
Cyrus pulled up his stats screen and tried to figure out a way to reduce his ability even further. Though he knew at some point it would be pointless to hide his abilities forever. Just the timing was not great for him as now the CCO were getting involved. Looking as if he had seen a ghost, he decided to walk out of the truck. Saying goodbye to Cici, leaving her to the time consuming work she had set for herself. Though he heard a wrench thrown and screaming at a person who just decided to bother her.

Returning to the medical tent he told Myra what was going to happen. He knew she may have an answer but shaking her head, she didn't. "I am sorry Cyrus, there is nothing I can do about the CCO inspecting you. They hold higher authority over all those in every organization." She was right, he had to figure out a way on his own to pass by their detection for now as he needed to get stronger without too much detection.

The main problem was he couldn't suppress his abilities any further. He had to face the fact he would have an eye on him for the rest of his life. That is when he got a notification from Fenrir. Not expecting it surprised him as he was stepping into an APC.

A soldier ran into him as he stopped, "Hey Standard, why did you stop? Keep moving!" He was shoved out of the way and into a seat as he stumbled. He hadn't expected and looked at the man. Though his features were covered from head to toe, his energy told Cyrus he was a Beta Tier soldier. The man seemed to just stare at him as if Cyrus was nothing but a hinderance.

"I said keep movi-" then a hand clapped on his shoulder and he froze.

"Briar Stolis," a woman with a large rifle over he shoulder spoke plainly, "are you acting aggressive to a fellow soldier of Fenrir? Seems you forgot that we are a unit, a pack." The woman released the man as he stood at attention and found himself a seat. The woman looked at Cyrus and seemed to be analyzing him. As she turned and pressed a button on the door to close the back of the APC, she spoke again.

"For those that don't know who I am, my name is Lyra Stone, High Commander of Fenrir." She set her sniper rifle to the side against an empty seat. "We are taking you all to the Chaos Control Organization to be evaluated. Most don't come out of the Chaos Tears unscathed or become much stronger then when they first went in. This also leads to some becoming Crisis Beasts," some of the other soldiers looked at one another before she continued. "They will test your powers, check your chaos levels, and do a damage test."

Cyrus looked towards the ground nervously, 'A damage test? If I drop below 40% of my HP I will transform. But that is still not likely cause they don't want to kill us while testing.' Cyrus was trying to figure out a way to deal with that possible situation. But nothing came up as he had to come to terms if they found out his powers changed they would want to evaluate him again.

That is when Lyra looked at Cyrus, "Soldier," she said while standing in front of him, "You will accompany me when we arrive at our destination." Some of the soldiers snickered and a couple made bets that Cyrus was going to get creamed by their superior. One next to him elbowed Cyrus making him look at the guy who was raising his eyebrows. It made Cyrus a little disgusted at their dirty minds.

But he was curious as to why she wanted to speak with him. 'Maybe she noticed me coming down the building, or maybe she has a better sense for people's power?' He thought, but he just nodded and saluted. "Yes ma'am!" His nerves would slowly calm, and scowl at the screen when he saw that Fenrir had left him a message.

[Fenrir: "Don't stress too much, I don't sense evil intent from this human. But her eyes are sharp and I can assure you she might just have questions. Answer how you wish, but don't get on her bad side. She will mop the floor with you like you were an injured rabbit fighting a bear."]

Lyra saw that his attention had been drawn to something, but she couldn't see it. Returning to her rifle she started to polish it and slowly take it apart and put it back together. A little ritual she would do whenever she had a moment to do so. Before missions, after missions, anytime she had free Lyra was always cleaning her weapon. But always keeping an eye on Cyrus, she didn't know what it was, but he was different and felt stronger than most of the soldiers in the vehicle. For she recalled when the Tear closed she had been watching the whole scene unfold.

As they arrived at the CCO building in the southern district of Departure, just south of New York City. The APC's let out all the soldiers who were greeted with men in black suits and heavily armed soldiers with mechs. Large armored machines that could tear a building down with only one unload of a single clip. They used explosive rounds, armor piercing rounds, anything that could destroy tanks, buildings, and Chaos Beasts they had it all.

Cyrus stepped out of the vehicle with the rest of the unit before Lyra had grabbed him by the shoulder. She escorted him off to a different part of the group. Some soldiers seeing this chuckled before returning to attention when Lyra looked their direction. She led him inside the building as some black suits had approached her.

