Chapter 8: I like you

That night, Rica waited for her Uncle. These days they don't normally get to have dinner together because Rica goes home a bit late. But tonight, Rica tried to go home earlier than usual. She had to settle things with Uncle Sam.

When they finally had dinner together, Sam asked how Rica's work was and what had she been doing. Rica just answered with one line statements and quietly ate. Uncle Sam knew something was wrong.

When Rica did not go straight to her room after dinner and went to Sam's office instead, Sam felt a storm coming.

"I'm an old man, so you have to be gentle with me. I know something is bothering you, Rica." said Uncle Sam when he entered his office.

"You are not that old, Uncle" said Rica sitting on one of the chairs facing the door of the office. She doesn't like it that Uncle Sam already knew she's agitated about something.

"So what is this about? Do I need to get a tranquilizer to calm my nerves?" asked Uncle Sam

"I think it's me who needs a tranquilizer." said Rica standing up from her seat.

There's no point in going around in circles. So Rica went straight to the point.

"Uncle, did you ask Dave Lopez to marry me?" asked Rica

Sam didn't think news will reach his niece this early. He wanted to tell Rica about it only after Dave gives him an answer. It will shield Rica for any possible rejection. Rica learning it this soon means she's involved now. Sam was unprepared for this early confrontation.

"And what if I did?" asked Uncle Sam "Do you hate the idea?"

Of course Rica doesn't hate the idea. It actually makes her excited and giddy inside. She will be crazy with joy by now if only Dave showed the same excitement. But Dave was drunk and he felt more desperate to save SkyRock more than ever. Rica isn't happy about that at all.

"No, I don't. But why did you come up with this? I mean why David Lopez? And why this early? I've just graduated from college, Uncle." said Rica.

Sam walked to his table to take a seat.

"You and I both know why it had to be Dave. Although you never told me, I had known how you feel for him since you first met him five years ago." said Uncle Sam "Sometimes I feel it's really hard that I know too much of your heart, Rica. In parties, I will always see you staring at him and trying to get closer to him. In the end, you'll only get to say a 'Hi' or 'Hello' and then you will need to wait for the next party to get your chance again. It was hard for me to witness that."

Rica felt like something was stuck in her throat. She felt like tears are soon going to fall and her heart was squeezing knowing that Uncle Sam had known everything for a long time. And he was trying his best to help her.

"And so when I saw an opportunity, I could not let it pass without trying." said Uncle Sam

Rica sat back on the chair. Her energy was drained after the entire day of emotional roller coaster.

"What if he doesn't like the idea?" asked Rica, her voice softer and uncertain. "What if Dave rejects it?"

"SkyRock is falling. Andres is going to be blamed if that happens. Do you think Dave would say 'No' when he had on his shoulders everything his Dad worked hard for?" asked Sam

Rica clenched her hand. This was exactly why Dave was so stressed out. Coercion! That's what this is.

"But Uncle, you are forcing him. I want him to like me naturally. And I don't want SkyRock to fall. Dave had been working hard and barely sleeps. I saw all his effort." said Rica

"I've talked to the biggest shareholders and members of the Board. I did my best to package the proposal as something that will give FlyAir long term benefit even if the short term benefit is not that material." said Sam. "But they wanted an assurance that the relationship between FlyAir and SkyRock is indeed long term. My friendship with Andres Lopez is no longer enough as proof . SkyRock fell because Andres trusted the wrong person and that person happened to be his friend. The Board wanted to make sure that SkyRock is not going to run away from their contract obligations too."

Samuel took a deep breath.

"A marriage is inevitably the only solution. You will have to get married with him even if you never had feelings for him." said Uncle Sam.


Rica closed her eyes. was Uncle Sam saying this situation was meant to happen?

"Does he know about how I feel for him?" asked Rica

"Did you tell him?" asked Sam

"No. I can't tell him." said Rica

"I told him that I wanted a marriage in order to push through with the contract. But I think Dave thinks this is just a business deal, nothing personal." said Uncle Sam

This will never be just a business deal for Rica. It is much too personal.


Amy and Victoria were screaming and shouting with excitement upon hearing Rica's news. Although she keeps repeating that Dave hasn't given his answer yet, she can't control the way her friends reacted. She understands them, they always knew she was in love with the Elevator Guy.

"So when will he give his decision? He has to give it soon right?" asked Amy, ecstatic.

"Sooner or later he has to answer my Uncle." answered Rica

"That's great! Finally! It's like a fairy tale come true! I am so happy for you Rica!" said Victoria, almost screaming with each word.

