Cyrus Reinhard Status

Level: 25

Chaos Meter (CM): 5,850/12,000

Hit Points (HP): 98/98

Chaos Energy Points (CEP): 107/107

Order Energy Points (OEP): 107/107

Strength (STR): 26 (13) + 1.56

Dexterity (DEX): 26 (13) + 1.56

Stamina (STM): 26 (13) + 1.56

Intelligence (INT): 30 (15) + 1.8

Attribute Points (AP): 0

Skill Points (SP): 32

Rune Coins: 584,329

Loyalty Boost (2% per follower): 6%

[Loyalty grants a .2% boost to all stats depending on the number of your loyal followers.]


"Crystal Eater": 2 stat points to all stats per tier of Crystal used. 5min duration, 12hr reset time.

"Inspiring Leader": When your followers are within earshot or can see you, their stats go up by 1/4 of their total power. Can only be triggered once per day and lasts 10 minutes. This rounds down to the nearest stat.


Gamma Crystals: 22

Delta Crystals: 13

Beta Crystals: 5

Alpha Crystals: 4

Superior Crystals: 1

Unique Crystals: 0


Beretta 9mm Pistol

Short blade (electrified)

Wolf's Fang (Magnum .50GI)


Corrupted Essence of the White Knight (5 days)

Mutilamposaurus Crystal

Skull of Hur'Drazul - Cici currently has it


Fafnir's Sword (1/3)

Inheritor's Chained Blade (100% affinity)

Unknown Gun (3/4)

Summons (6/20)

Fenrir, the Chained Devourer of Worlds (Beta)

Fafnir, the Dragon of Greed (Delta)

Visne, the Withered Dragon (Beta)

Grimm, the Arch Mage (Beta Grimoire)

Er'Delrune, the Awakened Blade (Beta)

Vexxitiz, the Shadow Within (Beta)

???, ??? ??? ???

Lesser Summons

Holy Knights 5/5

Lesser Wolves 6/6

Undead 13/13


Fenrir: 40% of max HP

Fafnir: Spend 100,000 Rune Coins

Healing per day:

Shackled: 20/20

Unshackled: 20/20

Norse Shackles:

Shackle of Fenrir: level 3, 40% of Max HP to activate "Rage of Fenrir". (60% max)

Shackle of Fafnir: level 1, Spending threshold for Dragon's Greed is 100,000 Rune Coins (25,000 max threshold)

Shackle of ???: level 1, ???

Shackle of ???: level 1, ???

??? Shackles:

Shackle of ???: level 1, ???

Shackle of ???: level 1, ???

Shackle of ???: level 1, ???

Resistances (always based on half STM stat):

Physical Base: 10%

Elemental Base: 10%

With armor bonus: +15%

Physical: 25%

Elemental: 25%

Unshackled Bonus: 30%

(SP in front of the name of the skill is what it takes to level up the ability, when upgraded, the cost of Skill Points for each skill doubles from the previous unlock. Though some abilities do not require more Skill Points as they will upgrade when the story permits it.)


Enhance: 2 CEP, Doubles all stats when Shackled, doesn't stack when Unshackled as it is in constant effect.

Enhance (Focus): 4 CEP, Pick an attribute as it will impact a part of the body that will register the effect.

Example (These are but a few of the options to Cyrus):

STR Focus - Double melee damage, double lifting, jumping, or throwing power.

DEX Focus - Doubles running speed, attack speed increased, evasion increased, or better accuracy.

STM Focus - Doubles resistances, increases breath capacity, natural healing by 1 HP per second for 1 minute, or suppress poisons in the body.

INT Focus - Increased reaction speed, slow down perception of time, mental resilience, or process information quickly.

Shackle Enhance: Every new Shackle acquired increases HP/CEP/OEP base by 20 points including all points now add 3 to the total. (Current total Shackles: 2; Added HP: 3)

20 SP, Devour level 2: Devour the Chaos Energy from dead Chaos Beasts within 10m. Regenerates 4 CEP per Chaos Beast. Higher tier creatures at 4 more points per tier above Gamma.

