
Akako helped Molly dress up in a dark pink almost purple kimonos with a light pink Obi to compliment it. She then took a dark brown wig and styled it up in an easy Taregami style that Casey had shown them once. It suited Molly quite well and the two of them posed for Gengar to take a photo at Molly's insistence. Ash then got down to business and told Molly to stick close to Entei no matter what, Molly went to protest but Akako sushed her.

Akako, "I know you are scared but I need you to be brave okay Molly. No Princess Orihime, you are a Princess now, and Princesses must be brave."

Molly nodded reluctantly, "Yes mama, I'm Princess Orihime now."

Entei, -Come Molly, I will be with you.-

Akako gave him a grateful smile, "See your Papa wants to be with you."

Molly nodded and climbed on top of Entei, "I am a Princess. I will make mama proud."

Akako smiled at her then turned to Gengar and Phantump, "Lead the way."

Gengar and Phantump nodded and started to lead them towards the Unown which were located further north. While the three of them were headed that way, Lucario and the others had walked through the water of the spring and reached a, waterfall. Lucario told Totodile to carry Chikorita up the water fall and Sorrel threw his Tangrowth's pokeball upwards releasing him above the waterfall. The two ordered both grass types to use vine whip to help the rest of them climb inside through the water fall one by one. They frowned upon seeing a Crystal Wall infront of them and realized they would have to force their way in.

Charizard roared, -Leader!-

Lucario, -Charizard! About time!-

Sorrel, "Wao!"

Verity, "He has a Shiny Charizard, how cool."

They were about to summon their Pokemon when the place trembled with a powerful tremor that came from the North. The tremor was felt all the way to where Akako, Entei and Orihime were making Ash curse mentally about idiots with no common sense. He got up and climbed Gengar then requested Entei to take them to the Unown as quickly as possible. It was very important to ensure their safety first. The Legendary much to his surprise nodded understanding the dangerous situation they were in. Entei traveled through many tunnels and came across a large door behind which Ash hoped the Unown were located and wiling to listen.

Lucario, -Dammit! What was that?-

Charizard growled, -Ash better be safe.-

Kasumi, "No idea but look the wall cracked and it's closing up already. Everyone quick!"

Chizu, "Jump in now!"

Sorrel looked around after he jumped in, "Verity?"

Verity's voice came through the wall, "I'm fine, and with Momo, Masumoto and Hanabi."

Yuri, "Will you be alright?"

Masumoto, "We'll search for another opening. I think the crystallization stopped. Look at the news."

Chizu muttered, "I'm surprised we are getting reception here but okay."

Lucario, -We will move ahead, be careful, Team Rocket is still around.-

Charizard narrowed his eyes, -They are inside the building?-

Lucario nodded, -Yes. We think it's just a matter of time.-

Hanabi, "Do not worry about us. We will be fine."

Meanwhile Red, Gold and Silver were battling with Team Rocket inside the battle tank which caused them to push a few buttons. That led to the missiles being launched towards the crystal structure and was the cause of the dangerous tremors. Gold who had always been impatient called Rotom and Porygon and ordered them to shut down the main computer. The two Pokemon nodded and entered the main lines but it was not easy they had to fight the other three Porygons inside.

Rotom, -Bzzzzt... I will deal with them, go Porygon. Shut down the machine. Our trainer is counting on us.-

Porygon nodded, -Stay safe!-

Rotom, -Bzzzzt... Always my love. Hey Porygons come catch me you slow pokes.-

Porygon watched as Rotom taunted the three other Pokemon, their mate had become quite good at using taunt. All three ran after Rotom giving them a clear shot at the program and they got to work shutting them down. One of the Porygons noticed them and started to attack but they had done what they needed to do and the battle tank had shut down. On the ground Kiryuu gave a laugh on seeing the battle tank stop on it's tracks.

Annie gritted her teeth, "YOU! I won't forget this."

Kiryuu, "My dear, it's very bold of you to think you can walk away alive."

Annie growled, "Who are you?"

Kiryuu, "Death! And don't even bother screaming. No one would care really. You threatened my baby. You deserve nothing but death."

Pikachu grinned, "Pika pika!"

Annie's eyes widened, "Assassin! You are a fucking assassin. Whatever they paid you, Team Rocket Cam pay you more!"

