Chapter 11: Cloud nine to Underworld

The team was divided into two. The first team was the blue team which included Dave, a male direct report and two female direct reports. The other team was the red team that included Luis, Rica and two others. The first game was a relay. Each member had to do a task. Once the first member was done with his task, he will receive a key. The 2nd person in the team can't start his task if the first person hasn't given the key to him yet. The first team to finish all tasks for all the four persons will be the winner of the first challenge.

Dave was the first player for his team versus Luis who was the first player of the red team. They need to hit the baseball that was going to be thrown at them. Dave did this without trouble on his second try. But Luis was a bit slow in doing this and only got the hit on his forth try. Dave gave the key immediately to his female direct report. Luis was able to immediately give his key to Rica. The task for Rica and the Blue team's player was sack race. Rica was pressured since she knows Luis finished later than Dave. She wanted to catch up really bad that was why she was trying to jump as quickly and as far as possible. But on one of her jumps, Rica stumbled and fell. It wasn't an ordinary fall where Rica could stand immediately after. It's that kind of fall where Rica ended up totally lying on the ground.

Dave felt blood drained from his head when he saw Rica fell and wasn't able to stand up quickly.

Luis ran as quickly as he can to help his teammate Rica. But when he almost reached her, he saw an arm reaching for Rica before he could. He was surprised to see Dave ahead of him when Dave was farther from Rica when Rica fell down. That's amazing speed!

Dave reached for Rica's arm and tried to help her stand up, but Rica was in pain from her fall and couldn't stand up properly.

"Where does it hurt? You don't need to go too fast, you idiot!" shouted Dave while helping Rica to balance herself.

"It's just a bruise, Boss. I'm gonna be fine." said Rica trying to smile

Of course it's not fine. Dave could see the wound on Rica's knee. It's bleeding and though it's not that big, he knows it's going to leave a scar.

"You said you'll take care of yourself, but here you go falling down on the first event." said Dave

"I'm really useless when it comes to physical activities. I'll make it up later." said Rica

"I can take Rica to the clinic, Boss." said Luis.

But before Luis can even complete his words, Dave had already carried Rica in his arms heading towards the clinic's direction.


A nurse was helping Rica clean her wound but Rica was in pain. Dave felt that the nurse' hand that was doing the cleaning was putting too much pressure on the wound.

"Can I? I mean…Can I clean her wound?" asked Dave.

"Boss, It's fine." said Rica

"You always say that, even if you're not fine." said Dave

Dave did not wait for the nurse to give him permission. He took the cotton and the medicine from the nurse and sat beside Rica to clean her wounds. The nurse's brow shot up but Dave ignored it.

The wound was deeper than he expected. Good thing it's just a wound and no bone seemed to be fractured.

"Why did you have to go here in the first place? I mean I thought you'll be on your Uncle's business trip?" asked Dave

"Huh? I just wanted to come here." said Rica. "Besides, Uncle is supportive of me spending time with you, right?"

"Are you trying to stalk me?" asked Dave, a smile on his lips. He was clearly teasing Rica.

"Stalk you? Why would I?" asked Rica, her eyes widening.

"Well, I don't know. Maybe because you are my Fian…"

"Just because I'm your Fiancée doesn't mean I will guard you and stalk your every move, you know." said Rica

Dave felt something tingling inside him when Rica said "I'm your Fiancee". It made him chuckle.

"What's funny?" asked Rica "Do you enjoy cleaning wounds? Or were you trying to remember how I fell earlier?"

Rica snorted. Dave must be remembering how she fell earlier. It was so embarrassing!

"That's rude." whispered Rica.

Dave pinched Rica's cheek lightly. Rica smiled at Dave. And that weird warm feeling started in Dave's chest.


It was a festive lunch and everyone was eating a lot. Dave was happy to see everyone enjoying. The morning games was done and though he did not get to play that much, Dave was happy seeing that his team was still able to enjoy the experience.

Rica was sitting beside Dave. Dave noticed that Rica was taking out the raisins from her food into a small plate.

"You don't eat raisins?" asked Dave

"Huh? Umm…Yeah… I'm not fond of it.." said Rica

Dave took few of the raisins and put it in his bowl. Rica was surprised.

"You love raisins?" asked Rica

"No" said Dave

"But why did you…"

"Ahh… If I didn't know better, I would think you're a cute couple." said Luis making Dave glare at him. "A boyfriend eating the things the girlfriend can't."

Everyone in Dave's team agreed with Luis.