8 SP, Shackles of Pain level 2: (Level 1) Cause a target to be slowed and have half their stats. Duration and durability depend on INT stat. (Level 2) When "Unshackled" the target is frozen in place and takes Fire damage based on half your INT stat.

20 SP, Devouring Chain level 2: A flaming chain comes out of your hand and is launched towards a target. Pulls them closer by 6m and absorbs 3 CEP from them.

12 SP, Gather Chaos level 2: You can gather surrounding Chaos to replenish your CEP by meditating for 10 minutes. Every 8 minutes you regain 15 CEP. (Level 5: 2 minutes, 25 CEP)

32 SP, Chaotic Enhancement level 1: 20 CEP, empower your whole body with the power of Chaos, allowing you to gain 1 additional aspect of your Enhance (Focus) ability. (Max 5, Allows for the use of other Focused Attributes.)

25 SP, Broken Chains level 1: For half your CEP you can break your shackle and enter your Unshackled form depending on your current shackle for 30 seconds. (Max: 2 minutes and only 10% of your CEP spent; Not owned)

50 SP, Demonic Aspect level 1: ??? (Not Owned)

(Abilities from martial and ranged skills are upgraded from use, so they will upgrade when I feel it necessary)

Martial Skills:

Bleeding Edge level 2 (Swords/Daggers): Your attacks leave behind wounds that cause the target to bleed profusely. Dealing 2% every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Heavily armored or physically resistant foes will prevent this attack.

Unarmed Strikes level 1 (Bare fists): Your constant training of your body and CQC combat has yielded progress. When striking something with your fists, you deal 1.2x your STR stat.

Impact Strike level 1 (Bare Fists): 5 CEP/OEP each, Gathering power into your fist, the impact against a target or object is hit with the force of a 2 cannonballs. The Impact Strike deals 3x your STR stat and knocks a creature one category larger than you 10ft. Objects like metal doors, concrete walls, and other objects get dented or destroyed.

Ranged Skills:

Empower Shot: Empower your weapon with an element. Allowing your next clip to hold that energy type.


Critical Shot: When you shoot a target's weak spot, they receive double damage.

Medium Range Weapons:


Long Range Weapons:


Order Skills:

8 SP, Barrier level 2: Erect a barrier of hexagonal shapes that protects you from attacks and spells effects in front of you. However, will drain your OEP quickly if sustaining damage. The amount taken is 25% of the total damage of a single hit or effect. Damage that has a lasting effect will continuously take more OEP damage. (Max: 10% OEP used)

12 SP, Meditation level 2: Allows you to focus on your inner energy and recover your OEP while you meditate. Regenerates 15 OEP after 8 minutes. (Max OEP regen 25, time 2 minutes)

8 SP, Radiant Light level 1: 6 OEP per minute, having this ability up creates an aura of light that protects you from creatures of darkness and purifies the air around you within 5m. Damage based on half your INT stat. (Max range 20m, costs 1 OEP less per level, and deals full INT damage when at Max level)

32 SP, Weapon of Light level 2: 6 OEP, Conjure 2 weapon of light you can wield or have it fight with you. It takes the shape of a weapon of your choice with its basic weapon property of Piercing, Slashing, or Blunt damage. (Max: 5 Weapons of Light)

32 SP, Guardian Knights level 1: Spend 20 OEP to conjure 5 lesser Holy Knights that have half your INT stat in HP and deal Holy damage with their weapons. They defend you until defeated, if you give them orders they will follow until completed returning to your side once complete. They last for 24 hours until killed or dismissed. (Max 10 lesser Holy Knights and can be summoned with mounts)

25 SP, Order's Decree level 1: Upon activating this ability, you spend half your OEP to gain a special feature from the current Shackle for 30 seconds. (Max 10% of your max OEP is spent and lasts a minutes; Not owned)

Fenrir - Wolf's Hunger: You can use the Devour skill on a living Chaos Beast of Gamma Tier.

Fafnir - Damage suffered instead drains your Rune Coins.

50 SP, Angelic Aspect level 1: ??? (Not owned)


Hand of Purity: Can remove the corruptive nature of the Shadows from a person. Also allows you to resist stronger Shadows, allowing you to tolerate devouring them.

