Are You Okay?

"Come on, Lucy! I don't want to be alone with her!" I grabbed Lucy by the arm and pleaded. "She'll kill me."

"I'm sorry darling, there is no way I'm joining you clean floors or whatever that devil is gonna make you do." She replied, pulling my hand off of her before walking off.

"If I don't make it back to out dorm just remember to come look for me!" I yelled at her as her figure slowly disappeared down the hall. My life sucks, I thought to myself as I slowly started making my way towards Miss Jennifer's office. Dreading every step.

Just when I was about to turn a corner, I bumped into something rock hard. What the hell was that?

"Owww... What the hell?"

"Sorry I'm in a hurr- Sofia?"

How does this person know me? I looked up to see Juelz, he was out of breath.

"Sorry I have to go." He said, about to run off again but I grabbed him by the arm before he could.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"It's Leo. I think someone is beating him up... He called me but all I could hear was him shouting and grunting."

"Do you know where he is?" I questioned curiously.

"No, not exactly but he said he was going for a walk."

"And where does he usually go for walks?" I asked once again.

"To the park right in front of campus."

"Okay... to the park it is then." I stated whilst waking to the exit of the school.

"Woah woah woah..." I heard Juelz say before he caught up to me. "Who said you're coming?"

"I did."

"It could be dangerous."

"That makes it even more fun." I smiled. "Come on! Leo could be dead right now for all we know... even though that wouldn't be such a terrible thing."

"Now is not the time to make jokes like that."

"Who said I was joking?" I raised my eyebrow.

"You honestly hate him don't you?"

"Do you need to ask?"

We continued to run towards the park, which I was familiar with as I had seen it when I first arrived at this new school.. When we arrived, we were immediately able to locate Leo by the cries of pain and grunts.

"You stay here. I'll handle it." I heard Juelz say, but did he really think I would just let him take all the pleasure of beating people up whilst I merely watch? I don't think so. Beside, I beat people up for a living. I think I can handle myself.

"If I was just going to sit and watch, why would I have come with you?"

"Well you kept me company, right?" Juelz smirked.

"Oh really? I thought that was what you were doing." I retorted and walked passed him. I saw four men ganging up on one person. I couldn't see his face but it was most likely Leo.

"Hey!" I shouted at the men. "Aren't you embarrassed, ganging up on someone like that?"

The four men stopped what they were doing and looked up at me. I could tell they were Gavin's men. They won't hurt me. They can't hurt me.

Juelz ran straight in and started attacking them whilst one of them came up to me. When he was close enough, I whispered.

"What are you doing?"

At this point Leo was to busy coughing up blood and Juelz beating the rest of the gang to notice our quick conversation.

"Gavin's orders. He told us to leave if you came."

Gavin must have set this up so I could 'protect' the boys and gain their trust. Well then, I guess I should end this. I kneed him in the stomach and then kicked him in the face until he was on the floor. I wasn't going to hurt him when he clearly wasn't allowed to attack me back, but I did have to do some damage so it didn't look to suspicious to the boys.

"Boys! Let's leave!" The one I had dropped yelled. I could see Juelz putting up a good fight against the three of them, but once they were ordered to stop, the gangsters complied. Soon they were all gone into the distance.

"I don't know if you're brave or just plain stupid..." Juelz panted, looking in my direction.

"A little bit of both?" I smirked. Then suddenly I heard someone laugh loudly. Juelz and I both turned to see a beaten up Leo laughing his ass off. I looked at him with a confused expression.

"Did you get hit too hard on the head or something?" I question, honestly worried that something might be wrong with his brain. I mean a perfectly normal Leo was bad enough, imagine one with brain damage.

He merely continued to laugh like a crazy person.

"I'm serious, are you sure you're okay?" I added

"Are you telling me... this girl... Sofia... just save my life right now?" He asked in between his laughter fit.

"Well it was more so Juelz..." I replied.

"I would rather die being beaten up by those jerks than be saved by you." He sat up and leaned against the slide which was located next to him. He was bleeding really badly.

I think Gavin took this a bit too far. They didn't have to beat him to a pulp.

"I'll go call them back for you if that's what you wish." I retorted.

"Please do! That would be the best thing you could do for me."

"Okay now you're just being an a**hole. Can't you just thank me, like a normal human would?"

Just when it looked like Leo was about to throw me another comeback, which I would have owned his life with, Juelz stopped him by grabbing him and trying to lift him up from the ground.

"Hey! Juelz-" Leo was saying but cut himself off with a cry of pain. "Arghh! That really hurts!"

Juelz ignored him and lifted him up anyways. He had Leo's arm around his shoulder, supporting him.

"Leo, did you gain weight? You're so heavy!" Juelz complained.

"Shut up Juelz- Oww that hurts, hold me properly!"

Juelz looked in my direction with pleading eyes. "Sofia, help me?"

"There's no way I'm touching that thing." I answered.

"I'm human you know?" Leo retorted.

"Oh are you now? I honestly didn't realise." I replied sarcastically.

"Even if you don't want to help him, do it for me please?" Juelz continued begging.

"Okay fine." I gave up.

I grabbed Leo's other arm and placed it over my shoulders. I will regret this so much later on.

I took this chance to examine Leo's beaten up face. It was pretty bad. His eye was so swollen he could barely keep it open, and there was blood dripping form his eyebrow and left cheek. His lip was also busted and bleeding. Yep, Gavin definitely went too far.

At that moment Leo caught me staring. He glared at me, even though it didn't look threatening at all because of the state he was in. I looked away, flustered. What if he thinks I was-

"Were you just checking me out?" He said exactly what I was thinking.

"Me? Checking you out? Only in your wildest of dreams, darling." I retorted.

"No, I'm totally sure you were checking me out."

"Your eye is as swollen as a balloon and you got hit in the head a dozen times. I think you were just seeing things." I said, trying my best to rid him of his suspicions.

"And of all the things I could wish to see, why would I see you checking me out?"

"I don't know. Maybe you really want it to happen." I smirked as I looked him straight in the eyes.

Juelz began laughing. "Leo, now is not the time to flirt. Your tactics never work anyways."

"Why would I, The Leo, flirt with someone like her?"

"Well you show your love through hate, right? And there's no one you hate more than Sofia at the moment."

"Guess what Juelz, right now I hate you the most."

"Owww, thanks Leo. I love you too!" Juelz laughed and I joined in.

We continued making our way towards the boys' dorm so we could get Leo into a bed to rest.