Kiryuu looked at her in disdain, "Are you serious? Ugh! My words went in one ear and out the other. No matter your dead after this so."

Annie gave a laugh, "I'm not going down that easily."

Annie took out a remote and pressed it, the Pokemon around her howled in pain before they changed and got up, "Our latest invention. Do you like it?"

Kiryuu had a dark aura around her, "No more playing nice. Everyone do not hold back anymore."

Annie laughed and took our her gun at the same time Kiryuu did and fired. The two ladies danced around each other in a death dance as the Pokemon dealt with the modified Pokemon. Pikachu could see Ash in Kiryuu's moves and half wondered to himself if mama Delia was an aura Guardian too. The yellow mouse shook his head and focused on destroying the collars and belts that were around the opponent's Pokemon. It was a no wonder Ash took to fighting like a Goldeen to water, it was basically in his blood.

Inside things were not going that well for Lucario's group either, they had run into Team Rocket members. The grunts had seen the battle tank was out of the fight and taken it upon themselves to capture Entei. Kasumi told Lucario/Leo, Chizu and Nagato to go find Akako, while they dealt with the grunts. The aura Pokemon nodded and grabbed the other two and ran towards the hallway from which he could feel his Meema's aura. They were very close. Kasumi, Yuri and Sorrel took out their Pokemon and started a raid battle against the grunts.

Sorrel, "I hope Verity is fine."

Kasumi, "I have a feeling they are dealing with their own grunts."

Yuri, "Less talking more fighting."

Meanwhile Hanabi, Momo, Masumoto and Sorrel were hiding from the grunts that were walking around the crystal walls. Hanabi took out her Clefairy and told her to use her most powerful sing on the grunts. On seeing this, Verity called her Milotic and asked him to do the same thing. Masumoto held back a giggle as the two Pokemon combined their strength and used sing on the grunts to put them to deep sleep.

Hanabi, "Now, let's tie you lot up and take you outside to be taken in."

Masumoto, "That was so cool. We caught Team Rocket."

Verity was eyeing Hanabi, "You have done this before."

Momo, "That's my cousin. Great job."

Hanabi smiled, "Thank you, but don't let your guard down yet. There might still be more of them."

Masumoto nodded, "I just hope Akako nee - chan is safe."

Verity, "I'm sure she is. I bet she is doing her best to defeat Team Rocket as well."

Masumoto smiled at her then went to help Hanabi and took one grunt while Hanabi took another grunt. Hanabi asked them if they had any Pokemon who could teleport but Verity and Momo shook their heads in negative to that. Hanabi bot her lips and told them to keep an eye on the three knocked out grunts and told confiscate their Pokemon. The two then left with Ralts and Hypno using teleport and taking them outside where they were met by Officer Jenny. Hanabi explained the situation and they left again to being the other three grunts to be arrested.

Akako was in the meantime with the Unown, "Hello there."

Unown, -Little chosen! You came to visit us.-

Akako shook her head, "I came to warn you of Team Rocket. They want to capture you and use you for their selfish purposes. You are not safe here. You need to run."

Unown, -We know of the danger but we cannot just leave.-

Akako, "Is something wrong?"

Unown, -You could say that. We used up so much power building this place. It will take us time to read energise again.-

Akako, "Alright, I understand. We will guard you till you can move again."

Unown, -Gratitude!-

Akako sighed as he turned to his ghost Pokemon and told them to guard from the shadows. He was just glad the Unown were reasonable and understood why they could not stay in the human realm. The dangers were just too many for a Legendary Pokemon to be around especially with the likes of Team Rocket around. Akako turned to Orihime and Entei and told them to be on guard as you never know who might be around. At that moment Lucario appeared with Chikorita and Totodile by his side.

Chikorita, "Chiko!"

Totodile, "Toto toto totodile."

Absol, "Ab absol."

Charizard hugged her, -You are okay. I'm glad.-

Eevee, "Vui!"

Lucario, -Meema! Are you alright? I was so worried.-

Akako, "Lucario, Charizard, everyone. Oh Mew! You are okay. I saw the attack on the television."

Lucario hugged Akako as well, -We are alright. I was really worried about you a lot.-

Akako, "The Unown are ready to leave but problem is they are too weak. In fact, it's because they built this place they are unable to go home."

