
The next day...

Madea kindergarten prepares for the 6th class resume of classes.

Teacher Roana was nervous and prayed that the little ancestors in his class would behave this time. Her co-teachers aren't surprised and just wish her good luck, turning a blind eye and hurriedly leaving to stand at the gate and meet their students.

"Qise do I look handsome today?"

Qise hummed not leaving his sight on the laptop.

"Qise aren't I handsome?"

Qise paused and glances at his host who is looking at him with blinking eyes.

Rather than handsome, it should be cute. However, once he blurts out his thought there's a high probability that a cold war will start. Qise doesn't want another workload so, at a time like this, deception is the best option.

"It's handsome."

Serin was happy and his big round eyes sparkled.

"Then will my wife like me?"

Qise: "..."

What wife?

Wake up, a four-year-old like you still need weaning!

Remembering the child from the Strauss family, Qise suddenly got a headache while thinking about the future. Serin is already a huge threat and if you add Xanric Lhei Strauss whose existence is the biggest villain in this world then it would be a mess.

Just when did his host become a face control?

"Hey, with this face my wife will definitely fall in love with me."

Qise: "..."

He forgot his host who became a baby not only had his IQ lowered but also become narcissistic.

"You know what Qise, my wife actually promise to go home with me but first I need to go home with him and meet his parents, what kind of gift do you think is suitable?"

Qise: "..."

Maybe, being mute is much better.

His host is really talented when it comes to making him speechless.

He actually doesn't know how to answer but fortunately, the car already stops and they already arrived at the kindergarten. Serin instantly forgets his inquiry and hurriedly gets off the car, hoping to meet Xanric.

Qise send Serin to teacher Roana and apologize again for what happened yesterday.

Teacher Roana express her understanding with a flushed face and receive Serin wholeheartedly.

Seeing Qise leaving, she stared at the man's back admiringly. Who won't get attracted to a handsome man that is gentle and has a superior aura?

She knew that Qise is a beta because there is no trace of a pheromone.

But that didn't stop her to appreciate the man.

As an omega, it's a norm to expect an alpha as your partner but she thought that was not really the case. Omega chooses alpha because alpha is the type of existence who excel in everything. She doesn't get that idea because, unlike some delicate and squeamish omega who prefer to be pampered and doted on, she is someone who wanted to stand beside her future partner and also provide care and financial assistance, that's also the reason why she works hard to graduate...to get a good and high paying job.

"Teacher Roana where is Xanric?"

Teacher Roana: "..." I'm sorry, she forgot this little ancestor.

"Little Xanric will arrive later, you will wait for him in the classroom okay?"

Serin nodded.

It doesn't matter, a qualified domineering president won't scold his wife for being late. Later he will ask Qise about the mansion so he could live with his wife and go to kindergarten together.

Teacher Roana is relieved that everyone is getting along again.

Leaving the kids in the classroom, she goes back to the entrance to wait for her other students.

Serin is talking to other kids and boasted that he will have a mansion soon and would live there with Xanric. Everyone is envious and also asked if they could live with him but Serin rejected that idea. Taking a bunch of mistresses would make his wife sad so he must absolutely avoid that situation to happen!

A domineering president should be a loyal dog!

Xanric who arrived in the classroom welcome numerous envious eyes. Though he had no idea what happen and why they looking at him like that, he still raises his head proudly and walks towards Serin.

Then with a red face, he greeted his doll.

"S-Serin good morning, I miss you so much."

Serin feels happy and kisses his wife's cheek: "I miss you too!"

Xanric feels satisfied and lets Serin help him carry his bag. His doll is really good, and he wanted to bring him back home but his father won't allow it. Though his grandpa told him that he could bring the person back home, he won't want to make his father angry anymore so even if unwilling, he must hold back until he could persuade his father to agree.

"Xanric I brought a mansion so we could live together."


Xanric's beautiful round eyes widen.

Happiness comes too quickly, why he hadn't thought about it? If he can't bring back his doll then he could buy a house and put his doll there!

"Yes, but you need to marry me before you can live with me!"

Xanric tilted his head: "Marry?"

Why marry his doll? What is marriage?

Xanric is a smart baby but he can't understand the word 'marry' so he decided to ask his grandfather when he got home.

"Yes! Marry means we can live together!"

Teacher Roana who stepped inside the classroom heard Serin's statement and suddenly feel dizzy.

Did she hear it wrong? Why is this little ancestor discussing marriage?

The children who are listening are also confused and seeing Teacher Roana appear, they immediately asked what it means to marry someone. Teacher Roana was caught off guard and without thinking she explain the word marriage to children. After all the word marriage is not sensitive unlike sex so Teacher Roana didn't think that something would go wrong with her explaining some adult ceremony.

"Wow! I also want to marry!"

"I want to live with Serin too, does that mean I need to marry him first?!"

"B-But Serin only asked Xanric for marriage."

Everyone turns their head and looks at Serin eagerly, wishing that Serin could ask them for marriage too so they could live with Serin and go to kindergarten together.

Mittel who was hit by Xanric in the face also stare at Serin longingly.

Why only Xanric? He can do it too! Marriage!

Sions and Eins who fought with Serin are confused. Why everyone wanted to get married? Even with Teacher Roana's explanation the two still couldn't understand what is marriage so they are clueless about what was happening but that didn't stop them from joining in.

Teacher Roana didn't expect the situation.

She stood dazedly while listening to her students, proposing to Serin.

"No! Only I can marry! You can't! Serin only wanted me to live with him!"

