Chapter 27: Forever

Rica ordered for a light beer.

"You drink beer? I would've guessed wine. But beer?" Dave was fascinated with his discovery.

Rica laughed. "Yes, it tastes bland but I kinda like it. Carl introduced this to me." said Rica.

Oh right… Carl… Hmm…

"Carl taught you how to drink? I need to teach him a lesson." said Dave, his face turning bitter.

Rica touched Dave's hand.

"No need to do that. I asked him to accompany me drinking beer when I was heartbroken with you. It was my idea." said Rica

Dave remembered the night when he asked Carl to take Rica home three years ago. Is that what they did? They went out drinking?

"Carl, he helped me a lot." said Rica. "He was there to comfort me when I was really down."

It pained Dave to know he was the cause of Rica's suffering back then. And he could not blame her for seeking comfort with someone who was always there.

"He helped me a lot too." said Dave. "For the past three years… I wasn't a pleasing person to be with, especially when I drink. But Carl always accompanied me."

"Dave…" said Rica, trying to look sweet.

"Hmm?" Dave felt like this already happened before.

"Buy me something to eat while drinking please." said Rica, her voice turned childish and cute.

Dave can't fight Rica's charm.

"All right, your fiance is going to buy for you, OK?"

"OK!" said Rica laughing


The next day Rica went to see Uncle Sam early. She saw her Uncle walking around the room with the help of her Mom. He seems to be more active the past days. Rica sat on a chair.

"Uncle…I…I have already decided which proposal to accept." said Rica "I won't let the walls hinder my heart from being happy anymore."

"I am happy that you had made this decision." said Samuel "You know that I am always supportive of your happiness."

Samuel took an envelope on the bedside table and gave it to Rica.

"What's this?" asked Rica

"The doctor's report on my condition." Said Samuel

Rica immediately opened the envelope and nervously read through the lines. Rica's eyes widened.

"You…are cancer free?" shouted Rica "Really?! Wow… that's fast…"

"They did the check twice." said Samuel. "I was already having several sessions of chemotherapy even before you knew about it Rica. And now… I am cancer free."

Rica hugged Samuel tight while her tears threatened to fall.

"Oh Uncle! I am so happy!" said Rica

"It's like a rainbow after a storm , isn't it?" asked Gene

Rica nodded.

"Now it's time to seek YOUR rainbow, Rica." said Uncle Sam.


Rica went to Robbie's office to meet him. Robbie had not have enough sleep the past days. He knows he needs to talk to Rica soon, but he's afraid of what she will tell him and never initiated to meet her. And now that she's here, he will need to face whatever she wants to say.

Rica initially thought Robbie does not want to stay long in San Francisco. But seeing him setting up his office means he plans to stay.

"I wasn't expecting you'd come here." said Robbie "I'm still trying to settle down as you can see."

"It's OK, this won't take long." said Rica

Rica sat on a chair. Robbie followed her.

"Tell me what's on your mind?" said Robbie

Rica took a deep breath. This is it. This has to be happen and said.

"I have already decided. I decided to still continue the contract with SkyRock. SkyRock had all the expertise, the scale and capacity to help FlyAir. Atlas Corporation, if ever you go into Airline industry, you will be a beginner and that will not help that much to lift FlyAir's operation." said Rica.

"Does that mean you are willing to marry that guy?" asked Robbie.

Rica looked around the office. And she saw the a photo of her and robbie when they were still children playing around. Robbie had been a constant in her life. It's only fair to be honest with him.

"Yes, I am willing to marry him. Not because of the contract, but because I love him. I still love Dave." said Rica.

"And that guy? Does he love you?" asked Robbie

Rica smiled. Because now she knows the truth.

"Yes. Yes he does. And I was stupid to have left three years ago, Robbie. I should've stayed and fought a bit more. If I did, I would have saved him and myself unnecessary pain. All these three years was wasted, and I don't want to waste any more time. I want to be with him always."

Robbie touched Rica's face with his shaking hand.

"And that means I don't stand a chance anymore?" asked Robbie

"I am sorry. I don't want you to keep on waiting when my heart already belongs to someone else."

