Jhoto - Olivine City

After enjoying time together, Verity and Sorrel said farewell to their friends as they left for Sinnoh region. The Leviathan 2 was definitely a magnificent ship and looked truly marvellous as it sailed away from the Olivine City port. Todd them told them he was heading to Lake Lucid to take pictures of the newly rejuvenated lake. The rest of the group were then going in their own way. Brock went to the Pokemon center, Max, Casey and Ash to the training grounds while Gou left for the research center.

Todd was looking around, "Wao!"

Nurse Joy was shouting orders, "Where are the filters? Get your back into it. Where are the stabilisers?"

Todd, "That woman is Misty's idol. I can see why."

Nurse Joy turned towards him, "Are you Todd Snapp?"

Todd, "Yes ma'am. I am here for the interview."

Nurse Joy, "Nurse Jim take him to the interview room. I will join you in a while."

Todd followed Nurse Jim to the room set up inside a building next to the lake and was surprised to see a large number of reporters getting ready. Todd shrugged, he was here to get good pictures to sell to different news agencies, so he got settled in a specific area from where he could take photos. Todd sat waiting for Nurse Joy or rather, Miss Yyun Jie to join them in the auditorium. Miss Yyun was wearing a traditional kimono and an Icho - Gaeshi hair style that made her look very mature and strict. It was different from the Maru Mage hair style Ash chose to hide his identity, it made his friend look youthful and soft while Miss Yyun looked like a strict teacher.

Todd, 'Maybe that's the whole point.'

The interview started and Miss Yyun started to answer questions about her project to fix Lake Lucid. She explained her work first it included using water and grass type Pokemon to work together and clear the polluted water and replace with clean water. Next they would get the grass types to coax the water plants to grow in the lake floor which took a long time to succeed. But the water plants were starting to grow again and the lake was getting cleaner so they had a lot of hopes for the future.

A reporter spoke up, "Miss Yyun, if the lake is restored to the original condoms, will Suicune return?"

Yyun looked at her sharply, "No! We are clearing the lake because we need to and because it's our duty. If Suicune wishes they can join us but they are in no way or form obligated to. Remember we turned our backs on Suicune by polluting the lake first, Suicune owes us nothing."

Ash, Casey and Max were watching the interview live on the large view screen that was facing the training grounds. They had gone to check out Lake Lucid the evening before Verity and Sorrel left for the Sinnoh region. It was a very lovely area though it was still a little smelly and the water had a murky colour to it. Verity joked about how since they were there Suicune might come to give Nurse Joy a hand in cleaning up the Lake. Sorrel had hummed and looked around the area and shrugged agreeing making Gou laugh in a strained manner.

Casey, "Do you think Suicune would show up?"

Max, "I'm not sure that's a good idea. Many people are watching the lake at the moment."

Ash, "I'm sure Suicune can handle themselves no problem. If anyone tries anything, I'm damn sure Miss Yyun will put them in their place."

Lucario, -She reminds me of Grandma Delia.-

Abra nodded, -Yes, yes, she is cool.-

Shuckle, "Shuckle."

Ash pulled the bug type off, "What is with you and trying to always suck my skin?"

Lucario, -According to him, you smell like sweet fruit.-

Max snickered, "Must be the new body wash you agreed to advertise."

Ash, "Welllll, it is coconut and peach body wash. And hey you are enjoying using it too, as I'm advertising it, we get free bottles."

Max, "Mine is mint and cucumber."

Casey chuckled, "Yeah, free body wash is always good. I really like mine though, Macha scented, it's awesome. Anyways there is a contest that will happen here two days later, have you registered?"

Ash, "Already did, actually."

Max, "It'll be your fourth ribbon, right?"

Ash nodded, "Yes, but first tomorrow I'll be battling for my badge, the next day the Ace battle and then.... Cyndaquill and Bayleef has been showing a lot of interest in contests after I showed them some of the videos, while Croconaw just want to battle. Also weren't you planning on joining the showcase?"

Casey, "Yes, but I have two left feet. I really need a lot of practice before we can even consider taking part."

