bad one either. He was following his desires and thought that he could take on the world with me in his hands. He happened across Castle Galihath hand fought his way to the top. Thinking that if he managed to kill the lord of the castle he could make it his own." The figure paused, looking at the fire.

"But he soon happened across a woman that would make fall in love. However, little did he know that the woman was already married and sired children of her own. This left destroyed and plotted to free the woman believing she was bewitched. He fought the lord and lost. Died for not listening and heeding the words of those around him." Looking down the figure then turned to the sword on the table.

"We broke the connection to the family after we were taken. For we did not wish to be wielded by foolish owners who thought death and violence was the option for every fight. Though not shying away from it either." The hooded figure stood from the table, "Ask your last question."

This time, Cyrus didn't hesitate on asking his final question, "How can I save Roland Galihath?" The figure froze, the fire stopped mid motion, and the air stood still. Moving very slowly towards Cyrus, the figure picked up the sword's hand and broken blade.

"You ask how to save a creature of death and Chaos, why?" It held the broken blade in its hand.

"Because, what is happening to this world and mine is going to tear apart the fabric of reality. But that is not all, I have seen the shadow's desire to infect all the worlds of Chaos and Order. I wish to stop that and free them all from this terrible darkness." Cyrus clenched his fist, he honestly did want to save them all. But how he was going to do it was impossible to know at this point.

"That is a nearly impossible goal to obtain, you can't save everyone." The figure gripped the sword tightly.

"Even if I can't no one else knows about this and I am human, we make dumb choices and actions without thought or reason. We just try, not much else we can do." With a silence that washes over them, the figure sets the blade on the table again. Then looking towards Cyrus it nodded.

"Hmm then if you wish try, then you'll need all the help you can get. Show us your conviction and devotion to your word. Show us the impossible," as it said that, Cyrus was booted from the space and returned to his body. Gasping for air as he found himself back in the marble room.

Godfrey looked at Cyrus with worry, "Lad you okay?" He was going to place a hand on Cyrus but looked down in his lap. He saw a sword, silver in color with a platinum blade. The hilt had a black leather strap with symbols matching the ones on Cyrus' shackle. It seemed as if the blade was matching his attributes. As it finished morphing it had the symbol of the Fenrir, a chained wolf, on the pummel of the handle. While the guard changed and was wrapped in duel chain.

With the blade now finally finished morphing Cyrus could see that he now had 100% affinity with the Slayer's Blade. However, it wasn't called that anymore. It's name changed to fit Cyrus as a person and what he was.

[Inheritor's Chained Blade]

[Deals 24 + STR in Longsword Form]

[While Cyrus Reinhard wields this sword it takes on the main aspect of the current Shackle. As well as regenerates CEP while equipped.]

[Shackle of Fenrir lvl 3: Your attack strikes three times with a phantom Blade.]

Cyrus picked up the blade and hovered the tip over the water. It began to float as the tip was gliding across its surface. Moving towards the center of the fountain it stopped as water didn't pour down the blade. Instead it actually was traveling up the blade. The water covering the sword and drained the pool. As the water was drained a ball of pure white formed in the pool like a tear drop from its tip.

The orb was as big as a baseball, when he acquired it the system called it the "Orb of Purity". He nodded to the rest of the group as he used Master's Call to summon the weapon to his hand. On the leather it had the engravings of the name Fenrir on it. He thought it was interesting and a unique weapon to have. It's platinum blade glistened in the light.

"Only one more, then we can open the door to Roland Galihath." They all nodded and passed through the next door.