
After helping the trainers Ash sent the three Tauros back to the lab where they would be prepped and instructed on what is expected of them and their trainers. Brock started to flirt with Nurse Joy, only for an irritated Golbat to come out and paralyse him before pulling him away muttering about idiot trainers. It made Ralts giggle and Lucario chuckle before the two translated what Golbat was saying getting snickers from the three humans.

Ash, "How is the movie production coming, Professor?"

Samuel smiled, "I got an email today saying they finished with the advertisement video today. It'll hit the screen in a few months, the Director wants to get the battle scenes done first, then the focus will be on the sports scene."

Ash nodded, "Understandable! Those are very detailed scenes."

Samuel, "Do not worry about it. How are you doing son?"

Ash shrugged, "I'll live. I mean that I knew Giovanni is my Uncle and that his side of the family is filled with questionable people.... I just... I was hoping I wouldn't have to deal with this mess so soon."

Samuel sighed, "I see. It is quiet a mess, isn't it? If things get out of hand too much Ash, I must advise you to go to a different region in secret."

Ash was quiet before speaking, "I hope it doesn't come to that."

Samuel, "So do I, so do I. Now how are your Pokemon doing?"

Ash perked up, "They are doing well Professor, Phantump, Tyrunt, Omanyte and Lapras are getting stronger, Gengar, Heracross, Cyndaquill and Chikorita are more pumped up then ever to catch up with them. Lucario and Pikachu take turns helping me train them. I think Phantump might become the leader among the new group I will use to battle in Jhoto League. Absol, Eevee and Abra pout a lot for not having the stamina to keep up with the training but they are healthy as ever."

Samuel nodded, "That's good! That's good!"

Ash, "And Professor, I gave my Heal ball to Mewtwo."

Samuel was surprised, "You did what? You met another Mewtwo? Are you sure about that Ash? Heal balls are one of the costliest ones."

Ash grinned, "I don't regret it."

Samuel shook his head, "Alright! I suppose I shouldn't be surprised though considering how close you are with Red's Mewtwo. It does explain the second blank unknown in your list though. Now what about your fifth book?"

Ash beamed, "The book is coming along fine. I have introduced the laws of the wizarding world in it. I also showed the corruption and power abuse going on. I'll admit I decided to write it after having to deal with Team Rocket but yeah."

Samuel, "I see but that's not all, is it?"

Ash grinned, "I was thinking about writing another book but it is based on the past and in a different location, focused more on adult pirates rather than kids."

Samuel, "A book about pirates?"

Ash nodded, "Yes and their crazy adventures around the world. I have already written a summary and I'll send it to you tonight once I am satisfied with it."

Samuel laughed, "Oh Blue and Red will love that. They came to visit."

Ash smiled and talked about the tournament and gave the Professor a detailed report on the performance of the Tauros. Samuel nodded and thanked Ash for the report it would come in handy when it came to answering questions from the new trainers to be. After the talk was done Ash left the room he was sharing with Max and Nurse Jim pinged him on seeing him return.

Nurse Joy, "Your Pokemon are all healthy as they can be."

Ash, "Thank you, Nurse Joy."

Nurse Jim, "No need for thanks, it is always a pleasure to see Pokemon being well taken care of by their trainers."

Nurse Joy nodded, "Most trainers struggle on figuring out the right way to take care of them and we have to undo any damage that may have been done unintentionally. I'm happy to say that is not the case with your Pokemon."

Max approached him, "Ash, look at this."

Ash, "What is it? Fire and Rescue Grand Prix?"

Nurse Joy, "Yes it's a competition where water Pokemon take part and it's happening in Lilicove town at the moment."

Casey, "Awesome I'm so taking part. In fact, Professor Elm was telling me my water Pokemon were getting a little restless."

Brock, "I'm sure you will do great."

Gou, "I'll take part too."

Max pouted, "I don't have a water Pokemon yet."

Ralts mumbled, -I'm not a water type.-

A group familiar voices spoke, "SURPRISE!"

Brock turned around, "Misty?"

Gou, "Chloe!"

Ash, "Melody, Serena!"

