Kanto - Viridian City

Ash spent two days on training and increasing the stamina and speed of the attacks that the Pokemon already knew. During the training Pikachu had learned the basics of Volt Tackle, it was now a matter of figuring out how to deploy the attack. Ash hoped by the end of the week it'll be possible to use that infamous attack, on another note Feebas learned to control water using confusion and was able to hold it outside of a water body for a minimum of thirty seconds. She had even learned how to use mirror coat making Ash wonder if one of it's parents was a psychic type.

Fearrow had learned sky attack and mirror move along with roost a very useful move if a battle gets prolonged. Lucario had taken to teaching Ash combat while also training and mastering shadow ball himself, he had even mastered Calm Mind while learning Dragon pulse. Lucario would not admit it but he was getting frustrated with how hard it was to get Dragon pulse down, it was also the reason he mastered Calm Mind. On the third day however, Ash gave them a special treatment and used the teachings Professor Oak gave him to spoil and care for his Pokemon.

By noon time Ash had finished caring and preening the Pokemon and ready to visit the flock that Fearrow led. The Spearows were wary of them at first but when they recognized their leader they were very friendly with them and they spent the day relaxing, having fun and meeting more wild Pokemon. They returned late at night with a new Pokemon friend added to the group.

Ash, "Today sure was fun huh?"

Lucario nodded, -Everyone enjoyed themselves. Will this be routine? Training for two days then, take a break?-

Ash smiled, "Yes, while training is fine, we need time to relax and enjoy too. What's the point in getting stronger if you can't enjoy your time?"

Ash rubbed Pikachu's head as he slept while he carried him. Feebas, Fearrow and Mankey a very active and bright Pokemon who followed them around were inside their pokeballs resting after a very fun filled day. The Mankey had seen them battle with the flock and had been very curious about them but didn't think they would return to the forest. He was ecstatic when they returned and followed them around till he decided to show himself and was welcomed by the team. Ash had been happy to add a fifth Pokemon to his team and they had celebrated having a new family member.

Blue, "There you are!"

Ash was startled and looked up, "Blue? Were you waiting?"

Blue nudged his head to his left, "Someone here wanted to make sure you are okay!"

Red walked over hugging Ash, "I was worried!"

Ash blinked and shifted Pikachu a bit before hugging him back, "I'm fine, Red! Don't worry nothing happened, Blue saved us in time."

Red looked at Ash and pinched his nose getting a squawk, "Doesn't stop me from worrying, do you have any idea how worried Aunt Lia was? Or the Professor? And me for that matter?"

Ash sighed, "I understand!

Lucario meanwhile was talking with Mewtwo who had come with Red to meet the younger boy and make sure he was well. Mewtwo had told Lucario about what he observed from the young trainers mind and to say it made him worry was an understatement. Lucario had no idea who would try to erase a baby's memories or even more absurd place strange information. Mewtwo had not checked what was given to Ash as memories as he did not want to risk whoever messed with the young boy on the first place to know that they knew.

Lucario, -I have not run into anyone who would be a suspect.-

Mewtwo, -I see, well we could probably agree they have lost interest in Ash or are waiting for the right time.-

Lucario, -I'd like to think it's the first one!-

Mewtwo gave a humourless smile, -Don't we all? Red spends most of his free time worrying about the child and considering how fond I have become I worry too.-

Lucario, -We will watch over him, do not worry.-

Blue, "Come on it's late, you can both stay at my place."

Ash blinked, "Is that alright?"

Blue, "Kid, he's not letting you out of his sight for a while. So come on, it'll calm his Papa Charizard mode down too."

Ash, "Uhhhh! That's... Huh!"

The three of them were teleported by Mewtwo to Blue's apartment in Viridian city. It was a decent size with a master bedroom, two guest rooms, kitchen, drawing room with a large window that held a view of the city and two bathrooms. Ash looked around the apartment curiously, it was painted in comfortable autumn colours making it look homey and welcoming.

Blue, "I have a guest room with two beds, you can use that one. Want something to eat?"

Ash shook his head, "I already had dinner with my Pokemon."

Red, "Ate before coming!"

Blue nodded, "Then I'm turning in for the night after I show you the room and bathroom, come on."

The two cousins followed the gym leader and he explained where which room was and told them to stay out of his room as it doubled as an office. Ash had no problem with that and put Pikachu down before setting the pokeballs beside the pillow. He lay down and was joined by Lucario who snuggled with him, even Pikachu snuggled up to him once he felt his presence. Ash soon fell asleep much to Red's amusement, he took a photo silently and sent it to Blue and Daisy. He would send a printed one to Aunt Lia the next day, Mewtwo meanwhile made himself comfortable by the window and closed his eyes. Red called it a night and went to sleep as well, seeing as everyone was in dreamland. The next morning Ash decided to introduce Red to his Pokemon and after breakfast went to the park.

Ash, "Alright guys I want you to meet someone. This is my cousin and someone I love as a big brother, Red. Red, my newest Pokemon, Pikachu whom you already met, Fearrow, Feebas and Mankey."

Red smiled as the Pokemon greeted him and he greeted them back, "They are a good team Ash. Have you decided on your sixth member yet?"

Aah rubbed the back of his head, "Honestly I was not planning on catching a fifth before Pewter city but it happened so no, I don't have an idea yet."

Red snorted, "I understand, I was the same but I wouldn't change my team members for anything. Do you want to battle?"

Ash brightened, "I would love to, it's been so long since we battled."

Red grinned, "Great! We can use one of the battle fields nearby."

Ash nodded and turned to his Pokemon, "Okay team listen up. Red is one of the strongest trainers in Kanto and his team is one of the strongest, while battling I want you all not only give your best but also to learn from them as well okay. You will observe how the others battle once your turn is over or while waiting for your turn. Got it?"

