The beginning of the end for now

George and Elizabeth went to town looking for a quest.

There was a ruckus in the guild they announced there is going to be a big Tournament the winner will get a gold coin and depending on their rank a rank up.

They thought this was a pretty good deal so instead of getting a quest they got the needed supplies and went back to the village.

When they got back they told the rest of their party they decided they would have Dave Silvia George and Elizabeth enter.

After they decided on this they had a week to train.

Silvia needed the most help so George helped get her to the point where she could train for herself.

After that, they trained by themselves for two days.

Then had small mock battles Purposely holding back because they will likely face each other in the Tournament.

The little ones had fun watching While the adults made small bets on who would win.

After some more training, they took a break and headed to the town because if you want to enter you have to do it at least a day before the Tournament.

They spent the night at an inn and looked at the line up lucky enough they didn't have to deal with facing each other yet.