"They really look good together." said one of the team members.

"Ah, a good match not just at work but also in other aspects." said another.

And everyone kept on laughing and teasing.

"Stop it." said Dave. "Don't make Rica feel uncomfortable."

Uncomfortable? Rica does not feel uncomfortable at all. Actually, she feels like joining everyone's teasing.

"Why will she be uncomfortable, Boss? She's no longer works under you. It won't look weird to be a couple." said Luis.

Rica smiled sweetly at Dave. That made Dave feel weird. Why was she smiling this way?

"Dave…" said Rica with her sweet and a little sexy voice.

Dave almost couldn't swallow his food. This was the first time Rica called him by his name in front of everyone to hear. The sweet sexy voice did not help.

"Can I give you ALL my raisins?" asked Rica still smiling sweetly, her eyes blinking trying to look cute.

"What?!" said Dave pushing Rica's face lightly away from him. "Stop it, Rica."

"Do I make you uncomfortable, Dave?" asked Rica

Everyone burst out laughing.


That afternoon was everyone's free time. Though Dave wanted to enjoy the facilities with his team, he wanted to catch up with some sleep. He told everyone that he will stay in the room. He fell asleep as soon as he hit the bed.

Until he felt something moving in the room.

Dave slowly opened his eyes to see if any of Luis or other male direct reports went back already. But his eyes immediately opened when he saw Rica opening the window from within the room.

"What are you doing here?" asked Dave still a bit sleepy.

"Huh? Did I wake you, Dave?" asked Rica

"Are you teasing me again with that 'Dave'?"

Rica couldn't help but laugh. The memory from earlier was just too funny to ignore.

"You really had a good time making fun of me, huh?"

"No. I'm not teasing you anymore, Dave. Sorry about earlier." said Rica in between laughs.

"You don't look sorry." said Dave "Where's everyone? You didn't join them? I thought you went out with them?"

"I did, but then the wound felt painful in the heat of the sun, so I went back to get some cold gel." said Rica. "I didn't bring any but Luis said there is one in his bag."

"You went back here alone?" asked Dave

"Yes, they are all enjoying the pool. I didn't want to burden anyone, so I just came back on my own." said Rica

Dave felt heat crawling on his skin. Rica shouldn't have gone back alone and to a man's bedroom nonetheless! Especially when the man was in the room.

She's such a naive girl.

Dave stood up and stretched his arm.

"Let's go out." said Dave

"I thought you said you're going to catch some sleep?" asked Rica

"The nap earlier was good. I think we should go around and explore the facilities." said Dave. "Besides, we don't go to these kinds of resort ever day right?"


Dave and Rica went to a garden where there were different kinds of flowers. They were lovely. There was even a resort staff who explained the what the flowers were and where they came from. After that, Dave and Rica walked by the pool. Luis and the others were no longer there. They got themselves some ice cream as they continue their walk.

They were walking down the stairs on their way to the beach when clumsy Rica almost fell down. Dave had to hold her arm so that she won't fall too many steps.

"You really are clumsy." said Dave


Dave held Rica's hand. Rica tried to pull away.

"Umm… I will be more careful." said Rica.

"Do you think I'd still fall for that?"

Dave held Rica's hand with a strong grip.

"You may stumble on the sand." said Dave. "I'd feel more at peace this way."


Rica felt really warm inside. Dave was just holding her hand but she already feels like she's about to cry of joy. Something felt so intimate about it, something so nice swelling inside Rica's chest.

Luis saw them and approached them. Rica tried to pull her hand away but Dave's grip was even stronger than earlier. Luis pretended not to notice but he did.

"Um…Boss, your friends were looking for you." said Luis

"Friends?" asked Dave

"Weren't you expecting them? They've been waiting for an hour. You really have good looking friends." said Luis

Dave wasn't expecting any friend to come.

"Who can they be?"


Dave went to the reception area still holding Rica's hand

"You weren't expecting them?" asked Rica

"No. This is a team building activity, not a friendly get together." said Dave

Dave noticed Carl in the reception. Ah… so it was Carl. Then Dave noticed the woman behind Carl.

Belle? How can she be here? She was supposed to be in New York until next week.

Dave noticed a woman walking towards Belle.

That wavy hair flowing like water, that lovely face that was all too familiar…

Dave suddenly released Rica's hand. The cold air crushing Rica's skin made her feel pain squeezing her chest.

"Dave?" asked Rica

Those beautiful eyes that were now looking at him…

That can only be one person…

He will never forget…

Diana Harper.
