Little Prince

The scorching summer heat was causing people to feel sticky and irritable.

Within the grounds of a grand mansion, surrounded by a variety of flowers and plants, a makeshift shed had been erected. Sitting on the grass, a beautiful four-year-old boy threw his toy in frustration and seethed with anger.

The servants who witnessed his displeasure panicked, except for his personal attendant, Qise, who sighed.

"Our young master is sweating. Hurry and prepare a bath."

Serin glared at his system, who was dressed as his butler, growing even more irritable. Having worked in time and space administration for a thousand years, Serin had received generous compensation and retirement benefits from the main system after completing his mission.

He had requested a retirement planet, which the main system granted, along with a significant amount of wealth to last him a lifetime, claiming to be afraid of mistreating him.

Afraid of mistreating him? Then why transform him into a baby?

Serin angrily bit his toy.

Qise observed his host's frustration and had the urge to laugh, but he managed to maintain a composed expression and said, "Don't worry, host. You can still become a domineering president. After all, you have five companies listed under your name, along with multiple subsidiaries and properties."

Serin put away his bitten doll and nodded.

"You're right. Regardless, my presence still exudes authority."

"Yes, host. People would bow their heads in reverence upon seeing you."

Qise began to imagine his four-year-old host, sitting in a swivel chair, dressed in a suit, and couldn't help but feel conflicted. No matter how he looked at it, it didn't seem domineering at all.

Serin had no idea what his system was thinking. He allowed Qise to carry him and assist with his bath. Feeling refreshed, he resumed running around, only to be eventually pulled and put to sleep by Qise.

Perhaps due to inhabiting a child's body, he grew fatigued easily, thus drifting off to sleep while listening to Qise's lullaby.

When he woke up, it was already dinnertime.

"After you finish dinner, little master, you will visit the kindergarten."

"Why the kindergarten?"

The old butler smiled gently and said, "Our little master is four years old. You need to go to the kindergarten to make friends."

Serin was taken aback and puffed his cheeks. "Grandpa Butler, are you mistaken? I'm already five years old," he said, displaying all five fingers.

"Just a few more days until your birthday, little master. You're still considered a big baby."

Serin pursed his lips.

"Grandpa Butler, I really am five years old."

The old butler saw his little master's unwilling expression and couldn't help but chuckle. As an elderly man, witnessing a child's innocence could easily soften his heart. He knew it was Qise who had said it to coax the little master.

"Yes, yes. Our little master is already a big baby."


Serin hummed happily and began to eat.

The meal was enjoyable, and together with Qise, Serin went to the kindergarten dressed in a navy blue sailor shirt and black shorts, paired with white socks and black shoes. On his head, he wore a navy blue beret with a large blue diamond, matching his outfit.

Qise had enrolled him in an aristocratic academy to ensure his safety. The school was extravagantly designed, likely catering to wealthy parents who considered the facilities suitable for their children's educational needs.

"Welcome to Madea Kindergarten."

Serin looked around and felt satisfied with the environment.

As expected of the system, a domineering president should receive a high-quality education and possess a distinguished background. This way, people would admire and praise him for his greatness.

"Mister Qise, it's a pleasure to meet you."

Qise smiled and shook hands with the school director, guiding Serin to stand in front.

"This is our young master, Serin Ashier Dhallian."

The school director looked at the child in awe. He had seen many attractive children, but this one left the strongest impression. It was as if he were a perfectly crafted doll meant to be admired by all.

"Our young master can be a little temperamental, so I hope you'll understand, Director. If anything happens, you can call me anytime. For now, I brought our young master to get acquainted."

"That's good."

The director pointed to the woman beside him. "This is the teacher assigned to young master Serin's class. He can sit in while we discuss matters in my office to help him adjust."

Qise nodded and looked down.

"You go with the teacher, little master, while I speak with the director."


Serin nodded and allowed the teacher to hold his hand.

Feeling that Qise might feel lonely, he reluctantly waved his small hand to assure him that he would be fine.

A competent domineering president isn't afraid of meeting new people!

Clasping his small hands, he took a deep breath and walked forward with the teacher, prepared to enter the battlefield.

With just one glance, Qise understood what his host was thinking. Such a cute action made him smile.

The main system had made a wise decision to seal some of his host's memories, as they could affect his new life. Playing various villainous roles with cruel and unjust deaths had been traumatizing, so it was no surprise that his host would gradually become cold and gloomy.

Qise thought he would never see his host smile again, but thanks to the main system, he had been given an opportunity.

"Shall we go, Mister Qise?"


Unbeknownst to Serin, he lacked memories of his thousand-year existence.

All he knew was that he was destined to become a domineering president and rule the world. (Possibly because he had always played high-ranking and powerful villain roles.) The system had sealed away all unhappy memories, such as confrontations with protagonists and his own deaths, in order to allow him to lead a happy new life. However, due to the sealed memories, Serin's intellectual capacity had been affected, causing him to behave like a child, despite his thousand years of life experience.

From an adult's perspective, Serin appeared as a child dreaming of becoming a respected leader of a company.

"Class, look, we have new classmates."

The arrival in the classroom took only a few minutes.

Serin believed he was prepared, but upon seeing the lively children, he grew frightened. He had always been surrounded by composed adults, and this was his first exposure to such a lively scene since arriving in this world.