Rica can see the joy in the eyes of her friends. But the truth? Inside her heart, Rica knows there's no assurance that Dave will marry her.

"I don't think he'll accept. He seems to be really down when my Uncle told him to marry me. I don't think he likes the idea. I am pretty sure he doesn't like me." said Rica

Amy grabbed Rica's hand.

"Don't be insecure! You are pretty and smart. You already showed him that you are capable at work. You just need to get a bit closer to him so that he would appreciate you." said Amy

"Does he know how you feel?" asked Victoria

"No...He doesn't. I have no confidence in telling him." said Rica

"Maybe he has to know. Maybe you just need to tell him how you feel so that he'll take notice of you." said Victoria.

Are they suggesting she confess her feelings?

"I don't think I can do that. Imagining having to tell him how I feel scares me." said Rica.

"Well..." said Amy. "I don't think he'll ever see you as a fiancée or even just a woman unless you tell him you are one. So I really think you need to confess your feelings for him."

Is that really the right thing to do? Should she really take that risk?

When the three of them said their goodbyes, Rica felt she needed to walk around and think things through. And she needs time alone to do that. When her phone rang, she didn't even look at who was calling and just answered it without thinking.

"Hello, This is Rica."

"Hi Rica. It's Dave."

Rica's attention immediately focused.

"Boss?" asked Rica

"Umm, Yes. I need to talk to you. Are you free tonight?" asked Dave

Tonight? After business hours?

"Yes! I am free..." answered Rica almost automatically

"Oh no! Do I sound too enthusiastic?" thought Rica

Rica took a deep breath.

"There's also something I want to tell you." said Rica


It wasn't fancy. They did not even have dinner together. They met in a park near the coffee shop where Rica met her friends earlier. There were a lot of people. Rica knew why Dave chose this place. When he said he wanted to talk, he meant it. TALK. Nothing intimate. Just Talk.

Dave arrived and sat beside Rica. He brought canned coffee for each of them.

"You don't like it?" asked Dave when he noticed the crease between Rica's brows

"No. It's just… this coffee is familiar... I think I've tried this before." said Rica

"Yes you did in the office." said Dave

Dave just scolded Rica back then about the report being later by two hours. Rica felt so bad after that. And then suddenly, she saw a canned coffee on her table. It lifted her spirit a bit.

"Ah! Right…someone gave me one. It was really refreshing then. I haven't thanked Luis for giving it to me."

"Luis? You thought Luis gave that to you?" asked Dave

"Isn't it Luis? I didn't see who put in on my table." said Rica

"You should be more attentive of what is happening around you."

"You scolded me that day. I was self-pitying. Did you give me the canned coffee back then, Boss?" asked Rica

"You looked pretty down so I went to grab a canned coffee for you." said Dave

Rica felt really happy. Dave felt bad after scolding her and gave her coffee! If she only knew it was from Dave, she wouldn't have thrown the empty can on the thrash can like a three pointer!

"Thank you."

The wind blowing on the tree leaves was relaxing. For some reason, there were fewer people in the park now. There was an old couple walking by. They were talking about something as they held each other's hand.

"That's beautiful" said Rica

"Yes" Dave nodded. "I have hopes of ending up like them in the future."

Dave knows he can't delay it any further, they need to talk things through. Things had to be cleared as early as now.

"I'm sorry I was a jerk when you visited me in my house. I was really drunk then. I can't remember everything I said, but I do know I wasn't the most pleasing person." said Dave.

"You were not the most pleasing person even if you're not drunk, Boss. But you're right. I almost hated you when you were drunk." said Rica.

That made Dave laugh a bit.

"But still not enough to hate me, huh? You really are a nice person, Rica." said Dave. "But aside from apologizing, I wanted to see you because I wanted to ask your help."


"What kind of help?" asked Rica

"I need you to ask your Uncle to change his condition to sign the contract."

That felt like a blow. Rica tightened her hold on her bag. Her chest felt squeezing in pain. Dave… He really does not like her.

"Thinking about it, I guess they wanted to seal the long term partnership by marriage as an assurance that SkyRock will fulfil all our duties. But I can give them that assurance even without a wedding. The wedding…I don't think it should be used as part of a business deal." said Dave.

Rica's heart sank. If she can just dissolve into thin air at that very moment, she would. Her heart was breaking at the thought that Dave doesn't want to marry her.

"Why do you hate the idea so much, Boss? What don't you like about me?" asked Rica, her voice unstable.