Xanric feel threatened again so he couldn't help but shout to shoo others who are flocking to his doll. Serin on the other hand widen his eyes when he saw Xanric's teary eyes and became nervous.

"D-Don't cry I will only marry you!"

Teacher Roana shook her head and said, "Ancestors it's not good to talk about marriage at a young age! Remember marriage is a ceremony for adults, babies are not allowed to get married! Count your birthday first before looking forward to it!"

She's single and her students are talking about marriage? What a joke!

Respect single people!

You, babies, are hasty!

Teacher Roana taps the blackboard and tells the students to sit down. Serin is worried and Xanric who was coaxed nonstop is happy.

On that day Qise who is working receive a call from the teacher and was reprimanded to restrain teaching kids about adult stuff like love and marriage. Qise is surprised when he learned what happen at the school and couldn't help but scold his host in his heart.

His little ancestor is really troublesome.

Somehow he wanted to record everything so that when his host grew up and restore his memories he can have a handle by showing some of his embarrassing sides.

What a good plan.

Grinning, he leaned on the swivel chair.

It's tiring to work but once his host reaches adulthood then his rest would be doubled.

"President we receive a call."

Qise narrowed his eyes: "Whom?"

"It says he's the secretary of the dean of the science and technology academy."

"Give me."

Secretary Ren immediately transfer the call and excuse himself.

Qise didn't expect Conrad Nekriel would agree to meet him so while talking to the secretary he offer the place and give the contact to secretary Ren so his secretary could inform Nekriel's secretary about the place.

ABO work is really troublesome.

If his host became an alpha then his stress would lessen so he really wishes his host won't differentiate as an omega because once his host became an omega and appear in the public eye of the business industry then a bunch of marriage appointments would appear and he who is legally Serin's guardian would once again experience a storm of pleasantries through banquet invitation and other events.

He doesn't like attention.

Qise whose existence is hidden as a system hates crowded places.

That's why he rarely attends charity galas and others.

"It's really bothersome~"

Secretary Ren glance at his boss who is listlessly sitting on the swivel chair. A beta boss who shook the business industry. He was also surprised at the sudden emergence of the Dhallian group of companies but when he apply and was hired as a secretary, he started to understand his boss's capability.

Alpha, Omega, Beta.

Who says what an alpha can do can't be done by a Beta?

Look at those alpha bosses who flatter his boss. There is nothing better than seeing an alpha bow and it became his obsession.

"President, are you tired?"

Qise closes his eyes. A system never feels exhausted but ever since possessing a human body he finally knows what is it to be tired. Probably what the main system did to him and his host is a punishment rather than compensation.

"Ren, you send coordinates tomorrow to secretary Cilen."

"Yes. I already reserved a private room."

——In Madea Kindergarten, Serin is happily playing in the playground.

It's playtime.

But Xanric is gloomily staring at other children who are playing with Serin. He's not in a good health so he's not allowed to exhaust himself, he could only watch other kids play around while he's sitting alone under a tree.

He hated why he was not healthy like other kids.

He also dislikes how Serin plays with others and forgot him.

He hated how other children steal Serin from him.

Pinching and plucking the grass, he purses his lips. Since you can only marry when you grew up then once adult he wanted to marry Serin. His grandpa would be happy if he learn that he would have a daughter-in-law in the future.

Serin also said to marry him and live in a mansion.

Then he must think of a way to keep Serin.

He really wanted to grow up already.

And hope that once become an adult, he could be healthy too.


"Xanric I'm done playing!"

Serin is full of sweat.

His round beautiful eyes are full of happiness as he rushed toward Xanric.

Serin started to like the kindergarten he once hated and slowly forgot his domineering president image. Now, he is just like any other child who is carefree and jolly.

"Then you will now stay with me?"


Xanric held Serin's hand and drag him to sit beside him.

"Serin I thought about it. When we grew up let's marry each other okay? Then we will live in one house and go to school together. The teacher said to count birthdays and I'm five years old now, I will become an adult soon so don't look at others okay?"

"Of course!"

He thought about it too. Since he can't marry now then he will tell Qise to keep the mansion so once he grew up then he and Xanric could live there.

"Xanric my birthday will come soon, you must celebrate with me!"

"Really? Then I will go, I will tell grandpa to go to your house!"

"Yeah, but my house is hard to find."

Xanric frown: "Why? My driver is good I'm sure he can find your house."

Serin shook his head: "No, my house is in the forest."

"Forest? Serin are you poor?"

Serin widens his eyes. Is he poor? Living in the forest is poor? But the maids said that he was a little prince, how could a prince be poor?

"Is living in the forest not good?"

"Yeah, if you live in the forest then you are homeless!"

Serin suddenly thought that maybe he was bankrupt now so he lives in the forest. It explains why Qise refuses to buy a mansion. T-Then he ask for a mansion yesterday, how can Qise buy a mansion if he's poor?

Baby is confused.

How could the baby be poor?

"B-But we have a house in the forest, Is that still poor?"

Xanric lowered his head, Is a house in a forest considered poor? He also doesn't know but grandpa told him that the homeless have no houses and they live everywhere. Serin lives in the forest and has a house t-then he's not poor?

Seeing Serin's low mood, Xanric panic.

Why is he not smart and makes Serin sad? Why grandpa didn't teach him enough?

"S-Serin just live in my house!"

Serin didn't move and kept his head lowered.

He's thinking that his system, Qise is probably taking revenge making him poor! If he knew it then he would refuse to live in the castle and just live in a mansion!

Qise is so bad!