Whisper's Flame: Empowers your weapons with Whispers Flame, add half your INT stat as Holy Fire damage.

Thane's Blessing: Given by Thane's upon his death, allows the you to commune with the spirits of the dead. Can hear their whispers and they will aid you if not hostile.

Blessing of the Beast Master: Increase your max amount of Summons to 15, this will increase again when you acquire your next shackle by 5. Spending 25% of your OEP allows you to summon 4 Delta Tier Wolves to fight along side you. This feature increases with how many shackles you have by 2. (2 Shackles)

Unshackled Skills:

6 CEP, Rampage (Unshackled) lvl 1: You create a ring on the ground around you (10m). All enemies within that ring are instantly attacked as you vanish from target to target. Dealing your STR stat in damage. "Enhance (Focus)" for your strength will double this damage.


Evoker Spells:

Fire Bolt: 5 CEP, Deals INT damage as Fire damage. Hits a target up to 36m away (~120 feet).

Ice Shard: 4 CEP, Creates Ice Shards based off half of your base INT stat. Each shard does your INT stat in damage. Current max: 14

Blast: 14 CEP, A small orb is sent out to a point 15m away and expands. Drawing oxygen and anything within 2m of it as it then collapses and explodes in a 4m radius. Deals 1.5x your INT stat as damage in the center and .5 damage at the edge of the explosion.

Call Lightning: 10 CEP, Lightning breaks through the clouds and crashes at the target. Including those around them in a 5 foot radius. Does your INT stat in Lightning damage. (Double damage against metal enemies)

Light Spears: 4 CEP per Light Spear, Bolts of light are conjured above your head and launches towards the designated enemy. Can also be summoned in a 20m line for 15 CEP. Does Holy damage equal to your INT stat.

Healer Spells:

Heal: 2 CEP, Based off your INT stat you can heal that many times per day. While only healing half the value, spending 4 CEP allows you to heal for the full INT value. Has a separate pool for your Unshackled Form.

Sacrifice: Saps your own HP to heal another ally or Summon. Only works when the target is wounded.

Shackle Abilities:

Shackle of Fenrir level 3

8 SP, Wolf's Senses level 3: Your eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell is higher than that of an average Hellhound. You can sense the energy of creatures within 20m of you. Allows one to see and track remnants of energy. This only works if you have something that smells like the creature you are tracking. Can be blocked by barriers that block life and energy detection. Can also determine the level of a creature compared to yourself.

16 SP, Fenrir's Howl level 3: 3 CEP, For a short period of time, all summons have double the attack power for 1 minute. Recharges after 3 minutes.

25 SP, Werewolf Form level 1: Cyrus Transforms into a werewolf of purple flames and ashen grey fur. His Strength and Dexterity is increased by x1.5 of the base stat. Transformation lasts 10 minutes and takes a 8 hours to use again. (Max: No time limit; Not owned)

Shackle of Fafnir level 1:

Dragon Claw level 1: Your hands transform into draconic claws allowing you sunder heavy armored individuals. Reduce Physical Resistance by 10% (max: 50%)

Hybrid Form level 1: Your limbs change into more draconic limbs. You grow horns and a tail allowing the use of more physical attacks. Increases Unarmed Strike multiplier by .5 (level 1). (Max: 3x added to multiplier.)

Fafnir's Greed level 1: When an enemy is defeated, 25% of the total CP earned you also gain in Rune Coins.

Andavil's Allure level 1: Confuse the mind of a target with their greatest desire, trapping them. Works on Gamma level creatures effectively or weak minded humans.

Dragon Scales level 1: at the cost of 20,000 Coins, you gain 50% resistance to all damage. This overrides all other resistance bonuses (at max 5,000 Coins, 75% res. (Not owned, unlock level 2 shackle))

Draconoid level 1: Spending 100,000 coins to enter Dragon's Greed, you become a half dragon. You can not equip weapons as you gain claws, a tail, and a fire breath. Your stats are doubled while your STR and STM are at 4x the base value.