Robbie wanted to explode and just disappear where there is no more pain. How can he ever live knowing that the only thing that makes him really happy is not his?


Dave went to see Uncle Sam and Gene at home. Uncle Sam looked carefully at Dave. Ahh… Dave looks better now than he did all these three years. He's now smiling up to his eyes. The aura is different and Sam can only guess why.

"I came here to say things that I should have said three years ago." said Dave. "I wanted to ask your permission if I can marry your niece, your daughter. I want to marry Rica not just to honour the contract. But because I want to. Because I love her. I have been in love with Rica and I still am." said Dave.

Gene was almost crying. And Samuel was already starting to thank God.

"I always knew that it's just a matter of time…And I am happy to hear this." said Gene "I am gladly giving my blessing."

"I always wondered what will happen if Rica did not leave three years ago. What I saw in your eyes when you were desperately asking to know where Rica went, I already know then how much you feel for Rica." said Uncle Sam. "But I know Rica's heart will be stubborn and will not listen if we don't give her time. Now, I think it's the right time. If Rica will agree, I will be your number one supporter."

Dave felt like the sun was already rising in his heart. This is a new beginning.


Robbie decided to leave the country and go back to New York. He can't stay. He needs to move away. He had to start anew. If he stays, he will forever be imprisoned in his loneliness.

On his way to the gate in the airport, he almost bumped into a beautiful woman.

"Be careful." said the woman

"I'm sorry." said Robbie

"Your mind is elsewhere. If you are heartbroken, try to man up." said the woman

Where did that come from?

"Do I look heartbroken?" asked Robbie

"You're the guy who proposed marriage with FlyAir's heir right? I heard she rejected your proposal."

Robbie clenched his hand. Wow… He's getting famous for the wrong reason.

"The last time I left San Francisco, I was also heartbroken. I broke up with my boyfriend of eight years. I thought I couldn't live anymore after that. I thought it was the end. But when I got to New York and met the man I am marrying two days from now, I realized that life was just starting. So you too, when you leave, think that life is just starting." said the woman.

The woman patted his shoulder and walked on.

That is one weird woman.

But what she said made sense.

He saw the name tag on her bag.

Diana Harper.


That afternoon Rica received a message from Dave that he will pick her up for dinner. It had only been three days since they last had dinner together. Though she really wanted to see Dave, she didn't know what the right thing to do was whenever he's around.

So Rica tried to wear her best dress. And though she could not do much about her hair anymore, she tried to still put some make up on.

Rica opened the gate and saw Dave waiting for her outside.

"Why did you not come in?" asked Rica

"You look very beautiful" said Dave, his eyes fixed on Rica as if he's seeing her for the first time in a long time.

Rica bit her lip to stop herself form smiling.

"Um…thank you" said Rica shyly.

"Let's go?"

The places they were passing by were familiar. Where did she see these before?

It took an hour drive before Dave slowed down which signaled that they were near the destination. When Dave stopped, that's when Rica remembered.

The Villa…

The Beautiful Villa!

Dave helped Rica out of the car and led her to the Villa.

When inside, Rica saw that a table was set for a candle light dinner.

"Wow…This is beautiful."

"I'm glad you liked it." said Dave, proud that he could surprise Rica.

"You prepared all these?" asked Rica

"I did, but I got help" said Dave

Rica was feeling giddy inside. This is a very beautiful arrangement. She suddenly felt like a woman… a beautiful woman.

Dave helped Rica to sit and they had their steak dinner. It was really good. Everything was beautiful and Rica will forever remember this moment.

After that, they went to the field and sat on the grass looking at the stars.

"It's beautiful. It's like they can just be reached. But in reality they are so far away. " said Rica

"Yeah...I used to look at the stars wishing you would see them too." said Dave

Rica giggled. That is so cheesy.

"You think that's funny?" asked Dave

"No. I think it's sweet." said Rica

Dave felt warmth in his heart.

"Why did you prepare a dinner here, Dave? There are many restaurants near home." asked Rica

"You didn't like it?" asked Dave

"Of course I loved it. I really love it. But you had to go to this trouble…" said Rica

"I like doing this for you. The farther we go, the more we spend time with each other right?" said Dave

Rica feels her heart beating faster for the thousandth time since she met Dave.