The Pokemon got excited hearing they were up against a strong opponent and gave cries of agreement. Red waited for him at the battle field and Ash stood opposite of him as Mewtwo played Referee. It made Ash giggle a bit imagining Mewtwo in a referees dress keeping an eye on the battle.

Mewtwo, -This is a five on five battle between Ash and Red. Challengers choose your Pokemon.-

Ash went first, "Lucario let's go buddy."

Red grinned, "Let's go Charizard!"

Charizard roared in greeting which Lucario returned with a nod. It had been a while since they last battled each other.

Mewtwo, -Let the battle begin!-

Ash, "Lucario aura sphere!"

Red, "Counter with Dragon pulse!"

The two attacks collided creating a dust cloud and Mewtwo was impressed, there was another Pokemon to match the Charizard that defeated him. But he supposed it was to be expected considering they grew up together and trained together.

Red, "Steel wing!"

Ash, "Force palm!"

The two attacks collided separating the two Pokemon again.

Red, "Hyper beam Charizard!"

Ash, "Counter with aura sphere!"

Both Pokemon dodged the attacks causing it to hit the ground and create craters.

Red grinned, "Charizard, fire fang followed by slash!"

Ash, "Lucario, calm mind followed by drain punch!"

The moves clashed against each other and the two Pokemon battled.

Red, "Dragon breath!"

Ash, "Use aura sight to dodge."

Red, "Quick attack followed by aerial ace."

Ash, "Lucario keep using aura sight followed by close combat!"

The battle was pretty close when it came to power but Mewtwo could easily tell that experience made a difference here.

Red, "Screech Charizard!"

Lucario hissed at the sound making Ash worried.

Red, "Don't give him an inch Charizard! Grab him girl and go for seismic toss!"

Ash, "Lucario break her hold on you quick. Use vacuum wave!"

Charizard had managed take Lucario for a seismic toss and but not before Lucario shot a vacuum wave against Charizard. Once the dust cloud settled it showed a ragged Charizard and a fainted Lucario.

Mewtwo, -Lucario is unable to battle Charizard wins!-

Ash ran to Lucario, "Lucario, are you okay?"

Lucario shook his head waking up, -Brr! You have become stronger sister!-

The Charizard nodded in thanks to the compliment before sitting down exhausted from the speed attacks. Her brother was becoming stronger and harder to defeat.

Red smiled, "Lucario has become stronger than before! For a moment I thought I might have lost."

Ash beamed, "Thank you Red! Lucario get some rest! You were amazing. We'll beat him one day!"

Lucario nodded and went to sit only for Feebas to take his place in the battle making Ash smile.

Ash, "Let's do this Feebas!"

Red, "Feebas huh? Let's go Squirtle!"

Ash's mouth hung open, "You got a Squirtle?"

Red, "Yup!"

Mewtwo, -The second battle is between Feebas and Squirtle! Let the battle begin!-

Ash, "Feebas bubble!"

Red, "Counter with water gun!"

Ash watched as water gun made quick work of the bubble attack.

Ash, "Feebas pound!"

The fish Pokemon jumped and got ready to pound the squirtle.

Red, "Squirtle withdraw! Then water gun!"

Feebas dropped on top of the Squirtle shell trying to pound him and when she went for another attack was instead hit by a water gun making her cry out.

Ash, "Confusion Feebas."

Squirtle cried as he was picked up.

Red, "Withdraw and use hydro pump to break out of the hold she has on you."

Ash, "Tackle Feebas!"

Although Feebas tackled Squirtle she was hit by a powerful hydro pump which knocked her out.

Ash checked Feebas, "Good job Feebas, you were awesome!"

Feebas gave a small cry as she was taken to the fountain she had been waiting on before the battle.

Red looked at Squirtle, "Do you want to join her?"

Squirtle nodded and rushed to join the fountain and watch the next battle. Fearrow stepped up next wanting to battle the strong trainer. Red chose his shiny Pidgeot who cried out in greeting.

Ash, "First a Squirtle, now a shiny? You are just showing off, aren't you?"

Red smirked, "Maybe!"

Mewtwo, -The third battle is between Pidgeot and Fearrow. Begin!-

Ash, "Fearrow, glare followed by peck!"

Red, "Pidgeot mirror move!"

The two Pokemon pecked at each other before separating.

Ash, "Fearrow quick attack followed by aerial ace!"

Red, "Pidgeot, aerial ace with air slash!"

The two attacks collided head on and when they separated Fearrow flinched a bit but shook it off.

Red, "Roost!"

Ash, "Don't let him roost Fearrow sky attack!"

Red, "Wait for it!"

Red watched as Fearrow came closer, "Now Hyperbeam!"

The Hyperbeam hit Fearrow face first knocking the bird out. When he came to he was looking at the worried eyes of his trainer asking if he was okay to which Fearrow nodded. The last two matches were between Ash's Mankey and Red's Primeape, and Ash's Pikachu and Red's pikachu. Red won both matches and although Ash did not win, it certainly gave him an idea of what to do and train with in the future.

Red walked with Ash to the Pokemon centre and Ash noticed since Red was wearing a brown hat instead of his signature hat and a white T-shirt with a black sleeveless jacket not many people recognized him. Ash had thought they would be mobbed by Red's fans, heaven knows they had come to Pallet once when they realized Red was there last year, but it seems Blue had seen that as a possibility and taken the privilege of picking his clothes for the day. Ash giggled at the thought of Blue nagging Red to dress up getting a curious look from his older cousin to which he shook his head. Mewtwo snorted when he noticed the image Ash was projecting, he did not need to read his mind to learn that.