Dwarf's Luck level 1: Items are dropped from enemies more frequently. Loot chest chance 10% (Max: 50%, not owned, level 2 shackle unlock)


Call: Liquid air forms a mirror in front of you to communicate across dimensions.

Port: Create a Specialized Rift to travel to or bring the Contact to theirs or your position.

"Victoria Ravencrest," Once a baroness of Lord Roland Galihath. Now a faithful follower to Cyrus Reinhard, his servant and ambassador in the Court of Night

Current status on this follower: Servant

Contracted Summons must be obtained through a ritual or agreed deal. They have their own stats and don't reflect from Cyrus' stats. Each tier they are grants 20 points of Health and CEP/OEP, while adding stats to the specific attributes add 5 points.

Summon Contracts (1/5):

Thane, the Aspect of Death (Alpha)

CM: 4,500/28,800

HP: 195/195

CEP: 210/210

STR: 8

DEX: 22

STM: 23

INT: 26

Attribute Points: 0

Skill Points: 4

Weapon: Thane's Scythe, 20 + 30 DEX slashing damage

Armor: Reaper's Cloth, 20% Phys. Damage reduction, 40% Elem. Damage reduction.

Soul Collector: Creatures that have died while Thane is around can collect their souls to be delivered to the Great Judge. These souls are evaluated and placed in their rightful destinations if they are a good soul or bad soul. Souls can be traded to some other beings that collect souls for goods or services.

14 SP, Harvest level 2: Using his Scythe, Thane can absorb the life essence of those that are cut by his weapon. Healing him for 20% of the damage he deals.

20 SP, Raise Undead level 3: Thane can summon undead warriors or mages to help him in combat. The amount depends of half of his INT stat. Each level increases the Undead's health by 15 points and damage by 7 points. (Current Total HP: 75, Damage: 35)

30 SP, Vanishing Strike level 1: Thane vanishes from sight and attacks the target from an unexpected position. However, those with a high perception or energy sensing ability will know where he strikes. Harvest can be used with this ability.

Summons are directly influenced by your stats. Growing stronger as you do, when they increase in the next tier their health and CEP/OEP change too. This addition is 1 additional point per tier. Though their HP starts at 5 points always. Some creatures reach a limit of either Alpha, Superior, and rare summons can reach Unique if they were part of that category beforehand.

Gamma = 2, Delta = 3, Beta = 4, Alpha = 5, Superior = 6, Unique = 7


Fenrir, the Devourer of Worlds (Beta)

CM: 10,060/19,200

HP: 65/65

CEP: 65/65

Resistances: 10% base, 40% unshackled


Howl level 3: Can sometimes cause Beta tier Chaos Beasts to run away in fear.

Bite level 2: Basic Bite 5 + STR (STR, level 1), add your INT stat to the attack for a fiery bite (level 2).

Transform level 2: Can switch between quadrupedal and bipedal forms. Wolf and Werewolf form (level 1), can now equip armor (level 2).

Fiery Swipe level 1 (Werewolf Form only): Fenrir's claws are covered in purple flames, allowing him to deal Fire damage on top of his physical strength.

Vanishing Step level 2: Increases his speed (your DEX stat) by x4 for 30 seconds. Recharges after 2 minutes

Godly Rage: Attacks made from Fenrir hit twice. Gained the Double attack feature.

Fiery Hide: Envelope in purple flames as Fenrir's body takes 10% of his HP ever 20 seconds. The flames deal half your INT in Fire damage.

Fafnir, Dragon of Greed (Gamma)

CM: 0/2,000

HP: 57/57

CEP: 63/63

Physical Resistance: 50% all physical

Elemental Resistance: 20%


Swipe level 1: Deals 15 + STR stat in damage

Tail Slam level 1: Deals 20 + STR stat in damage

Green Fire Breath level 1: 2x INT stat as Fire Damage (Max: 4x INT stat)

Sin level 1: Spend 10,000 Rune Coins to increase Fafnir's resistance by 10% and all damage by 10% (50% resistance and damage bonus, 2,500 cost)

Fafnir's Luck level 1: All defeated Beasts drop 1,000 Rune Coins based on their level. Fafnir must be summoned for this effect to be active.

