Orange Islands

Ash, "Wartotle use hydro pump."

Misty, "Wartotle use rapid spin."

The two Wartotles battled as their trainers commanded them, off to the side Silver had wrangled Chloe, Tracey and Gou into a double battles match. The two Wartotles had shown interest in evolving into their final form after seeing Venasaur and Charizard. Ash had gone to train with Misty after telling her what Lucario had mentioned. Misty had of course agreed to train with him and the two had fallen back into the pattern of training from their time together in Kanto. Watching them train Silver had asked Chloe to be his battle partner and challenged Tracey and Gou to a double battle match.

Silver, "Use magical leaf Maganium!"

Chloe, "Helping hand Eevee!"

Gou, "Cinderace ember!"

Tracey, "Double team Scyther!"

Leaving the Shamoutii Island was quite an affair with the farewell and the press it was a literal mess. Although most reporters did not dare approach them when they were with their larger than normal in size Pokemon, who took a lot of pleasure in cowing people down with just a glare. It was a different matter when dinner or lunch came around and they were with the younger Pokemon. Some of the questions were downright rude and a breach of privacy and some in Misty's personal words disgustingly sexist. Chloe had been left gaping when she was asked if one of the boys was her boyfriend or maybe girlfriend and when Misty defended her they asked if they were together. Serena had to pull them away before Misty's temper blew up using the excuse of having to help some water Pokemon out.

Ash, 'So much drama! At least it's over for now.'

Ash, "Wartotle use scald!"

Misty, "Counter with ice beam!"

The hot water and ice beam clashed making steam rise and cover the field up. Silver turned to the two for one brief moment before focusing on his own battle. The steam cleared up showing two Wartotles panting hard before they stood up and started to glow much to Ash and Misty's delight. They became bigger till they stood taller than Tracey, almost the same height as Snorlax and Charizard. The two looked each other up and down in surprise before realizing what happened and turned to their trainers who gleefully jumped and hugged them.

Misty, "Congratulations girl! You did it!"

Ash, "Congratulations buddy! Do you feel any strain or exhaustion?"

The two Blastoise grunted with pride and stood tall allowing their trainers to check them over and making sure everything was alright. Silver who had won the match joined them with Chloe, Gou and Tracey to congratulate the two of them.

Silver, "Well done you four."

Chloe, "You got another powerhouse."

Gou nodded, "Yeah, and I think you impressed Sobble."

Sobble, "So sobble!"

Tracey, "There is a small town and a Pokemon centre on the other side of the Island we can go there."

Ash, "Thanks cousin."

Misty, "Not sure about the powerhouse part Chloe, it's up to her, if she wants to be one."

Blastoise nuzzled Misty nodding, "Blastttt!"

Ash grinned, "I think they don't mind. Let's get going to the centre I would love a bed to sleep on."

Lucario, -And some private time.-

Milotic nodded, -Away from strangers.-

Gou smiled sympathetically, "Reporters can be shameless huh?"

Misty turned to Chloe, "I'm happy you came along with us, you know? Even after what they said."

Tracey frowned, "They had no right to ask those things of you. It's your personal and private choice."

Chloe, "Thanks guys and I'm alright, don't worry."

Ash walked to the beach, "Lapras, Omanyte, Kingler, we are going to the Pokemon centre."

Lapras, -Meeema!-

One of the best things to happen at Shamoutii however was that Lapras learned to talk using aura and the first word he learned was thanks to Lucario, Meema! Ash had gaped before going to happily hug Lapras who kept repeating, Meema to both Ash's happiness and embarrassment. Especially when Delia commented she was a very proud grandma and loved all her grandkids. Misty had sulked a bit before joining in on the merriment with enthusiasm, cementing her decision to train in the Orange Islands and challenge Lorelei.

Silver smirked, "I can't believe you got Lapras to call you Meema."

Misty, "I would love to have a Lapras."

Chloe, "You will, don't worry."