Dave's eyes widened a bit. He did not expect Rica's reaction.

"What? It is not about what I do or don't like in you, Rica. If two people fall in love, then they will get married eventually if it works out. But marriage to seal a business deal? That is not within my principles. I mean it's common. But I've seen so many people who went through that. And I know it will be very damaging for you and me. It will restrict us to be with the person we truly love." said Dave

Rica couldn't bear the pain anymore, it's as cruel as hearing Dave's rejection.

"It will not restrict me. Because the marriage will help me get closer to the man I like." said Rica.

Dave got confused all of a sudden. What is Rica saying? Are their minds meeting at all? Dave had to stand up.

"I don't get what you mean, Rica. I'm trying to explain to you that if you end up marrying me, you will not be able to get close to any other man anymore…"

"I don't need any other man, Boss. You're the only one I want to be close with… Because you're the only one who's been in my heart the past five years." said Rica while trying to hold back her tears.

"Wh..what…" Dave can only whisper his question not believing what he just heard.

"Five Years ago… when we were trapped in that elevator, I just could not stop myself from liking you. You saved me that day." said Rica trying her best to resist crying while standing up to get closer to Dave

"I let you out first, but it was the rescuers who saved you. I am not your hero, Rica." said Dave.

"But it doesn't matter who pulled me out. You almost died there and ever since then I would always feel different when you're around." said Rica. "It's like my heart will pound uncontrollably and my mind was a mess when you are around. I didn't know I liked you this bad. But through the years, I always wanted to see you. I wanted to get a chance to be close to you. I wanted you to see me too." said Rica.

"But Rica…"

"I know I'm younger than you. I know you don't like me yet. But I will try my best to make you see the real me. I will try my best to make you appreciate who I am."

Dave could see Rica's eyes slowly becoming overly moist. The girl is about to cry.

"I will change what you don't like about me. I will be a good wife to you. I will study everything there is to learn about SkyRock and we will lift it up again together. I will…I will make you fall in love with me." said Rica almost breathless, her lungs almost out of air.

Dave was frozen like a stone. His mind was blank, his heart was numb for a few seconds.

"Boss? Please…." said Rica.

She just threw everything out in front of Dave. She had to convince him that marriage was good for both of them. And if she had to surrender her heart to Dave in the process, she will.

Dave just looked at Rica. This innocent face, the eyes that was filled with unshed tears…What will he say? was there any right word to express how confused he was right now?

"I…I can't have the wedding. I'm sorry. Rica… I am already in love with someone else." said Dave, trying to not show the confusion inside him.

Rica's heart just felt the greatest pain in her whole life. Tears were already flowing from her eyes but she made no effort to dry them or hide them anymore. The pain was just too much to bear that her knees started shaking. She just stood there, staring at Dave, not knowing what to do but just cry her heart out.

Dave felt a stab in his chest when he saw tears flowing on Rica's face. Rica was not the type of woman who would use tears to trap a man. She would try to hide her tears just to look strong. But now, she's crying. Dave almost reached for Rica but he was able to stop his arms when he saw the pain on Rica's eyes.

That's right. The least he can do was to stop himself from doing things that can make Rica more confused and hurt than she already is.

Dave looked away.

"I'm sorry, Rica…"


Carl was surprised when Dave called him to have a drink in a different place from where they usually meet. When Carl saw Dave, Dave was holding a glass and a bottle of vodka. But it looks like Dave hasn't drunk anything.

"I thought you'll be drunk by now." said Carl

"I tried beer at the bar but I couldn't drink it. It just didn't appeal to me. But when I went here, even vodka doesn't appeal to me." said Dave.

Carl took a deep breath. He doesn't know what to say to his friend. He doesn't want to be in the same shoes. But he had to say something.

"So she confessed to you?" asked Carl

Dave just nodded.

"You rejected her?"

Dave nodded again.

"What did she say after that?" asked Carl

"She just stood there. She was crying. After a few minutes, she turned around and asked if she can leave. And then she just left…" said Dave

Carl poured some wine on his glass.

"What do you plan to do now?" asked Carl

"I don't know. It's just been…so crazy."

Dave's phone rang.

"Belle?" asked Carl

"No…It's Mom" said Dave as he answered his phone.

"Hello, Mom? Yes, I'm out with Carl. Yes….Say that again. Where is he? Which Hospital?" asked Dave with some urgency in his voice.

Looks like trouble.

"What did your Mom say?"

