Jhoto - Goldenrod City

The next day, early in the morning Ash was training with his Pokemon with Lucario leading the drill. Ash started by training Gengar and Phantump, after that Chimchar, Lapras, and Heracross, after that Chikorita, Totodile and Cyndaquill, and finally focused on Tyrantrum. Eevee, Absol and Abra had done a slight warm up before training to increase their stamina and strength. The King Pokemon trained with Lucario first before going through the ringer with Ash when the dark haired teen went through all of his moves with a fine tooth and comb.

Ash finally had a one on one training with Lucario and worked on stabilizing his aura, Yellow had chewed him out after finding out what almost happened from Lucario. After the training however Ash gave them all a nice good cleaning and massage, helping them relax and enjoy their free time. The breakfast consisted of traditional Jhoto food and very enjoyable, Ash especially enjoyed the freshly brewed tea. Absol being the curious little one he was pushed himself on Ash's lap and sniffed the tea and Ash huffed before pouring some in a plate. Absol took one lick before whining and complaining about it making the group giggle.

Ash put him down, "Guess tea is not for you buddy."

Eevee barked licking it up though, "Vui!"

Misty sweat dropped, "Well Eevee likes it."

Brock, "Cute."

Max nodded, "Yeah."

Melody, "Alright now that we are done let's go shopping."

Serena, "Yeah, let's go!"

Chloe giggled and the group went to one very popular Kimono shop in the City and Lucario made a beeline for the blue colored ones making Misty sweat drop. The aura Pokemon would never speak it out loud but he was very possessive of his Meema, but she supposed she couldn't blame him. Not with people like that Gonzalez around. While Lucario told Ash he would pick a dress for him, Ash decided to help Max go through some of the Kimono designs and accessories.

Max picked up one hair pin, "Oooh! This one with yellow and white orchids is cute."

Ash, "Do you want to add it to the cart?"

Max nodded, "Yes, May loves bright colors a lot."

Ash, "Alright, that's one accessory decided let's see, next is earrings and necklace."

Max, "Well, I was thinking something that compliments the hair pin."

Ash, "How about these two neck and ear piece here? They both would go well with the hair pin."

Max, "Ummm, that's true which one should I pick?"

Ash, "Well, we could pick a dress first then match them before making final decision."

Max nodded, "Oh I kinda want this Yellow Jadeite bracelet though."

Ash nodded and went through different Kimonos ignoring the cooing female helpers who were whispering among themselves about how sweet they were. Misty and the girls were having fun picking their own Kimonos, from the many colourful ones in the store. Misty chose an aquamarine coloured one with mini water Pokemon embroidered on it, while Melody chose an ocean blue with Lugia printed on the back.

Gou and Brock chose Kimonos that were a dark shade of color compared to the girls and brought the old fashioned sandals to match the clothing. Casey, Serena and Chloe however decided to get matching pink Kimonos after seeing three Kimonos in the display with Skitty, Clefairy and Jigglypuff embroidery on it. It was joined with accessories that was designed with the three mentioned Pokemon on it.

Ash and Max finally put their orders in, Ash had chosen a dark green Kimono with blue petals embroidered on it for his mother while Max chose a sunny yellow and cream white Kimono for May. Lucario appeared with Abra, Gengar, Breloom and Ralts holding two Kimonos that they gave to their trainers. They took them to the changing rooms and helped them dress up in the kimonos. Ash wanted to ask how Lucario knew how to put on a Kimono but didn't say anything.

Max came out first, "How do I look?"

Serena, "You look really good."

Misty nodded, 'Green and yellow..... I see Breloom is following Lucario.'

Chloe, "I wonder how Ash is doing."

Max, "Lucario dragged him behind the changing room over there."

Gou, "I see."

Ash came out soon enough, "Okay, I'm dressed, how do I look?"