"I just remembered the last time we were here. And I felt that I wanted to bring you here again." said Dave

��The house is really beautiful." said Rica

"I never went here the past three years. This used to be my sanctuary, my escape from the world. But when you left, every time I came here, I remember you." said Dave

Rica's heart was breaking. Dave touched Rica's hand.

"Because this was the place where I finally realized I had been in love with you." said Dave "And this is also the place I want to tell you how much I love you still and nothing had changed,if not more and more every day."

Rica's eyes started tearing up with the joy she was feeling in her heart.

"And I want to be with you every day. I want a future with you. I want to give you everything you want and will ever wish for. I want to make you happy and I want to love you with every breath I take." said Dave

Rica can't stop her tears.

Dave took a ring out. The ring he was keeping in his drawer.

"I had been keeping this for three years. I was supposed to give this to you before you left. And I am glad that I had this chance to still give it to you." said Dave

Rica took a shaky breath.

"Rica, I love you so much. My heart is going to burst every time I see you. If you will give me the honour of marrying you…marrying you for the true essence of it, that will make me the happiest man on earth. I mean on the universe! I know I've hurt you in the past. And I know there are a lot of work to do for FlyAir. But we'll do it together. I will help you lift FlyAir. If I need to teach your heart to love me again, I will be patient. I will wait, but I swear I would make you fall in love with me again."

Rica stopped Dave's speech by a kiss. She kissed Dave gently at first but it slowly became passionate…until they were both breathless. Dave's mind just went blank.

"Yes Dave. Yes, I love you too. And I'll marry you!" whispered Rica

Dave reached for Rica and enveloped her into a tight embrace. He had never felt this happy before. He can feel his heart beating fast with joy, his eyes are far form dry.

"I promise, you won't regret this." said Dave showering Rica's face with tiny kisses.

"Be sure to keep that promise." Said Rica

Dave nodded.

"And I love you too." said Rica

Dave pulled back.

"Say that again."

Rica shook her head.

"C'mon, day that again, Rica."

Rica giggled.

"Let's have rice and beans next time." said Rica

"You still remember that?" asked Dave

"Of course. That night, I was so hungry. When you mentioned the rice and beans? That became my torture."

Dave squeezed Rica's hand.

"All right. Let's have a Costa Rican dinner next time. And then let's try Korean also." Said Dave.


Rica went to Dave's parent's house without Dave knowing. She went there bringing fruits. She wants to talk with her in-laws to be and settle all the issues of the past.

When Andres and his wife heard Rica was there to visit, they immediately went to see her.

"I'm glad you came here." said Andres

"Yes Uncle. I'm happy to see you both again." said Rica

"I heard you chose SkyRock over Atlas. I assure you that you made the right decision." said Andres

"Yes Uncle, I am very confident with my decision." answered Rica

Rica noticed Auntie just silent on the side.

"I decided to take the SkyRock proposal not only because I know FlyAir has a greater chance to succeed through SkyRock. But because I am in love with your Son." said Rica

Auntie's eyes widened.

"I left three years ago thinking that whatever I do, I will never make him fall in love with me. I thought the best thing to do was to give up. But that was my biggest mistake. I should have fought a bit more." said Rica "I will never make the same mistake anymore. I am in love with your Son. And I am going to marry him."

Auntie's tears started falling and she hid her face on Andres's arms. Even Andres felt his eyes burning.

"That's good to hear. I'm happy to hear that, Rica." said Andres.


Six months later.

Luis is a happy man. Peace is all around him. He got promoted to manager upon Carl's resignation. And now, Rica is taking care of FlyAir. The responsibility is heavier for Luis, but he had long been targeting this position and he is really happy.

Carl resigned from SkyRock and Dave accepted it. Dave knows he can't hold back Carl anymore. Carl was able to use the three year experience he had with SkyRock to get the job he was doing now. Carl had been targeting this company since he graduated and now he even got in as a senior manager. His three years in SkyRock was never a wasted time.