Max, "What are you doing here?"

Casey grinned, "Girls! It's good to see you. What's the occasion?"

Misty, "Why the Fire and Rescue Grand Prix of course and we wanted to see you after what happened."

Serena, "Are you all alright?"

Melody, "Yeah, I still remember what happened back in Orange Islands."

Chloe, "You are not hurt bad right?"

Ash smiled, "Thanks Misty. For coming all the way here for that."

Brock, "We promise, we are okay Serena."

Gou nodded, "Yup, don't worry about us."

Casey grinned, "You should have seen the other guy."

Max smiled, "We are okay give or take a few nightmares."

Serena, "That's good. We were really worried."

Melody smirked, "You mean worried about A... mrph."

Serena blushed, "Hush you!"

Misty snickered before turning to Ash, "Will you take part?"

Before Ash could answer he was picked up by a Blastoise and carried away to another group of Blastoise who were outside. The group gaped before shouting and running after him and Lucario, Absol, Abra and Eevee telling Blastoise to put their Meema down. Blastoise simply grinned and walked off faster, for a tortoise with a large shell they could move very fast. Ash was observing the Blastoise and he swears the big male was familiar, very very familiar.

Ash, "... You were the Squirtle squad, weren't you?"

Blastoise grinned and nodded, "Blas blast."

Ash laughed, "You know, you are gonna piss my Pokemon off."

Officer Jenny, "There you are Blastoise. Where did you run off too? Ash?"

Ash waved laughing, "Hiya Officer Jenny, this big lug here decided he wanted a date with me."

Lucario reached them and promptly took Ash back, -Absolutely not!-

Serena was blushing as she overheard Ash, 'A date? He's joking.'

Misty, "Officer Jenny... No way, this is the Squirtle Squad, isn't it. More like Blastoise squad now though."

The four Blastoises nodded and the group told the others of their adventure back in Kanto, how they met the squad and how Misty and Ash's Blastoises were originally part of the squad. Officer Jenny requested Ash and Misty, if their Blastoises could join the squad for the competition and the two of them agreed if their Blastoises agree. Their Blastoises were very happy to see their old squad and joined them to take part in the competition. Misty joined the competition with her other water type Pokemon and Ash did the same thing mostly because he wanted Omanyte to have the experience.

The Fire and Rescue competition went off without a hitch, Ash's team consisted of Omanyte, Milotic, Kingler, Lapras, Muk and Tyrunt. The six of them worked together with Milotic readily taking the lead and instructing them on what to do. However they lost the first place to Blastoise's team due to the Kanto starter Pokemon group being more experienced when it came to rescue. Ash and Misty didn't mind the loss though, to them it meant their Blastoises were capable of leading their own team and coming out as a winner. The two hugged and congratulated their Blastoises before deciding they should have a party to celebrate the win.

Misty, "That was fun."

Serena, "Yeah, your Pokemon were amazing."

Brock, "We have all grown a bit more then before."

Casey was observing the group, "Totally, wait is it me or ..."

Gou, "Or what?"

Melody giggled, "Not just you."

Max looked between them, "So Gou is not the only one with a crush then."

Gou's ears turned red, "What are you talking about?"

Max grinned and moved away from Gou's hand, "It's so obvious though."

Serena looked at Gou understandingly, "Hard not to like him."

Gou looked embarrassed, "Well he cares a lot. I don't know how anyone can resist that."

Brock's brain clicked, "Ah! I see. Better you than that man."

Gou sobered, "I don't think, he wants Ash in such a manner."

Misty growled darkly, "He better not! I'll find a way to castrate that man."

Serena looked at her lap before looking up, "We do our best to become strong. That way we can protect the people we love."

Ash joined them at that moment, "Oh what are you all talking about?"

Melody, "We were talking about Team Rocket creating trouble."

Ash nodded understandingly, "Ah! Well, let's not let them ruin our mood okay guys. Misty, Chloe, Serena, Melody, you are sticking around for a bit right? Want to travel with us, I believe Olivine City has a direct route to Orange Islands."

Serena perked up, "Really you don't mind?"

Ash looked at her curiously, "Why would I mind?"