Gou, "I kinda want one too, they are really cute."

Tracey, "True that!"

Ash was talking with Blastoise, "Do you want to join them in the water? We'll be walking with the beach towards the other side anyway."

Misty looked at her Blastoise, "What about you girl?"

The two Blastoise grinned nodding and joining the water with Misty saying to not swim off as they have a check up. The two water type Pokemon gave a shout in understanding and swam next to their friends happily testing their new bodies. Ash had said it was alright for them to check out their speed before so they did just that and had a race in the ocean waters. The group rushed after them grinning and laughing and Lapras squealed happily at having more friends to play with. They soon reached the Pokemon centre where Nurse Joy checked their Pokemon and announced they were alright and the only problem they had were exhaustion due to training.

She gave Ash and Misty a new diet chart for the newly evolved Blastoises which consisted of more calcium, iron, magnesium and selenium. Nurse Joy adviced them to get the extra supplements from a market or to add powdered shells to the diet. Ash and Misty looked at each other before agreeing to get the supplements instead, till they learned how to crush shells properly or even find the right ones in the first place. According to Nurse Joy the brown ones are the best, but the thing about beaches in Pokemon world there were shells of variety of colors available except for brown.

Ash, "Brown shells, I have only seen blue, pink and green ones."

Misty sighed, "Me too, guess we are going shopping today."

Chloe, "Shells? What for?"

Silver, "It's for the Blastoise, brown sea shells have nutrients that are needed by them."

Gou, "I read about that but.... only brown ones though I think."

Tracey, "Correct! Guess we are gonna have to keep an eye out for them."

Chloe put her bag down, "I think I..... Ah! I have three brown shells here. Although I'm not sure how you are going to feed them. Are they gonna gnaw on them or...?"

Ash, "We gotta crush them first then add the powder to the pokefeed."

Misty, "Yeah, looks like we have another new thing to learn."

Silver, "I can help you, one of my main Pokemon is Blastoise and I have been taking care of her for five years now."

A voice spoke from behind them, "Excuse me, are you Ash Ketchum?"

Silver frowned standing infront of them, "Who's asking?"

The man raised his hand, "I mean no harm, my name is Tad and I wanted to challenge Ash to a Pokemon battle, that is if he agrees."

Ash, "Sure I don't mind, let's go down to the battlefield."

Tad grinned following them outside, "Great, I saw you on TV to be honest and my cousin is a big fan of your book."

Ash, "Oh! Um..... Thanks. I'm glad they enjoy it."

Tad smiled, "Not used to popularity?"

Ash, "It's new that's for sure. Anyway how do you want this battle to go?"

Tad, "Three on three, if that's okay... I saw your Pokemon on the TV too. They sure were very protective of you. Especially your Charizard, I can't believe you have a Shiny, the Charizard line is already really rare and for you to have a Shiny is amazing."

Ash giggled seeing the fire type stand up proudly, "So you want to battle Charizard then, any other Pokemon that catches your eye?"

Tad looked at where Ash was pointing and gaped, "They are yours?"

Ash, "I'm preparing for the Indigo League so yeah, they are mine and no only for training you can carry all of your Pokemon."

Tad, "Oh! Well then.... Aside from Charizard, I want to battle him."

Lucario drawled, -Lucky me!-

Tad gaped, "You talk! Ah! I heard rumours but... "

Milotic trilled from the water amused, -He's not the only one.-

Lapras squealed, -Not only one!-

Tad was a bit shell shocked but shook his head, "Oh! Well then, Charizard, Lucario and Milotic. I would love to battle them."

Ash nodded, "No substitutes, that's my only requirement."

Tad, "Deal!"

Gou, "I'll referee then."

Silver watched them curiously, he had battled Ash before and he could tell his little cousin was no slouch, 'I wonder, if he'll go all out, probably not.'

Gou, "This will be a three on three battle with no substitution in between. Trainers please choose your first Pokemon."

Ash, "Let's dance Milotic."