"Dad was rushed to the hospital. A possible heart attack." said Dave grabbing his coat to leave.


Dave went to the hospital and talked with the doctors. He learned that his Dad had been feeling pain on his chest for the past months but had been insisting to go to office.

"He knows it's all his fault." said Dave's Mom. "And he wants to solve it on his own. He didn't want you to get involved. But I am afraid that he was at his limit."

The Lawyer was there too and though he did not say anything, Dave knew he was also worried about the future of SkyRock now that his Dad was physically unstable.

"I will take care of everything here. You go home and get some rest. You still have work tomorrow." said Dave's Mom.

Dave looked at his Dad. There were tubes everywhere and he looked older than he did a few months back. He had also become thinner. Dave couldn't bear to look at him for a long time. His heart was breaking for his father.

Samuel's signature had to be on that contract at the soonest possible time.

Dave looked at his Mom and saw her wiping her tears.

Something had to be done soonest.


Rica cried the whole night and couldn't get up the next morning. It seems that no matter how much tears she had already cried, there will always be more.

Dave did not get any sleep as well. His Dad's weak state in the hospital was haunting him. He heard good news this morning that his Dad's condition is better and that if his Dad continues to recover, he will be released from the hospital soon. Thank God it's just a minor incident.

"What is this?" asked Dave "I thought I said the financial projection had to be submitted to me by ten?"

Luis scratched his ear.

"Boss, I think we have a small problem. Rica has not yet come in. She was the one who was supposed to deliver the projections to you." said Luis.

Rica was not yet in? Dave looked around. Indeed there was no Rica to be found. Dave was so stressed thinking about his Dad that he wasn't able to think of anything else.

He checked his phone and did not see any message.

"Did she call?" asked Dave

Luis checked his phone.

"No. She didn't."

Dave was worried. Everything he said to Rica last night flashed back on him.

He hurt her…and she cried.

Dave sighed.

"The projection isn't urgent. We can still wait for it until tomorrow." said Dave.

Luis nodded as he walked back to his table.

But when Dave still didn't hear anything from Rica at two in the afternoon, he already got pissed. Even his team was wondering why he had a foul mood that day. Everyone was scared to approach him because he seemed to be always on the edge of shouting and scolding people. His presentation late that afternoon also did not go well. Though Luis was able to pull it off somehow, they almost lost the contract because Dave's mind was elsewhere.

Until that evening, Dave did not hear anything from Rica. And he was getting more and more frustrated.

��Why did Rica not come to the office today? I am her boss. She should've informed me that she won't make it. There were pending documents that had to be submitted." thought Dave.

Though he said it was not urgent, the documents had to be done tomorrow latest. But more than the overdue deliverable, Rica should have called once to tell them why she isn't coming. If she's not feeling well, she should've told him. Dave's mind started to imagine different things that might have happened. What if she tried to go to office but because she was spacing out from everything he said last night, she got hit by a car?

Dave knows his imagination was just extreme but he got really anxious. He reached for his phone. He dialed Rica's number. But even before it got connected, he ended the call. If he calls her up, she would think he cares. He can't do that, not when he said he's in love with someone else.

Dave then called Luis to check on Rica. When Luis did not send an update after ten minutes, Dave tried to call Luis again but his line was busy. He tried again after a minute or two but it was still busy. When he finally got through Luis, Dave tried to control his temper.

"I told you to call me up as soon as you learn what happened." said Dave.

"Yes. It's only been fifteen minutes, Boss. Relax." said Luis

"How can I relax when you did not even send me a message to tell me what happened to her." said Dave

Luis almost chuckled. It was obvious that his Boss was quite worried about Rica.

"If you are that worried, why didn't you call her yourself, Boss? I mean, if you did, you don't have to wait for my update." said Luis

"I…I'm her Boss! But she did not even inform me that she will be absent. I think this is unprofessional and she should be the first to approach me to apologize." said Dave

"Really? Well then, try to be a little gentle to her tomorrow. If she gets to office that is."

That made Dave troubled. Why? What happened to Rica?

"It was a household help who answered the phone earlier. She said Rica was not feeling well the whole day. I heard she refused to eat anything and was really with low spirits the entire day. It seems she refused to talk to anyone and just lay on her bed. I guess she was really sick that she wasn't even able to think of informing anybody anymore." said Luis

Dave felt a heavy weight was on his chest. Did he do that to Rica? was he really this type of person who does this to women. This happens to Di too whenever it involves him. Is Rica like Di? Is he really a poison that slowly destroys a woman?