Chapter Four

Two weeks has gone and I haven't called Kemi. At least, she should know by this that I am not interested right? Moreso, I have been caught up with tests, and various presentations. Today mahself, I have a presentation on H.I.S 204 and the question says "How does the world war 1 and world war 2 created the world peace."

I wasn't ready to risk it like that time back in 100L level and how I almost fumbled in the presence of Benita so I had prepared well for this. More so, the lecturer in charge of this course had made me the group leader. It was exactly 3pm in the afternoon and the sun was hotter and very red than even hell fire. Doctor Awodele had entered the lecture theater and he didn't come in alone, he came with other lecturers from other departments.

Is it for this presentation alone? Ha! I wonder o. He matched like a soldier on patrol to the front of the class and announced that all groups should come out and all groups leaders should gather separately. Oooh oh! My life don pafuka at last. All goups has been given different questions to attend to. Although I had studied for my group question, I still can't explain why my heart is beating like the drum set of my church. Ah! Temi taaa pa bi guguru.

My group was group number 5 and now, group 1,2,3,4 has presented and none of them was scored up to 5mark. Ha! This lecturer dey vex o.

"Yes, what's your name?" (He asked has he gestured with his hand that I step forward)

My name is Oluwadamilare Oluwaniferanmi. In answering how the first world and the second world created the world peace that we have today, we must not ignore to mention how the first world started in the first place. Otto Von Bismarck was the chancellor of Germany and he was regarded has the most cunning and political wise during this period of study.

Bismarck unified Germany in 1870 and after the unification of Germany in 1871, he saw that France was hostile against this unification because France had interest in the territory of Lorraine and Alsace, Bismarck then strategies a system of alliance with other European continent majorly to isolate France and strongly protect his newly Germany.

It was this alliance system of which in times of war, a country or more, supports another against another country or countries and this finally led to the First World War. For instance, there was alliance between Germany and Austria which promised each other support in times of war and it was in this manner that they made alliance with Russia.

In different time, after the war between France and Russia, France was asked to sign a punitive treaty which in other word meant a punishment to remind France that there was a new order in Europe. In essence, this system of alliances was only understood by Bismarck but, all countries in Europe and outside Europe including England and Japan was involve and when Bismarck resigned from being the chancellor of Germany due to several the disagreement with the king; Kiaser Wilhelm II finally led to the part of war.

The first war world caused tragic hazards and destructions and after this war, the president of the united state of America, Woodroll Wilson came up with a plan to create a world peace through an international organization which was named the League of Nations. In same way, the Versailles treaty was created.

The world leaders after seeing the destructions and calamity the war had caused saw this as a good idea and had the prime minster of France Clemence Ceau, the prime minister of Britain; Lloyd, and Japan among others in attendance at the hall of mirror in France. The Versailles treaty was created to maintain peace and also, punish Germany for starting a war. Germany was stripped of large army and restricted from raising soldiers, they were stripped of large vessels, they were asked to put the king on trial for war crimes and were asked to pay a reparation fee of 291 billion gold mark which equals to 39 million dollars of today.

In essence, the league of nation which was created to promote world peace and prevent another war and the versatile treaty which was to maintain peace failed when another war broke out in 1939 due to the over punishment of Germany and the rise of fascist government in Germany ruled by Adolf Hitler and the support of the Benito Mussolini of Italy.

After the Second World War which was recorded to be the most disastrous war, the league of nation was brought back alive and was renamed to United Nations Organization and its goal was to preserve and maintain the world peace and it is still existing till today. Although, there was another war which was called the cold war in 1947 and ended in 1991 after the Second World War, it was a war without bloodshed between Russia and America about Super powers. And the UNO was able to maintain peace through the nations and also till today. Thank you.

I was amazed how everyone started clapping and whistling Funky, funky, funky the lecturers started beating the table ordering for silence... and finally, he awarded my group 4 marks. Ah ah! Abi sango want to kill this one ni? After all my story about how God created the heavens and the earth and how Jesus resurrected, na 4marks I still get?

I kept looking in shock while he said further. Your presentation is over 5 and your test and attendance will do the rest. Ehn ehn! I for fear. After the whole presentation I was outside buying guguru and epa when a lady from my department walked up to me. "You really tried today you know?" chai.. it was Jeruel that I have been crushing on since my 100L o.

"hi! What's up?' I said.

"I am fine, I am Jeruel by name..."

"I know, I do see you around mostly." She kept looking at me and smiling.This part is getting interesting. She suddenly went further and asking with a smile still loaded on her face.



Asin– As in

Dating–dating– Date

I no fit– I no fit

Japa– gone

Wey– who

Go dey– will

How far– how are you?

Bobo– Guy

I no get– I don't have

Dey– is

No lele na– no problem

Throw me abeg– give me

Make we see how she go be– let us see how she will look like

Run like goat wey Dem dey chase– run like a goat on pursue

If the girl no fine nko?– what if she is not beautiful?

She no kuku Sabi my face– she can't recognize me

Na to turn back run sharperly– just take a run for it.

Where you dey na– where are you?

Emi ika– evil me

Na weytin I wan hear be that–  that's all I want to hear

I just long neck my head– I took a look from afar

Dey shake like agama lizard– shaking like agama lizard

Begin dey roll my eyes– rolling my eyes

Like say e be CCTV camera– like it's a CCTV camera

Swear down– swear


Ogun– a god

Mtchew– hissed

Suya– meat

Garri– local food

Temi taa paa bi guguru– I am doomed

Vex– angry

Sango– a god

Kukuma –has

Ketpus– virginal

Unpeel my cassava– off my pant

Eat it raw without cooking– suck my dick

Lemme– leave me

Kongi– dick

Lambam you slap– heavy slap

Weytin– what

Emi irunmole– evil me

Liadis– like this

Unbolito– sex