Brock, Gou, Misty, Serena, Chloe, Melody and Casey gaped, the person that came out didn't look anything like Ash at all. Max who had seen what Lucario had picked was telling Ash he looked really good in the dark blue Kimono with the dark cobalt Obi. What really got the teens gaping was the bright red hair that was tied up in a fancy maru mage bun that had light blue coloured beads hanging from the hair pin.

Serena 0//////0, "Wao!"

Max, "You look awesome."

Gou 0////0, "You look really mature, are those heels?"

Brock felt his protective side appear, "I'll keep you safe from that bastard. I promise Ash."

Ash, "Brock calm down... Relax."

Misty, "No Brock is right. We will not let that guy touch you."

Casey nodded, "You can count on me."

Melody was mumbling, "I'll have to get stronger."

Chloe agreed with her, "No one is taking our friend from us."

All in all the shopping spree was a success with new looks to use should they ever run into Team Rocket again. Lucario had actually gone hunting for a practical kimono in which Ash could move around easily and be able to run and fight. It had taken time but the aura Pokemon had found what he wanted after looking around and talking to the shocked staff. The staff however didn't comment and helped the curious Pokemon find what he was looking for and helped him choose the Kimono. It was on the costlier side but with the pay Ash got after helping the Rangers, it was affordable and in their budget. The rest of the day they spent talking about the dresses they brought and Casey shared the history behind them, over lunch. After that they all went in different directions to train for battle with Gou and Serena offering to help Ash with the training.

Max, "Those two are so obvious."

Brock snickered, "Yeah."

Chloe gave Misty a grin, "You used to have a crush on Ash too."

Misty huffed, "I do not anymore. I grew out of it."

Melody, "That's because she met Rudy. Right Misty?"

Casey, "Oooooh! Does this mean Misty has a boyfriend? Does Ash know?"

Misty turned red, "No, he is not my boyfriend."

Chloe, "Yet, but he will be once Misty turns eighteen. Rudy wants Misty to be legally adult as he will be turning eighteen himself soon."

Brock nodded, "That's good. Kinda explains why Ash has not gone to Orange Island to give him the talk."

Misty sweat dropped, 'That's because Ash already gave him one in a video call. But no need to tell anyone else about that.'

Ash called Professor Oak later that night, "Hey Professor, how is Magby?"

Samuel showed the young fire type who entered, "He just returned from visiting his group today Ash. Blaine gave him a full check up and is ready to join you for battle, if you will have him."

Ash cooed, "Hello Magby."

Magby perked up, "Bi bi."

Ash turned to the Professor, "That's good. Lapras and Gengar had a good battle and contest. I was hoping to give them both a break and have Snorlax and Magby join me, and send Lapras and Gengar after a bit."

Samuel, "He gave us all quiet the fright when he fell asleep without a by your leave. I didn't realize how badly this little one was affected by what the poachers did. But on the bright side, at least he is getting alright and healthy now."

Ash received Snorlax and Magby's pokeball and released them, "Hey there buddy!"

Magby saw Ash and rushed to hug him, "Bi bi mag bi."

Eevee saw Magby and jumped down, "Vui! Vui!"

Abra, -Hello.-

Absol, "Sooool."

Ash, "This is Magby fellas."

Heracross, "Hera cross cross."

Chikorita, "Chikorita."

Cyndaquill, "Quill."

Totodile danced around him, "To do to do dile."

Chimchar hugged Magby, "Chim chim chimchar chim."

Lapras, -Hello little sister.-

Gengar, "Geng gengar."

Max, "You have a Magby????"

Ash nodded and explained how he met Magby back in the Orange Archipelago and saved her from the poachers. Max looked at Magby sadly when Ash told him her past, he had wondered about the nostalgic look Ash had back in the charcoal house. Now he understood why, the poachers really did quite the number on Magby making her weaker but she was training hard to make sure it never happens again.

Max, "She is a strong Pokemon."

Ash nodded, "She is and I plan on using her in the gym battle."

Max, "For the badge?"

Ash, "Yes, Blaine's Magmortar and Magmar have been personally teaching her. I want to see how well she does."

Magby ran to Ash to hug him, "Mag magby."

