The Top of Castle Galihath

Godfrey hefted the axe over his shoulder while looking at Cyrus. His eyes drifted to the clumps of armor that lay in front of Cyrus. Before he could say anything to congratulate Cyrus. He noticing the humans that were beginning to stir. Yuri was the first to awaken, Cyrus felt it was unnecessary for his superiors to know that he had these powers.

He decided to use Vexxitiz's armor power to create a dark cloth that shrouded his features. The shadows wrapped around his neck and then swirled up his head. As well as creating an fully armored right arm to hide the shackle. As Yuri blinked to find four unrecognizable people in front of him. His eyes drifted from Godfrey, to Thomas, then Chase, and finally Cyrus. Though thanks to Vexxitiz's shadows he wasn't recognized.

Yuri asked, "Who are you? What's your names and ranks?" He wanted to figure out if they were part of the F.O.G. like he was, or if they were part of another organization. "Are you from The Heretics? Regal Crown? The Reapers? Answer me!" He watched as the three handsome looking humans all turned to the hooded one.

He couldn't tell who it was for it seemed like shadows were completely covering his face. The man walked over to Yuri and his voice was slightly deeper than usual. It was a unnerving to Yuri that he couldn't defeat the possessed White Knight but they could.

The cowled man then kneeled down next Yuri, "You have nothing to worry about, we don't work under any corporation or group that has entered the Chaos Tear." Yuri now came to the conclusion that the man in front of him had come from Earth. Though Yuri was still unsure why someone not affiliated to any group would enter of their own free will. They wouldn't get paid unless they were contracted by the Chaos Regulations Group.

"You should get out of here as soon as you can." The man said, standing up from the ground.

Yuri shook his head, "I can not leave yet, I must clear the Chaos Tear. I have to make sure our leader hasn't fallen to the corruption of that creature!" This caused Cyrus to freeze for a brief moment. That was a possibility, for the leader of the Fenrir Operations Group was known to not leave his office except for certain days. But he never really was privileged to know those days.

"I can not retreat back until this Tear closes." That is when Cyrus held up a hand silencing Yuri.

"You should first be concerned with your subordinate who I had my compatriots protect as I dealt with the Shadows." Godfrey shrugged as he pointed to the woman beside Yuri.

"You're lucky we made it in time to save you, show some respect and dignity to those who lended you a hand." Yuri turned to look at Samantha having now seen that her wound had been healing slowly. Nearly closed by now, she was slowly waking up.

Samantha's eyes fluttered open as she looked up to find a beautiful man before her eyes. Chase looked at her and she him, their eyes met. "Who are you?" She asked, reaching up to his face. His face felt so smooth, but somewhat cool to the touch. Then she hissed in pain as her gut felt like it was itching from the inside and out.

Chase placed his hand on hers and then pulled it away, "Ma'am you must rest. You are safe for now, the shadow is gone." His gentle voice in here ears just made her quiet and nod slowly. She was entranced by the man's looks that it was almost impossible to turn away. Chase noticed she was staring awfully long at him and he assumed it was because of his natural charm.

Cyrus walked towards the door and touched it with his hand. Yuri behind him yelled, "We weren't able to open the door, it looks like it needs some sort of keys." As Cyrus touched it, the notification popped up.

[Would you like to unlock the final Gate?]

He selected, "yes," and the orbs began to manifest from his inventory to float around him. Orbiting his body as they began to spread out. Each of the orbs aligned with a open cavity shaking wildly as they slammed into the holes.


Over and over again until all 10 orbs were in place. Yuri couldn't believe it as he saw the door twist and shift as mechanical parts were exposed briefly. Moving parts of the door to bring all the orbs into a circular formation. A light started shining through them as a portal tore open, leaking dark energy from it. Yuri and Samantha saw its intense nature. While Samantha saw her white Knight's armor on the ground.

"Did that man defeat my guardian?" Chase nodded, while standing up to walk over to Cyrus.

"We can back you up," but Cyrus shook his head. Chase placing a hand on his shoulder.

"If I have you come with, you may accidentally get corrupted like your father. I don't want that to happen, so I must face him alone as I can't get corrupted by the shadows." Chase looked at the cowl that Cyrus had and the dark gauntlet that covered his shackle. Wondering why it had similar energies to the Shadows but wasn't the same.

"Then answer me this," he paused and pointed to the gauntlet, "is this a summon?" Cyrus nodded. He let Cyrus go and backed away allowing him to step through. He knew it was true that the shadows could possess him and anyone else that went through. Chase was still curious as to how he was resistant to being corrupted unlike most creatures of Chaos and other humans. Though the shadows that covered him made him uneasy, but it didn't seem like he was corrupted at all.

"Good luck, see you when you get back." Chase said, giving Cyrus a bow. The others did the same as Yuri and Samantha were unsure as to who that person was. They watched as the mysterious figure went through the dark gate without any support.

"Who was that and why didn't any of you go with him?" Samantha asked, looking to Chase. Yuri had the same question but he remained quiet for she asked the two big ones.

Chase turned around as the portal remained open behind him, "That is one of the rare individuals who protect your world and ours. He is one of the Inheritors, the ones who will protect the worlds of Earth and of Order and Chaos." Yuri looked towards the portal and then to the rest of the three.

"What is his name?" He asked, trying to figure out who it was. But they would not answer, if Cyrus wanted to tell them he would have, but he wasn't here so they all decided to keep it quiet. Yuri had to them just wait till this Inheritor to defeat the boss of the Tear.


Before the gate was opened, before Cyrus even touched the door. The throne room was covered in bookshelves and computer terminals, a mix of Earth's and the Chaos world's convergence. Deep inside the throne room a man protected by a barrier of blue energy. He looked as tendrils of black ooze covered the barrier attempting to break it. The man could feel pain as his blood had been spilling from a missing arm that had yet to heal. His eyes fixated on beasts that seemed not of his home or that of any kind he has seen before. The man scowled, trying not to lose consciousness as he saw a large man. Standing about 6 foot 4inches where the beasts were all surrounding the man.

Watching the injured man inside the barrier panting and holding his arm. The beasts would attack the barrier, bouncing off of it as they were thrown backwards. The tall figure standing in the middle of the room smiled, half his face had gnarled teeth, a pointed ear, and eyes on the right side of his body.

"It's only a matter of time," the man said, his voice having a slight echo on top of his like that of a beast man. He laughed as the barrier was cracking under the assault from the beasts and by the ooze. "We can't wait for you to join us, you'll be such a great meal to feast on." He laughed again before the sound of the door behind him coming to life. It clanked and whirled to life as a portal opened leading to the throne room. From it, the man with beasts could smell something coming. It smelled of a human, but also the smell of something else. As he looked, a figure clothed in a black long coat, a hooded black cowl, a gun in his left hand, and a sword in his right hand. In stepped Cyrus, ready to fight free the world of Chaos from the threat of the Shadows.