"Excuse me ma'am, explain why you are walking away from the group." It wasn't a question but an order, Cyrus saw one of the mechs look his direction. He waited for her to respond before a man with fiery red hair, yellow eyes, and an almost laidback attitude had approached.

"Well well well, if it isn't my little sister, Lyra." He walked right up to her before receiving a punch to the face which knocked him to the ground. The very sound of it made it seem like a gunshot. The CCO suits and soldiers looked at Lyra then to the red haired man. That is when he jumped back up and scratched his face. "Still got that mean right hook." He didn't even looked damaged or even bleed.

"And you still are a child who doesn't take things seriously." Lyra responded, "I have come to have this one personally evaluated by me and my brother." This drew the man's attention to Cyrus. Scratching his small stubble of a beard he nodded.

"Sure, right this way!" The man said, before the other suit started to interject.

"Miles Stone, you know the rules for procedure. We can't allow these two in without an escort." But Miles, just waved a hand and smiled.

"Don't worry, my sister is here and I am here. Nothing will happen to this young man or the company. Now, no more talk! We must not waste anymore time for my favorite show is on soon." He led Cyrus and Lyra away from the suits and soldiers. Cyrus looked back towards the man and saw he looked like one of the men who had visited him in the hospital before. He tried to recall their names but wasn't able to.


Darian Smith, watched as the two disappeared into an elevator. He honestly didn't know how to deal with Miles when he set his mind to something. The two of them never really got along cause Miles just did his own thing, he would lax on his duties at times, even becoming somewhat accident prone. Darian was orderly, followed the rules, and upheld them to a fault. Where Miles just didn't care for rules and regulations.

Darian had pulled out his phone and made a call, "This is Darian Smith, I would like to speak to the Director." He listened to the person on the other end as he heard a older man's voice appear on the line. "It's Miles again sir, but he has his sister and a man you sent us to investigate about a week ago." He looks towards the elevator. "They are heading to the lower level 6." He nodded, "Yes sir, I shall await further orders." As he turned off his phone, he sighed.

As the call ended an older man was sitting at his desk and clicked on his computer screen. As camera footage from floor B-6 popped up showing Miles, Lyra, and Cyrus all coming out of the elevator. The old man focused on Cyrus, not able to see his shackle from the camera's angle. But he smiled, his thick voice resounding in his quiet office, "The survivor of the chaos rift that wiped out his fellow soldiers and now a survivor of the Chaos Tear. What secrets do you hold young man." He would chuckle to himself, "Miles, I hope you aren't going to cause me another headache like last time."


Cyrus was led through hallway after hallway unsure of how far he was going to be taken. His initial thought was to memorize the turns he takes just in case he needed to escape. But he likely didn't need to if Lyra wasn't there to harm him in any way. Why else would she take him to a different part of the building or even to an entirely different level than the rest of the soldiers.

They continued to walk down corridors until they stopped at a large metal double door. A scanning pad off to the right of the door as Miles placed his hand on it. He heard buzzing sounds and a loud beep as the doors shuddered. Slowly opening to show darkness inside the room.

"Well, I don't know why my sister wanted to bring you here." Miles said to break the silence, "So, no need to worry you aren't in trouble and you aren't being tested to see if you are a Crisis Beast." Cyrus looked at Lyra who eyed him carefully. "You are going to go inside and we will evaluate you personally."

As the door fully opened, lights shined bright as it revealed an open room with a row of seats and a large dueling ring. It had confused Cyrus a bit though stepping inside to not seem nervous about the whole thing. He looked around and found the room completely empty of people. Just Lyra and Miles there to observe him.

Lyra spoke up, "I pulled you aside as I saw something that you may have answers to. So I called my brother to have you down here, instead of a practical energy evaluation test." She walked in and set her rifle on one of the seats. Walking into the ring caused it to light up with a blue light as holographic designs of Gamma tier Chaos Beasts appeared. She stood in the middle and pointed her hand in the look of a finger gun.

As the holographic images appeared and went to begin circling her at a slow pace. She said, "Bang!" A burst of air cause the image to fizz out of existence. She turned to look at Cyrus, "We are wanting you to show us your true abilities, Cyrus Reinhard. Your 'Evaluation' begins now."