Max winced remembering the practice session a week ago, "I guess so."

Ash, "I see.... Casey, did you jump straight to dancing before the basic stretches?"

Casey looked away, "I.... Kinda did in the beginning! In the beginning! After that blunder I have been learning to stretch my muscles so I can dance without falling on my face."

Ash, "That's good, if you feel any pain Casey, remember to talk to either Brock or me. We'll help you out with it and make sure you do the warm ups and warm down."

Casey beamed, "I appreciate it, Verity was helping me out a few days ago. But now, she left I'll have to ask someone else."

Ash was thinking, "I think I can ask Venasaur to teach Meganium to help you. Venasaur helps me out and other Rangers as well. So he knows what he is doing."

Meganium perked up and nodded vigorously, "Mega mega meganium."

Casey, "She's interested. Okay! Anytime Venasaur is free, it'll be good."

Ash, "You can join Venasaur tomorrow, Meganium, he is coming here."

Casey, "He worries about you a lot, doesn't he?"

Pikachu cooed, "Pikapi ~"

Lucario, -Agreed, he is very kind.-

The next day Venasaur met up with them and agreed to train Meganium in human medicine and how to use Pokemon moves to help humans heal. Venasaur took Meganium with him while the rest of them, except Todd went with Ash to the gym for Ash's gym battle against Jasmine. Jasmine was pretty popular among the steel type specialists and she was actually looking forward to having Ace level battles against Ash and Casey. Ash was going first for his Steel badge.

Referee, "This match is for the Steel badge. The challenger is allowed to switch out their Pokemon but the Gym Leader is not allowed. Now, choose your first Pokemon, the Gym Leader will go first."

Jasmine, "Let's go Magnemite."

Ash, "I choose Shuckle."

Referee, "Begin!"

Jasmine, "Thunder shock."

Ash, "Roll out!"

Magnemite used thunder shock to attack Shuckle but Shuckle rolled away from the attack and circled around the arena. The steel electric type went after the bug rock type Pokemon who was rolling away enjoying the speed. Ash sweat dropped hearing Shuckle's happy laugh and let him carry on before calling out another move.

Ash, "Use Gastro acid."

Shuckle was still rolling around when he shot Gastro acid towards Magnemite. The Gastro acid flew towards Magnemite in smaller blobs rather than a steady stream. Magnemite flew around avoiding the balls of acid but one hit one of their magnets making them hiss in pain when the magnets melted.

Jasmine, "Magnemite magnet rise."

Shuckle gave a shriek as the earth under him rose up and he rose up to float. Magnemite then slammed the earth to the floor making Shuckle retreat into his shell. After the dust settled Shuckle peaked out of his shell and Ash called for sticky web. Magnemite was looking contrite when they were covered by the webs. Magnemite tried using thunder shock again only for the electric attack to run to the ground through the web. Shuckle gave a smile at the electric steel type and said something that made Lucario face palm and Magnemite turn red. Ash did not want to know what was said at all and decided to end it instead of letting it stretch on.

Ash, "Shell smash!"

Shuckle hit Magnemite to the ground knocking them out, "Shuckle."

Referee called out, "Magnemite is unable to battle. Shuckle has won the first match."

Jasmine, "Return Magnemite, thank you buddy."

Ash, "Return Shuckle, no fighting, you had your chance, give others their chance too."

Shuckle pouted but agreed, he wanted to go after the flying steel Pokemon, "Shuckle."

Jasmine watched their interactions, "Hey Ash, I know this has nothing to do with the battle but.... By any chance does your Shuckle like my Magnemite?"

Ash, "Well... Lucario, is he?"

Lucario, -He is fascinated by their abilities and said a few things that was not inappropriate but could be taken in the wrong manner.-

Ash, "Ah!"

Jasmine laughed, "How cute! Anyways, let's go Forretress."

Ash, "I choose you Noctowl."

Referee, "Begin!"

Ash, "Sky attack!"

Jasmine, "Rapid spin."