Misty saved her from turning red like a tomato berry, "We would love to."

Melody giggled and whispered to Chloe, "Hey let's get Gou and Serena to take Ash out."

Chloe whispered back, "I don't think that's a good idea. Ash has turned down a few people, who asked him out already."

Melody, "Which is why we get the two of them to take Ash out together. That way the three of them can spend time together."

Chloe looked over at her two friends who's eyes always went to the dark haired teen from time to time then agreed. Melody decided to rope Misty and Casey into the scheme as they said farewell to the Blastoises who would be joining their squad for the moment. The group travelled together and talked about their adventures and Serena's first ribbon. It was an aquamarine blue ribbon with a sea shell in the middle, it looked very cute. Ash, Gou, Brock, Casey and Max congratulated her on winning her first ribbon.

Serena blushed under the praise, "Thank you everyone. You guys should have seen Misty and Melody battle. Their Pokemon are so strong and powerful. They make my Pokemon look harmless."

Misty blushed at that, "It was nothing, besides as a future Water Pokemon Master and Gym Leader my Pokemon need to be strong."

Melody grinned, "I do need a strong team if I want to keep my islands safe."

Chloe tutted, "Still Misty, Melody, Serena is right your Pokemon are really cool and Serena do not put yourself down. You are really awesome too."

The three girls smiled at that and as they were traveling they came across a reserve called the Wooper reserve. Misty brightened on seeing it and Casey explained the reserve was famous for protecting water type Pokemon especially Wooper who almost went extinct due to over poaching. Ash looked at the reserve impressed and complimented a Miss Olesia as it was she that created this place.

Brock gushed, "Oh! How magnificent! She must be beautiful as she is kind."

Misty twitched and turned to Ash, "I see some things never change."

Ash gave a laugh, "Don't worry Misty. Golbat has got us covered."

A lady with two pony tails walked out, "Hello there. May I help you?"

Brock had heart in his eyes, "Yes, beautiful maiden. You can help meeeeeeeeeeee..... "

Golbat hissed under her breath pulling him away, "Gol gol gol golbat gol gol golbat."

Ash turned to a laughing Misty, "See?"

Misty wiped her tear, "That was hilarious."

Casey shook her head, "Sorry about my chaotic friends, Olesia."

Olesia smiled, "It's okay Casey. I see you changed your mind about traveling alone."

Serena, "You were traveling alone?"

Chloe, "That's dangerous."

Casey shrugged, "It was not that bad when I started only last year things became more dangerous."

Serena looked at her worried, "Still..."

Casey, "Anyway this beautiful lady is my friend Olesia. Olesia these are Misty, Serena, Chloe, Melody, Ash, Gou, Max and Brock."

Olesia's cheeks turned pink, "I see you still have your sweet mouth on you. Welcome to the Wooper reserve."

Olesia showed them around the reserve and showed the ponds that were man made and filled with baby Pokemon. It was mostly Wooper but there were other Pokemon around too and Misty looked like she was in Water Pokemon heaven. Ash chuckled and took photos of her bright grin while being surrounded by so many water types. Melody and Brock offered to help feed the Pokemon while they were there and the group spent the day at the reserve. At night while camping they relaxed enjoying the Wooper singing which was very calming. The next day one of the Wooper got close to Melody and refused to let her go.

Olesia, "Oh! I'm sorry but I don't think he'll let you go."

Melody, "You can come with me little guy. I don't mind."

Wooper, "Woopa!"

Ash chuckled, "Congratulations! Your first Jhoto Pokemon."

Melody grinned, "Yeah!"

Misty, "Yeah, My Quagsire and I can help you out."

Serena, "He is so cute."

Chloe, "Very cute."

Brock, "Alright let's move forward shall we?"

Gou, "Yeah!"

Max, "I can't wait to see the Onix tunnels."

Ash, "I heard it is a Ranger station now."

Casey, "It is. This way everyone."

[A. N.: JD won!

JD won!

Woo Hoo! My man won! Congratulations!

This chapter is being uploaded in celebration of the win. ♪☆\(^0^\) ♪(/^-^)/☆]