Belle went to New York to attend Di's wedding and there found her match. Who would've thought that her match was on the other side of the country? And it's none other than Di's Brother in law!

Uncle Sam became very health conscious after surviving cancer. He exercises regularly and tried to influence Gene to also join him. Gene opened a small noodle house and she's enjoying it. The two of them really got closer through the years.

Last thing Rica heard about Robbie was that he's touring the world. Rica is happy that Robbie was enjoying himself. They would exchange emails from time to time. It was enough as a start to repair the damaged friendship.

The past six months had been hectic. Rica was trying to reach the targets of FlyAir and she was also preparing for the wedding. There were times when she would feel burnout, but then Dave will check on her at home late at night to bring her midnight snacks. Sometimes, he would go to her house early in the morning to bring breakfast. She had never felt more loved.

Dave's perfectionist character in the office softened a little since the time he got engaged with Rica. Everyone noticed the change and wanted to give Rica a medal. Dave can't get enough of Rica. When the day was too busy and they can't go on lunch or dinner together, he had to call her or go to her house to see her. He just can't wait to marry her and go home to her every day.


Gene can't help her tears. Rica was so beautiful in her wedding dress.

"Mom, stop crying. Or I'll start crying too." said Rica

Gene hugged Rica.

"You can't cry, your make up will smudge. Don't mind me. I'm just a happy Mother." said Gene

Uncle Sam was excitedly waiting for Rica. He will be walking Rica down the aisle together with Gene.

When Rica went out of the room, Uncle Samuel almost forgot to breathe.

"You are so beautiful, Rica." said Uncle Sam.

Rica hugged Uncle Sam.

"Thank you, Uncle…for everything. For always thinking of my happiness." said Rica

"That's because your happiness is my happiness." said Uncle Sam

Dave is excited and nervous at the same time. This is the moment he had been waiting for. He wants to pull the minutes, the seconds to finally have Rica in his arms.

When the door opened, Dave felt a moment frozen in time with the beauty of his bride.


Beautiful Rica.

While Rica was walking down the aisle, Dave can't stop remembering everything that happened between the two of them as tears started to flow from his eyes. All this time…after all this time, this woman will finally be with him forever.

Rica was holding back her tears. But her heart was overflowing with Joy. At the end of the aisle, she can see Dave waiting for her and she was sure she made the right decision to trust him again. She saw Belle clapping her hands. She also saw Luis' team, Auntie Ann and Dave's parents too. Amy and Victoria were also clapping their hands. Carl was standing beside Dave. With Gene and Uncle Sam beside her, Rica felt like she was in heaven.


The man she loves…

Rica remembered the first time her heart skipped a beat the first time she saw Dave's smile in the elevator. That was the smile that made her fall in love with him.

She remembered when Dave fetched her at the school and brought her to SkyRock. She remembered the shock it brought her to know that she had to work for Dave.

She remembered how Dave got mad at her at work but took care of her when she stayed late in the office. She remembered when Dave kidnapped her and brought her to the villa for the first time.

She remembered when Dave stayed by her side that night that her heart was breaking for Robbie. And she remembered the way Dave confessed his love for her in that fire exit.

Her heart was filled with love for this man she was going to marry. And it just gets stronger with each of her step towards him.

When Rica reached Dave, Uncle Sam gave Rica's hand to him.

"I will not trust this hand to another man." said Uncle Sam, smiling

Dave wiped his eyes.

"Thank you."

Dave held Rica's hand and looked at Rica with all the love he had in his heart.

"Rica… you're holding your tears back." whispered Dave. "Just let it go, Babe. Remember, every woman has the right to cry in front of a man, especially in front of your man."

Dave winked at Rica.

Rica gave up her control.

She let her tears fall at the memory of how it all started.

Rica cannot ask for more. She's marrying the man she loves. She had all her friends and family with her. FlyAir is going to fly soon. And Dave will be there all the way. She is excited with the life ahead. She knows there will be challenges, but she's sure they'll be able get through everything. Because she's sure of how she feels. And she's secured of Dave's love for her. As long as Dave is beside her, everything will turn out well…

