
Charizard flew ahead, -I'll look around there.-

Alakazam that belongs to a Ranger nodded, -Very well. Be careful.-

Charizard and his mate flew ahead of the group growling when they noticed a few net traps on the tree above them. Charizard's claw glowed with metal claw as he shredded the net and his mate did the same with the other nets. The female rumbled her suspicions and Charizard nodded agreeing with her, they no doubt were set up for the Butterfrees that were found here. A Ranger soon joined them and looked around the area and the angry expression on the two Charizards.

Charizard, -Ranger Sid, these nets are laced with a sleeping agent.-

Sid looked at the net before taking out her equipment, "One sec, don't touch that without a move to cover your hand."

Charizard, -We both used metal claw.-

Sid, "Okay! That's good. Give me a minute."

Sid was a strawberry blonde woman who specialized in chemical tests and recognizing the chemicals. It would take her a few minutes to figure out what else was on the nets, hopefully it would only be just a sleeping agent. If the trap net had other substances involved, it would complicate the mission more than necessary. She looked at the shiny and normal Charizard, they both were very powerful and one Charizard belonged to a Champion. But what was amazing was how Charizard used his aura to talk to them, she felt very honoured.

Sid, "It has a strong sleeping agent and a paralyzing agent."

Charizard narrowed her eyes, "Rrrrd!"

Charizard nodded, -Very suspicious indeed.-

Sid, "Pidgeotto, can you be a dear and take this back to the camp. My team can prepare a counter just in case we need it."

Pidgeotto, "Ooot!"

Another Ranger soon joined them, "Sid? Is everyone okay?"

Sid, "Z... Yeah, yeah, just found out that the traps are lined with a paralyzing and sleeping agent."

Z, "Seriously?"

Sid and the two Charizards nodded.

Z, "Damn! Looks like we have quite the trouble makers in our hands."

Charizard huffed as they flew up to check the other areas and ran into more traps, only this time the traps were more intricate. Charizard narrowed their eyes then looked at each other before deciding they would let the Rangers deal with it. The Rangers had been working the whole night and day deconstructing the trap without setting up any alarm. It was during this time the two Charizards got closer to where Ash and the others were. The two took the chance to be pampered by the dark haired trainer, who didn't mind obviously and left with shiny, clean and healthy scales.

Z, "Head Ranger Rody, we have taken down twelve different traps the last three days and two nights."

Rody, "Good job Rangers, switch with the boys and get some rest. Be prepared for a battle though. You never know what can happen."

Sid, "Thanks big boss! We appreciate it."

Charizard, -Be careful!-

Z, "We will be fine big guy."

Sid, "Yeah, don't worry about us."

The two Charizards watched as the two Rangers returned to the base and another pair of Rangers who went by Shane and Dustin joined them. Shane looked like his twin Sid except for the dark hair while Dustin was a brunette with ember eyes. Charizard liked that colour, it reminded him of Ash. The group moved around the area checking the places where the traps were waiting for whoever it was to check in. It did not take them long as three people approached the area where the traps were and started to curse when they realized the traps were gone.

Shane, "Venomoth buddy, you know what to do."

Venomoth, "Mot!"

Dustin, "Use hypnosis Gallade."

Gallade gave a smirk, -With pleasure partner.-

The bug and psychic Pokemon worked together and put the three poachers to sleep before they came out. The group arrested them and sent them to the main camp where the others would deal with them. The group had their priorities and abilities, questioning people was not one of those. Charizard felt something and looked up and saw the heavy snow laden clouds part way for Ho Oh of all Pokemon. The group looked at each other and rushed to the top of Mt Raizen as fast as possible.

Ash was enjoying the festival, in his get up as Akako well as much as one can enjoy a festival on top of a freezing mountain. There were a few vendors selling warm food and drinks which kept the trainers who were not wearing warmer clothes from freezing. He noticed that Brock's, Tetsuya's hand itched to move and bundle those foolish kids up in warm blankets and scold them for their stupidity. Max or rather Masumoto was holding Charmender close to him as he made her sample the different types of food. The little girl enjoyed the treats and chomped down on the food, she never had festival food before because of Cross.

Masumoto, "Eat slowly okay?"

Charmender nods, "Char."

Breloom who was wearing a woollen scarf and jacket like Lucario nodded in satisfaction, she was glad the youngest in her family was eating well. Casey now Yuri, noticed that with the clothes on both Breloom and Lucario looked like another pair of humans. She all of a sudden remembered that one historic fact she had learned as a child about how the Emperor's and Empress's of the old would marry Pokemon. She felt her stomach become queasy, she loves her Pokemon, yes, but there are some lines you should never cross.

Verity who chose the name Elinor and dressed up in a long frock with red hair, noticed her shiver, "Everything okay?"

Yuri nodded, "Yeah, just felt a cold wind."

Sorrel who decided to use the name, Triban and was wearing a formal looking outfit with blond hair commented, "It is very windy here."

Gou now Nagato, "Hey is it just me or do the clouds look like they are clearing?"

Akako muttered, "Not just you."

Before Tetsuya could comment they heard a commotion from ahead.

"Look it's Raikou!"

"And Entei!"

"Oh Arceus look it's Suicune."

The group, especially Tetsuya, Akako and Nagato had a foreboding chill go down their spines simultaneously. Three Legendaries especially the three sub Legendaries together meant the head honcho was not far away. The last time the three elements were together they had to deal with Team Rocket and poachers. Back then they had Jessie and James with them, this time they were on their own. Well they were not completely alone as they had new friends by their side.

Akako, "Be wary!"

Nagato, "Keep an eye out for trouble."

