Chapter 17: Reconciliation

Rica and Dave entered a small restaurant. They went to a vacant table.

Gene saw Dave arrive and she was excited to greet Dave. But when she greeted Dave and saw the woman he was with, she almost dropped the menu.

"Hi!" said Dave.

Gene's eyes was fixed on Rica.

Dave took the menu from Gene's hand and gave it to Rica.

"What do you like to have?" asked Dave

"Hmm… What do you recommend?" Rica asked Gene.

"Huh?" Gene's tears were almost falling.

"Umm…Ehem…Yeah…I think the beef noodle is one of the best." said Gene trying to control her emotion.

"Really? I like that. I'll get one please." said Rica smiling.

Gene also smiled and had to turn to Dave because her tears were already falling.

"I'll get the same" said Dave, smiling at Gene.

Gene immediately went to the kitchen.

"Are you OK?" asked the owner

"I'm going to prepare this order, manager." said Gene.

"You're not even the cook." said the manager.

The woman who took their order was familiar. Rica kept looking back to the door where Gene had gone into.

Dave reached his hand to Rica's eyebrows and massaged the space between them.

"Whenever I see you react that way, that means you are either confused, curious about something or you just have a question." said Dave.

Rica sighed. She's becoming too readable.

"So...which is it?" asked Dave.

"Hmm? I just feel that…" suddenly the woman's face returned to Rica's mind and slowly she saw where she had last seen that face.

Gene served the beef noodles joyfully. Then she noticed Rica looking at her intently, Rica's eyes starting to tear up.

"Is there something wrong?" asked Gene.

"You…You look like someone I know." said Rica.

Dave touched Rica's hand.

"Someone who left and never returned." said Rica.

Gene does not know what to say. She just looked at Rica with her eyes starting to tear up as well.

Rica stood up and ran out of the restaurant. Dave ran after her.


Dave grabbed Rica's hand.

"Hey wait." said Dave.

"Do you know? Do you know who that person is?" asked Rica, trying to control her emotion

"I know. I know Rica. She's the person you are longing for." said Dave.

"No! I don't want to see her. She left me, she left me no matter what I said, no matter how much I begged her to stay!" shouted Rica "I…don't want to see her ever again."

Rica wiped her tears and tried to stop crying.

Dave pulled Rica into his arms.

"Cry. It's OK to cry. Because I won't judge you…because it's OK to cry when I'm here." said Dave.

Rica can't hold her tears back anymore. And she cried her heart out while her face was on Dave's shoulder. Dave patted Rica's back.

"I talked to her yesterday. She has long been wanting to see you. But she was afraid your life will be destroyed if she comes back. She was afraid she might break you again." said Dave. "But I don���t believe you will be destroyed, right? When you were crying in your sleep that night, I knew you were longing for her. Deep inside, you still want to be with her. You still love her." Dave held Rica's face.

"It's OK if you are still not ready to see her. I won't push you. I just want you to know that she's here. And I want to show her how strong you have become." said Dave.

"Dave…Why were you doing this? You did not have to go all this way. This is not your business. You should have just let it be." asked Rica.

"Because I can't stand not seeing you happy. I want you to be happy, Rica." said Dave. "And I know that THIS… no matter how hard it is to face… THIS will make you happy."

And also because…

I love you…

But Dave did not say that out loud.


Rica and Dave went inside the restaurant again. Rica silently ate the noodles her mother served. She had no appetite, but this is the first dish her mother cooked for her after so long… she could not just ignore it.

Gene was crying her heart out in the kitchen.

"You are so sensitive, not all customers will like your service, you know. By the way, your customers returned and they are now eating the beef noodles you cooked." said the manager.

Gene immediately stood up and saw Rica eating her noodles. She can't stop more tears from falling.

"Look at this woman. Here I go cheering her up. She ends up crying more." said the manager.

"That's good. I'm really happy, manager. Really happy." said Gene

Rica saw Gene watching her eat. Rica raised her hand a bit and smiled at Gene. Though it was just a partial smile and nothing friendly, it made Gene really happy. Dave saw it and squeezed Rica's other hand. Rica squeezed Dave's hand back.


Rica and Gene walked together along the street towards Rica's house.

"I am glad you found a good man." said Gene.


"The man who was with you earlier." said Gene

"Dave? Well… Yes. He's a good man." said Rica.

Rica still could not believe it. She's talking with her mother… she only dreams and imagine this so many times before… and now… it's a reality. She could not remember many details about her mother. But now hearing her voice and even her accent… it was so familiar as if she has never forgotten how she speaks.

"You really looked good together. I can see the way you look at each other, how much you care for each other." said Gene.


Wow… Does it really show?


There was an awkward moment of silence. Rica itched to find something to talk about. This is her mother. It's not a date with a stranger… it's supposed to be a real conversation with no awkward pauses…

And yet…

They are strangers…

"I am in love with him…and he said he likes me." said Rica. "I mean… That still does not seem mutual, I know. But it's already an improvement from years ago. And I… I'm happy."

"I am also happy that you look happy." said Gene.

Rica smile. It's a genuine smile this time.

Another moment of silence passed.

"Ummm….How did you live all this time?" asked Rica.

She often wondered where her mother had been and what was she doing.

"When I broke up with your Dad, I returned to Korea. I wanted to learn the family business and return to get you once I have enough money and power. But when I got there, my family rejected me. They thrown me out. They felt like I was an embarrassment. Divorce was not yet well accepted at that time. So I tried to do physical work even if I was not used to working. Slowly, I saved enough for an airplane ticket going back here. I wanted so much to get back…I regretted leaving. Everyday… I regret it everyday… When I got here, I looked for a job since all I had was money enough for a week of food." said Gene.

"Was it hard?" asked Rica.

"It was really hard. I was never good in English. But God helped me survive everything until now. I guess He knew this day would come." said Gene.

Hearing everything made Rica's heart torn into pieces. Her mother lived a difficult life. She can doubt her words but… Rica could feel the truth behind her words. Her mother looked so old now… it's as if she lost her youth early in life.

"I'm glad you're OK now, Mom. I was always curious…but I was too angry to look for you." said Rica.

Rica noticed the tears falling from Gene's eyes. They both cried so much in the restaurant, Rica was surprised to see Gene could still cry.

"It's been a long time since I last heard you call me Mom…I missed that a lot." Said Gene

Rica's tears started to fall again.

"I would always dream about you until now. I missed you too…a lot." said Rica.

Gene stopped walking and hugged Rica tightly.

"I am happy now, now that I saw you again" said Gene. "There is no word to describe… how amazing it is."

That night, Uncle Sam, Gene and Rica had dinner together. Gene and Sam did some catching up. Rica was able to convince Gene to sleep beside her that night.

It was one of the most peaceful night Rica ever had.


Belle can't stop staring at the picture in front of the online news article.

"He had gone mad." said Belle.

"That's an understatement." said Carl.

"When? When did you realize that he's in love with the Princess?" asked Belle.

"A few months ago" said Carl.

"Months? Why didn't you speak up?" asked Belle.

"He has to realize it himself." said Carl.

"And looks like he just did. He had a very flashy way of showing it."