The teacher noticed the fear on the child's face and felt concerned.

"Quickly, have a seat. You are scaring your new classmates!"

The children immediately stopped and turned their attention to their teacher's loud voice. They finally noticed the new child standing beside the teacher and hurriedly took their seats, their curious gazes fixed upon Serin.

Seeing the classroom regain calmness, the teacher gently patted the child.

"Come on, sweetie, introduce yourself."

Serin remained silent and simply pursed his lips. He was genuinely frightened and wanted to find Qise to take him back home. How could children his age act in such a manner? It was not what he had expected.

Serin quietly cried, clutching onto his clothes.

The teacher realized that it was not working, and the new child remained frightened. She hurriedly picked him up and tried to comfort him.

"Don't be afraid, sweetheart. Teacher will protect you."

The other children noticed that they had frightened their new classmate and suddenly felt embarrassed and panicked. The little girl who had been observing Serin since he entered couldn't help but scold her classmates.

"I told you not to fight! Look, you made our new classmate cry!"

The little boy received a fierce look and couldn't help but grow angry.

"You're just blaming me?!"

The little girl rolled her eyes and retorted, "Because you started the fight, Sion! You're really bad!"

Another little girl stepped forward and tugged at their teacher's clothes.

The teacher noticed her and crouched down, ready to hear what she had to say. However, before she could speak, the little girl grabbed the hand of the younger child she had been holding.

"Little brother, don't be scared. I'm your sister, and I'll protect you."

Several kids nodded in agreement and glared at Sion. They approached Serin, eager to comfort their new little brother.

Serin, who had been silently crying, stopped and looked at the little kids in front of him. The teacher had already set him down so he could interact with them. With his fluffy hair and chubby cheeks, the children couldn't resist touching him. The teacher scolded them gently, fearing they might hurt their new little brother and cause him to cry again.

"From now on, he will be your new little brother. His name is Serin."

The children's eyes sparkled as they gazed at Serin.

"Teacher, he's so pretty."

"Yes, like a doll."

"I want to take him home!"

Surrounded and admired, Serin thought that kindergarten wasn't so bad. As a qualified domineering president, he shouldn't be afraid of children's quarrels. Instead, he should be the one to put an end to them! That's right, from now on, Serin Ashier Dhallian would dominate this classroom and teach these kids how to act elegantly and intelligently, making them worthy subordinates.

Suddenly, Qise began to feel restless for reasons unknown.

He had a foreboding sensation that something big was about to happen.

"Then, Mister Qise, are there any food restrictions or allergies to be aware of? The school will be providing meals for the children, so we need to ensure that the food is suitable for them. Additionally, we should ask for medical records that the school doctor can use to monitor the children's health while they're here."

"Yes, we have already been informed about that."

"Our little master is allergic to peanuts, so please avoid serving any food or desserts that contain peanuts. The medical test results from the laboratory will be finalized tomorrow, and I can send them to the school doctor immediately after."

The director nodded with satisfaction.

Serin sat upright in front, resembling a prince, while the other children looked at him with admiration, thinking that their new classmate was as pretty as a doll and wanting to sit beside him.

Unbeknownst to Serin, they were not admiring his perfection but rather scheming how to persuade him to play with them at their homes.

It didn't take long for Qise to pick him up, causing the children to cry. The teacher could only console them, assuring them that Serin would return tomorrow and they would finally be able to play together.

"Our little master is quite popular."

Serin lifted his head proudly.

"Of course, as a domineering president, I should make people admire my strength!."

He conveniently forgot that he had cried out of fear.

"Yes, yes. That's why our domineering president should attend kindergarten tomorrow and become a role model for your subordinates."

"Hmm. Don't worry, the teacher has already informed them."

The old butler greeted them joyfully upon their arrival. Serin believed that his grandpa butler had been sad during his absence, so he allowed him to carry him while he boasted about his achievements at kindergarten, describing how the children obediently listened to him.

Of course, he had conveniently forgotten about the moments when he cried.

It was rather endearing.

The grandpa butler couldn't help but dote on the little master. Some of the servants clapped their hands and praised their little master's accomplishments, affirming that he would be an excellent leader in the future.

Qise stood to the side, observing his young master as he bounced around.

He couldn't help but wonder what happened at the kindergarten.

After getting tired, Serin simply watched television. His eyes began to droop, but before he could fall asleep, Qise picked him up and insisted that he eat before going to bed. Although Serin was sleepy and wanted to sleep, Qise would gently tap his cheek to keep him awake and eat. Eventually, Serin couldn't help but cry in aggrieved frustration, accusing Qise of being cruel to a baby.

Qise also felt guilty while coaxing the little baby.

"Just a little more, just a little more."

"Huhuhu, I don't want to, I want to sleep. Qise is mean, bullying the baby. Huhuhu."

Serin lightly slapped Qise's face with his small hands, refusing to open his mouth as his eyes drooped.

Knowing that his young master was genuinely sleepy, Qise instructed the maid to clean the table and prepare some baby snacks in case Serin woke up in the middle of the night.

"Okay, okay. Stop hitting. The baby can sleep now."


Serin hugged Qise's neck, resting his face on Qise's shoulder, and drifted off to sleep.