Ash cooed, "Day after tomorrow will be your first official battle. Are you ready to show the world what you got?"

Magby pumped her hand up, "Bi bi."

Ash, "Get some rest for now little one, Lapras and Gengar will be helping me train you from tomorrow."

Magby nuzzled Ash's chest and cuddled with him to sleep and the other Pokemon gathered around him after Ash introduced them to Snorlax. Max was honestly happy to see Snorlax, May had received a poke egg that turned out to be a Munchlax. The next day Tyrantrum trained together with Magby and helped her out with her moves, speed and stamina. Ash gave an impressed whistle, the Magmortar line that Blaine personally trained did a good job helping Magby, Ash had been honestly a little worried.

Gou, "Will you use Magby?"

Ash, "Yes, winning a battle will do wonders for her self esteem."

Serena, "She is very quick that's for sure and her fire moves has a lot of strength behind it."

Ash grinned, "Right? I think Magby is ready to battle, she was already battling before I met her. I just didn't battle with her because she needed to heal first. Visiting Blaine's pack was a good idea."

Gou pat Ash's shoulder, "She'll do well. Casey is challenging Whitney later on."

Serena, "It'll be fun to watch."

Whitney, "It has been a while Casey, I see you made friends."

Casey groaned, "Why is everyone commenting on that?"

Whitney grinned, "Well you always said training alone was easier and friends would slow you down."

Casey's cheeks turned pink, "Yeah well, these guys don't hold me back instead I have to train to catch up instead."

Whitney smiled placatingly, "We are just happy you have people you can count on."

Casey puffed up, "They are my good friends and teach and help me a lot. Anyways enough of this chit chat. Let's battle."

Whitney grinned, "You are on."

Referee, "This is a three on three battle, winner will be decided depending on which side the Pokemon stays standing in the end. Choose your Pokemon."

Whitney, "Let's go Ambipom!"

Casey, "I choose you Dodrio!"

Whitney, "Oh the little Doduo grew up."

Referee, "Begin!"

Casey, "Quick attack."

Whitney, "Fury swipes!"

Ambipom used fury swipes to attack Dodrio as Dodrio used quick attack to move around with high speed and attack. The monkey Pokemon reminded Ash of the Og Ambipom the Og character had and he half wondered if he will get Ambipom too. Or if he will just let Dawn get Ambipom right away, perhaps after training the hyper active monkey how to protect themselves.... He decided he had a lot to think about, perhaps he could get two Ambipom, it's not like he would stop taking part in contests.

Ash, 'A lot to think about.'

Lucario, -Pokedollars for thought?-

Ash nodded, -A bit yes, don't worry about it.-

Abra, -New friend?-

Ash pat Abra's back, -Maybe.... We will have to see if they want to join us or not though.-

Lucario hummed, -Time will tell.-

Magby was watching the battle with wide eyes, "Bi bi bi bi."

Gou smiled at the young magma Pokemon, "It is exciting, isn't it?"

Magby nodded as she watched Dodrio dodge the fury swipes and returned an attack in retaliation only for Ambipom to use double hit to answer it. Casey called for swords dance as Whitney called for rain dance, the two Pokemon looked like they were having a dance battle under the rain. Magby pushed back into Ash to avoid the powerful rain falling over the whole battlefield and Misty was honestly impressed.

Misty, "That is one hell of a strong Ambipom."

Melody nodded, "Yeah, look at that rain."

Brock, "Very impressive indeed."

Serena, "I think I will teach my Starmie rain dance next. It is very useful."

Max, "Do you think Breloom can learn it?

Chloe, "Grass types can learn rain dance but it takes a lot of training as far as I know."

Breloom perked up, "Loom bre breloom."

Gou, "She looks interested."

Ash, "We can contact Venasaur later, I think he can help Breloom out. His typing is grass and poison but he was able to use rain dance."

Max beamed, "I appreciate that. Thank you."

[A. N.: Hope you all liked this chapter.

Till next time my lovely readers.

Take care of yourselves.]