Lucario, -I can help with that.-

Akako, "We can stay on guard while you help them. Entei, Orihime we are guarding this place."

Orihime, "Are we going to be Knights in shining armor?"

Akako smiled, "Yes, we are little love."

Orihime, "Yay, Ummmm... What is he doing?"

Akako, "He is healing the Unown. They would heal faster if they could go home."

Orihime's face fell, "They are hurt."

Akako nodded, "Yes, they used too much of their powers and are now hurt."

Orihime, "I didn't know that. If they go home they'll be fine though right?"

Akako nodded, "They are strong so yes they'll be alright."

Entei, -They are here.-

Akako, "Get ready for battle! Lucario don't worry, we got your back."

Charizard, -Stay focused!-

Lucario nodded and focused on using his aura to help the Unown heal faster. Akako stayed alert and Annie burst in through on of the crystal walls looking a little wild. Behind her was Delia in a get up she had not seen before but she looked really good. Akako and Kiryuu joined together and started to battle Annie and her Pokemon again as Lucario almost completed his task. Charizard took on the crazed Houndoom with her and threw him out to keep the others safe. Annie was not one to go down easily and got behind Orihime get a shriek from her.

Akako, "Orihime!"

Annie, "Akako? Orihime? My my! If I didn't know any better I say you two are the Jhoto Princess and her red knight. Ah well! I'm going to enjoy bringing you down."

Entei was pissed, -Dont touch her!-

The furious roar made Annie cover her ears screaming and Kiryuu moved at that moment and stabbed her. Akako grabbed Orihime and closed her eyes whispering okay and that mama got her and no one would hurt her. At that moment Chizu and Nagato rushed in on hearing the roar and the scream. Chizu gasped on seeing the admin being stabbed through the guy while Nagato rushed to make sure they were okay. The three of them had to stop and deal with a group of grunts and Kasumi was at the moment taking the trash out. Charizard had destroyed the belt and the collar giving Houndoom their strength and brought him to where the rest were.

Nagato, "Are you okay?"

Chizu, "We came here hearing the scream."

Akako, "We are fine, they kept us safe."

Unown, -How dare you hurt your friends! This calls for punishment.-

Lucario, -No, you just healed. I don't think.-

Unown, -Fear not, we know what we are doing. Did you know the move known as curse is very versatile?-

Akako, "I suspected."

Unown, -Watch!-

The Unown glowed with the power of curse, it was dark at first but then they mumbled a few things that made Lucario and the ghost Pokemon perk up. Unown hit Annie with that powerful move and ordered Kiryuu to keep her alive, at least till she spills all of her secrets about her group. Kiryuu was shocked then grinned and nodded then got to work on securing her. The Unown then started to move around and glow with the colour that showed they were about to teleport.

Ash, "We should change back, once they leave."

Gou, "Yeah."

Serena, "Agreed! We can cook up a story about it."

Molly teared up when Entei started to fade but the large being rumbled at her in comfort reminding her she was not alone. Molly looked back at Ash who smiled at her telling her to be brave and Molly nodded and hugged Entei tight telling him good bye and she would always love him. Entei smiled at that and disappeared from existence completely and Molly cried a bit. Ash comforted her and said the game was over and they needed to change.

Molly, "Ashy?"

Ash twitched, 'One day Gary one day!'

Ash smiled at her, "Yeah, it's me."

Molly jumped hugging him, "Ashy I missed you so much."

Ash laughed, "Yeah I missed you too. Let's go outside yeah? My friends are all waiting put there."

Molly nodded, "Okay I would love that."

Serena and Gou grinned and Kiryuu left with Annie to make sure she didn't escape, Ash would have to talk to his mother later, for now to calm his friends down. And if his mother was here then.... Pikachu came running towards him and jumped into his arms chattering at him worriedly. Ash calmed him down saying he was fine only for Pidgeot and Fearrow to come crashing through the roof, oh dear. The flying type's surrounded him and looked him over making sure he was fine before cawing and cooing worriedly. Ash had a feeling he would not be going anywhere for a while.

[A. N.: Whew! I was a bit worried about this movie.

I'm glad I was able to write out my version of it. He he he! Looks like Mama and Papa Birds are here. lol

I could not resist adding them in the end.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter. I'll see you next week.]