Triban "Got ya."

Yuri, "Yeah, it would be seriously bad if a poacher attacked now."

Elinor, "Ooooh! This place has a lot of people."

Masumoto, "Around seventy I think."

Tetsuya, "Most are trainers, except for the vendors, so I think they'll be fine."

Akako, "Tetsuya grab that mic and make am announcement. Tell the vendors to get to a safer place and the trainers to be aware of poachers."

While they were talking the other trainers attempted to battle the three Legendary elemental cats of Jhoto. Only everytime someone attacked Suicune, Raikou would interfere, when someone attacked Raikou, Entei interfered and Suicune messed with those who attacked Entei. It was hilarious to watch the trainer's flabbergasted expression when they did that, the three even had visible smirks on their faces.

Tetsuya, "Ahem! Vendors who are not into battling please get to a safer area. Those who are not into battling, get to a safer area."

Yuri, "This way please!"

Triban, "Things are going to get intense here."

Tetsuya, "Trainers please be aware of your surroundings. There have been poacher sightings around this area. Please keep track of your Pokemon. If you loose your Pokemon it will be on you."

That started a ruckus as the vendors woke up from their awe induced stupor of seeing the three Legendaries and started to move to a less dangerous area. The trainers became more wary and vigilant as they looked around and kept their Pokemon close while talking to each other. They had come here for the Rainbow festival and a chance to get a glimpse of the Legendary Ho Oh, instead they ran into the three Legendary cats. It was not a bad thing but then they heard the loud announcement.



"Hah! I knew it wouldn't be that simple."

"Hey, is that Lady Akako?"

"I wonder if she is here to fight Ho Oh?"

Akako was looking around when his backpack started to glow, 'What the?'

Lucario narrowed his eyes and demanded, -Meema, give me your bag.-

Akako handed his bag to Lucario, "Be careful."

Lucario, -Don't worry Meema, I think I know what is happening.-

Lucario opened Akako's bag while ignoring the loud gossip and questions from other trainers about what was happening. He looked inside and just like he had guessed what the culprit was, the Ho Oh feather was glowing. Akako peeked into his bag, feeling a little weird about peeking into his own bag and gave an exasperated sigh. He should have known really, even if you don't plan on summoning a Pokemon, it doesn't mean they won't summon themselves.

"That's a Ho Oh feather!"

Akako cringed, 'Oh no!'

"The Lady Akako has a feather from Ho Oh."

"No wonder the three other Legendaries are here."

"It's like that one Legend."

"Well I guess that's what it means to be part of a Legend."

"Where did she get it from?"

Akako sweated a bit before getting an idea, "Ahem! I know you all are curious so I'll just tell you. I got this feather from my late father."


"I heard her late father was a Ranger."

Akako gave a sigh of relief, 'That should satisfy them.'

Yuri, "Uhhh guys! Look up there."

Akako, " .... Look out!"

Ho Oh gave an angry screech as he flew up avoiding a flying net that was shot to obviously capture him. The trainers turned to where the net came from and saw Team Rocket led by a purple haired woman. She was shouting at the grunts to capture Ho Oh and to not let the Pokemon escape. Akako took charge and started to order trainers to prepare for battle and to protect the Legendary Pokemon. The trainers jumped to battle the Team Rocket members and defend the Legendaries.

Akako, "Stop! What do you think you are doing?"

The purple haired woman looked at Akako and gave a tch, "You! Annie told me about you. I'll deal with you myself. The rest of you deal with the rest and capture those Legendaries."

Akako, "Let's go Pikachu."

Lucario whispered, -I will be destroying those machines. Be careful Meema.-

Akako mumbled back, "Same to you. Do be careful up there."

Lucario backed away fromthe group and used his aura to jump up and go behind the machines very quietly without letting anyone else notice him. Half way through he met up with Charizard who nodded at him and the three of them worked together to destroy the machines. Akako and the others fought with Team Rocket and Pikachu used his speed to dodge and fight off the enemies. Yuri and Nagato joined Akako in the battle and the three of them pushed Team Rocket back.

The purple haired woman was pissed, "My machines!!!! You blasted Charizard trainer."

Masumoto, 'She think Lucario is a human.'

Elinor, 'I should try dressing Empoleon up. I bet he would look very dashing.'

Empoleon felt a shiver and looked at his trainer suspiciously but shook his head and focused on the battle. Breloom though was grinning when the Pokemon ignored her thinking she was a human, dressing up definitely was fun. She happily fought against the enemy using fighting type moves making the grunts curse at her. They called her a crazy woman jumping on them to fight them with her bare hands.

Yuri, "Use thunderbolt along side Pikachu."

Elinor, "Bravebird!"

The other trainers fought beside them and brought Team Rocket down battling together side by side. After the battle was over, the trainers helped the Rangers round the Team Rocket members up. The Rangers thanked the trainers for their help and Ho Oh gave a screech getting their attention. The brightly coloured Phoenix gave a happy screech and started to sing happily as a bright rainbow appeared. Akako gave a relieved sigh as the four Legendaries finally left and the Rangers took their statements.

After the Pokemon Rangers left, the group of dressed and disguised people were now surrounded by the trainers. The trainers were complimenting them and some were confessing their love to the girls. Akako and the girls were dumbfounded, they were taken aback by the confessions coming from the mix group of boys and girls. Tetsuya called his Steelix to give a loud roar and while the trainers were holding their ears they ran from that area jumping on their Pokemon.

[To be continued..

RIP Robbie Coltrane.

Hagrid introduced us all to Hogwarts.

"I'll not be here sadly, but Hagrid will."

You were one of the best Harry Potter actors.]