Visne, the Withered Dragon (Beta)

CM: 10,350/19,200

HP: 130/130

CEP: 65/65

Physical Resistance: 50%, - 100% piercing when gel sack is expanded.

Elemental Resistance: 100% Fire


Tail Swipe level 2: Whips the enemy with its tail. Spikes grow on the tail to cause bleeding damage of 1% of the target's HP.

Spit level 2: 10 CEP, lobs 3 globs of corrosive gel to possibly degrade armor of one tier higher,. Though the higher the tier of armor, the less effective. Any armor weaker than Visne is more effective.

Goo Spray level 2: 20 CEP, Sprays a cone or line of gel to hit multiple targets. Instantly degrades Gamma Tier armor.

Flight: Can now fly!

Dragon's Blood: Doubles Visne's base health (65 Base)

Engorge: Allows for Corrosive Gel attacks to happen quicker.

Petrified Hide: 50% of total CEP, Increase Visne's physical resistance to 80% for 1 minute. This effect makes him incredibly durable and immune to slow effects, stuns, including piercing weapons to his gel sack as it's covered in a layer of hardened gel. Can not fly when active.

Healing Moss: Having collided with the Mutilamposuarus, it's moss spread to Visne's wooden body. Allowing her to now slowly recover HP when not in immediate danger.

Grimm, the Arch Mage Grimoire (Beta)

CM: 10,680/19,200

HP: 65/65

CEP: 195/195

Physical Resistances: - 25%

Elemental Resistances: 25%


Sage's Wisdom: CEP is equal to x3 HP

Quick Casting level 2: Doesn't need to speak works or do actions to cast spells. Allows Cyrus to cast spells without speaking.

Eye of Magic: Can see through lies and illusions as if one had the True Sight.

Sage's Potent Spell level 2: Doubles the power of 2 spell per day and allows Cyrus to use one of the empowered spell. Potent spells cost double their current cost when empowered. Can change after ever new Dawn.

Nature's Gift: Unlocked Nature Spells, allows one to summon specific fruit for the Summoner.

Evoker Spells

Fire Bolt: 6 CEP, Deals INT damage as Fire damage. Hits a target up to 36m away.

Ice Shard: 8 CEP, Creates Ice Shard based off half Cyrus' base INT stat.

Call Lightning: 15 CEP, Lightning to breaks through the clouds and crashes at the target and those around it in a 5 foot radius. Damage based off INT stat.

Blast: 14 CEP, A small orb is sent out to a point 15m away and expands. Drawing oxygen and anything within 2m of it as it then collapses and explodes in a 4m radius. Deals 1.5x your INT stat as damage in the center and .5 damage at the edge of the explosion.

Light Spears: 8 CEP per Light Spear, Bolts of light are conjured above the user and launch towards a designated enemy. Can also be summoned in a 20m line for 16 CEP. Deals Holy Damage equal to your INT stat.

Magnify Gravity: 15 CEP, Create a 3m sphere of intense gravity. Anyone who enters it or is within it when it is cast has reduced speed and takes half your INT stat as damage.

Spike Growth: 10 CEP, Cover a 10ft radius in wooden spikes to slow down most targets. Creatures with high piercing resistance ignore these spikes. Deals a quarter of your INT stat for every foot traveled.

Vine Trap: 8 CEP, Summons vines to entangle a foe reducing its speed to 0. Can be cut and broken with enough strength.

Death Flower: Spawn a plant creature that will attack nearby creatures within 3m of it. It has 2x your INT stat in HP and deals 10 + INT stat in damage. If a creature smaller than the plant it will devour the creature whole and proceed to digest it like a Venus flytrap.

Hex: 20 CEP, Reduces a target's Stats by 50%, creatures with high magical defense resist this effect.

Healer Spells

Heal: 15 CEP, Based off your INT stat, while healing half the value. Spend 4 CEP to heal for full INT value.

Regeneration: 10 CEP per minute, Heals 10% of a target's max health (rounded down). If cast on an individual who has lost a limb, they can regenerate it if they still have the severed limb to be reattached.

Mass Heal: 30 CEP, every designated allied creature within 10m heals for half your current INT stat.