Noctowl used Sky Attack and swooped down on Forretess like a demon from heaven which terrified the steel bug Pokemon. It was only for a moment however before he used raid spin to avoid the attack only for Noctowl to chase after him. Forretress cursed as he started to move away from the bird Pokemon, he was a big type too okay! Don't you dare judge him for being terrified of bird Pokemon that attacks him.

Jasmine, "Zap canon!"

Forretress stopped and gathered the static from rapid spin to shoot a zip canon towards Noctowl who dodged the attack by flying low to the ground. Ash called for moonblast and Noctowl shot a silver coloured beam with a blue tint to it, towards Forretress. Jasmine called for toxic spikes which Forretress used to attack in return rather two attacks collided creating a mix of silver, blue and purple. Both Pokemon were affected by the two attacks and Forretress was dizzy while Noctowl winced from the poison.

Ash, "Noctowl use psycho shift!"

Noctowl hooted and used psycho shift and despite Jasmine's shout Forretress was unable to move away. He received the poison status from Noctowl while the shiny Pokemon gave a sigh of relief as the pain in his body slowly faded away.

Jasmine, "Forretress quickly bug bite!"

Noctowl squawked as Forretress clung on to his tail feathers and started to shine. The next thing anyone knew Forretress had used self destruct to take both of them down.

Jasmine, "Forretress no! We talked about this."

Referee, "Both Pokemon are unable to battle, the second match is a draw. Choose your final Pokemon!"

Casey, "That was interesting."

Gou hummed, "Forretress acted on his own. I would have been surprised if not for Lucario doing the same thing."

Max nodded, "Yeah!"

Todd, "I think most people would be very shocked but considering the kind of stuff and situations we got into... Our group doesn't really have a choice but to become independent and capable of making our own decisions."

Brock was serious as he spoke, "Most trainers have to deal with this problem after three years of traveling so to speak. But Ash and Misty was either lucky or unlucky, depending on how you look at it, had to deal with it much earlier than most people."

Max winced, "Uh... yeah, I guess that's true."

Jasmine, "I choose Mawile."

Ash, "Alright, let's go Croconaw."

Casey, "Ash chose Croconaw."

Max, "He was saying Croconaw needs to get used to his evolved body."

Gou, "And battling is a good way to do it."

Todd, "Go Croconaw!"

Referee, "Begin!"

Jasmine, "Iron head!"

Ash, "Dance away!"

Croconaw danced as Mawile attacked using iron head again and again. The steel fairy narrowed her eyes and attacked faster and faster only for Croconaw to match her speed and move faster. In truth, Croconaw was actually using rain dance to become faster and increase his status. Mawile stopped after realizing it herself and growled at her opponent who laughed.

Jasmine, "Shadow ball!"

Ash, "Scald!"

Mawile attacked using shadow ball while Croconaw unleashed scald on her. The steel type shrieked on feeling the hot water on her skin while Croconaw nursed his front which had been hit.

Ash, "Iron tail!"

Jasmine, "Iron defense!"

The two steel type attacks clanged making the Pokemon feel the tremors on their jaws before they jumped away. Mawile then used flamethrower while Croconaw answered with a large hydro pump. In Croconaw's defense it was more instinctual to use water based attacks when a fire attack was thrown at him, courtesy of Charizard's training. Charizard at a Ranger camp was feeling very proud and if for some reason.

Referee looked at Mawile who was hit by the hydro pump, "Mawile is unable to battle, Ash Ketchum has won the Steel badge."

Ash, "Alright we did it. And let's work on controlling your hydro pump. You are supposed to hit the target not wash the entire opposite side."

Croconaw gave a sheepish laugh when he noticed his opponent's side of the gym was actually drenched completely, "Cro co cro."

Jasmine huffed, "Well, I am proud to present you with the Steel badge. Well done. I look forward to my Ace battle with you tomorrow Ash Ketchum. Now, Casey, I believe it's our turn."

Casey, "Heck yeah!"

[A. N.: Hope you all are doing well.

How is your Christmas preparations coming along?

I just finished setting up the tree, next is the wall decor. lol

Have a wonderful winter.]