Tad, "Let's go Gorebyss."

Misty had hearts in her eyes, "Two beautiful Pokemon battling!"

Chloe laughed, "Yeah they are."

Gou, "Begin!"

Tad, "Use water gun!"

Ash, "Mirror coat followed by confusion!"

The mirror coat deflected the attack and Milotic caught Gorebyss in confusion telling her to go to sleep. Tad tried to tell Gorebyss to wake up but Milotic started singing making her fall asleep peacefully.

Gou, "Gorebyss is unable to battle Milotic wins the first match. Please choose your next Pokemon."

Tad scratched his neck, "Well! I did not expect that ending."

Ash grinned, "Most trainers underestimate the power of the move, Sing. They think it's only for Pokemon showcases or coordinator contests and never bother to learn how to use or handle it."

Tad, "Clever, and seeing how deeply asleep my Gorebyss is, your Milotic is a Master of the move, isn't she?"

Ash nodded, "Yes!"

Misty, "I want one so bad."

Tracey, "They are pretty amazing."

Chloe, "And hard to find in Kanto. Ash was really lucky. He told us how he met Milotic as a Feebas before starting his journey."

Tad, "I chose you Azumaril!"

Ash, "Ready to go again Milotic?"

Milotic, -Always!-

Gou, "Begin!"

Tad, "Aquatail!"

Ash, "Water pulse!"

The water pulse hit aquatail and dispersed the attack.

Tad, "Use bounce followed by hydro pump."

Ash, "Twister!"

The twister caught Azumaril off guard but the water rabbit Pokemon did not give up instead she took aim and shot a hydro pump at Milotic. Milotic who was focusing on keeping the twister up was hit by the hydro pump and her concentration was broken. The twister stopped and Azumaril landed looking none the worse for wear.

Ash, "You okay Milotic?"

Milotic, -Yes.-

Tad, "Let's finish this Aqua jet!"

Ash, "Milotic dragon tail."

Azumaril stood up and rushed towards Milotic using aqua jet while Milotic prepared a powerful Dragon tail. She could feel the strength of her opponent in the aqua jet and decided to focus on her draconian attack. The two attacks collided creating a wave of energy that made the humans stumble a little.

Tracey gasped, "This is the strength of Water Pokemon."

Chloe, "Really?"

Misty nodded, "Tracey is right, I once went to watch a friendly match between my sister Daisy and Wallace, their Pokemon released a similar yet more powerful wave than this."

Silver, "Not surprising Ash and Tad are still trainers, meanwhile your sister and Wallace are both Master of Pokemon Coordinating, Water Pokemon specialist and Gym Leaders."

Misty pumped her fist, "I'll be just as powerful one day."

Meanwhile Milotic and Azumaril pushed against each other causing their powers to build up where they had clashed. The aquajet and dragon tail caused the water and draconian energy to blow up separating the two Pokemon. The two Pokemon got up and looked at each other before fainting from the impact of the explosion.

Gou, "Azumaril and Milotic are unable to battle, this match is a draw. Please choose your next Pokemon."

Ash held Milotic gently running his slightly aura blue hand over her head, "Are you okay girl?"

Milotic grumbled, -Remind me to focus on controlling Dragonic energy more.-

Ash smiled, "Of course, get some rest for now okay."

Milotic nodded, -I will, I have not faced a strong opponent like that in a while.-

Ash picked up Milotic and took her to Venasaur who was waiting a bit further away under the shade of the coconut trees. The large grass type used his vines to hold Milotic and used aromatherapy to help Milotic stay calm. He then used life dew with a bit of aura manipulation thanks to Lucario's teaching and started healing the worse damage. Milotic have a content sound as she curled up around her friend as he healed her. After making sure she was alright, Ash turned to Charizard and Lucario and let them decide who would go next. Charizard stood up and took point in the battle field stating Lucario already battled Silver's Pokemon earlier to which the aura Pokemon nodded and sat down next to the others.