Sacrifice: Saps your own HP to heal another ally or summon. Only works if target is wounded.

Er'Delrune, the Awakened Blade

CM: 10,277/19,200

CEP: 65/65

Resistances: is nigh unbreakable, but can be damaged enough to make it return to Cyrus. When struck with lightning, has a 20% chance to render inert.


Sentience: Er'Delrune is a sentient blade that listens to its master.

Blood Blade level 2: Consume up to 20 HP from Cyrus to gain an attack boost up to +20.

Master's Call level 2: Er'Delrune can be recalled to Cyrus' hand from any distance. Imparts the "Recall" skill to Cyrus, allowing him to summon his weapons that are not even in his hands or inventory. They teleport to his hand instead of flying to him but can still do so if he so chooses.

Dragon's Soul: When HP is consumed, an aspect of Er'Delrune will attack with you. Damage based of INT stat.

Sword Dance level 2: 5 CEP, Rapidly slash in a star shape pattern. Deals half your STR stat per slash.

Blade Beam level 2: Send out a red crescent blade attack up to 5m away. INT stat determines the strength of the Blade Beam.

Reflect level 2: Can reflect a spell back to the attacker 3 times per level. (6/6)

Overdrive level 1: When Er'Delrune has consumed your HP at the max value, you can cause the next attack to become overcharged. Dealing x2 damage the value of the HP consumed in one hit. This stacks with any buff applied prior to using Overdrive. After using this ability, the attack buff is gone.

Vexxitiz, the Shadow Within (Beta)

CM: 7,400/19,200

HP: 34/34

CEP: 65/65

Physical Resistances: 75% all physical damage

Elemental Resistances: - 100% Holy damage, 25% to all elements.


Symbiotic Nature: Health is halved (rounded down) because of its weaker physical form.

Shadow Defense: Can create a shield to block attacks from every angle. Uses its HP to absorb the attack.

Shadow Armor: Covers the summoner in black armor that Vexxitiz becomes. Protects the summoner from harm on certain body parts that are covered.

Shadow Enhancement: 10 CEP, Coats the current weapon in shadows. The damage is based off the current tier of Vexxitiz, +15 Shadow Damage.

Shadow Step: 5 CEP, Short distance teleportation to the nearest shadow. This costs no CEP when in complete darkness.

Manifest Shadows: 8 CEP, Allows Vexxitiz to manifest shadow blades and manipulate a shadowy ooze that acts as a trap. The trap does double you INT stat in damage, while the shadow blades' damage equal your INT stat.

Dark Tendril: Vexxitiz can cause black tendrils to appear from the armor that covers the user's body. Based on your Int stat, the tendrils damage and speed increases. The skill name "Lash" deals shadow damage and cracks like a whip. Useable when a shadow gauntlet is formed.

Lesser Summons:

Holy Knight

HP: 10/10

Damage: 10 (20)Holy Damage

Resistance: 25% physical and elemental


Weapon Summon: Conjure weapons of light depending on need or given order.

Melee distance: 5-10ft

Ranged distance: 120-360ft

Sacrifice: Will sacrifice themselves by absorbing the damage done to Cyrus as they take on the damage instead.

Smite: Doubles their Holy damage 3 times, recharges after they are summoned again.

Lesser Wolf

HP: 8/8

Damage: 10

Resistance: N/A


Pack Tactics: Swarming a target with other wolves increase their damage by 5 per wolf.

Alpha's Rally: When Fenrir is out, he grants the wolves increased HP and Damage, including giving them fiery attacks. HP increased to 16, damage increased to 20 + 5 Fire damage.

Natural Stealth: These wolves hunt stealthily, making their presence incredibly hard to detect.


HP: 75/75

Damage: 35

Resistances: based off type


Zombie: 30% Physical Resistance -100% Holy

Undead Body: Can resume living if not killed outright or having their heads removed or damaged.

Mage: 40% Elemental Resistance -100% physical

Fire Bolt: does 35 Fire Damage

Dark Blast: Necrotic Energy bolt that fires in a line. Pierces through most targets, half their damage as necrotic damage (17)

Skeleton: 15% physical/elemental -100% bludgeoning