Radiant's are Knights that are older in life and living outside the Color Realms outside the Dimensions they live within life of all new to come.

They remain in Earth some are in Dolls Statues and Paintings just watching Dimensions and protecting the Worlds.

Radiant are the Protectors of the Universe they use to be Knights and Casters after ten years of service you are given a opportunity to live as a normal human life or be Radiant.

Some Radiants are teachers at the academy who in charge of the new Knights and Caster's in there Abilities and Elements in their section.

Jaye Carter and Nica March and Pandora Grace and Ruby Kylan and Nelligan Fyne are Radiant's of this time.

Marius Stevnie and January jaye Carter and Kylan Spencer and Corey March but the Radiant's have become smaller threw the years right now.

Radiant's powers depending what section their abilities are in still very powerful beings in the world their powers have advanced and combined on different levels of Enlightenment and Meditation.

There are different Elements within the Radiant's that teach the Knights and Casters how to work well with their familars who are alive.

On Earthly worlds some Radiant's are statues special monument's and totem poles in the the city and the world.

They can masquerade as elderly people and young children for they are innocence within the worlds.

Radiant's could turn time back for a moment but if anything is touched in that time life will have a Ripple in the timeline of Realms and the Earthly Worlds.

Including anyone in your descendants will take paths they shouldn't have in the first place including them as well.

Radiant's monitor the world above and the world below and the monitor the outer spirits and inner spirits.

The world has changed so much now the year 2020 the world is under quarantine with Covid but gyms are closing restaurants aren't what they use too be.

One night there was a bonfire and the among the Radiants and a story was told about the Moon and Sun and how the sky and stars separated their love for each other one day.

The Sun asked the trees for help, Sun said How can I get closer to the Moon the trees said ....

One day soon you Two will become as one when that happens it will be beautiful and no one not even the stars will separate your love its called a Eclipse.

Another story was also told how the Moon and Sun had a child the darkness in the stars saw the happiness.

The darkness decided too take their happiness from them leading two the divisions of Worlds and Realms that had been created from the missing love.

The Radiant's believe in magic's but also in the preserving life which they come from the Orbs which create them. And also most of the Abilities and Elements in the animals and trees and the grass.

The power is also born within those unexpected to life new path given just like the snake you must leave the old skin behind to go into a compete Enlightenment of Life.

Radiant's leave the old life of a Caster's and Knight's behind they're a Higher being which has finished the this plan of life.

When they are needed they appear they come in dreams in nightmares to warn you.

They will not harm you but they will erase what isn't needed if its harmful to you and others.

The Radiant's protect the Everlasting Tree of life for they are many who would love to unleash what has been taken from them by the Everlasting Tree of Life for itself.

A lesson given to each new Knight and Casters when they beginning the journey through the Despair and Truths room.

Radiant's are talented and skilled in many languages across the old worlds and new worlds some prefer to learn the new science and health of the worlds.

Even though its not needed for Radiant's and Knight's since they're more like a hybrid of the Old Dimensions and Worlds.

Radiant's task at hand is to calm the the chaos in the Dimension City as the animals have turned on the citizen's and Casters and Knights.

Radiant's will restore what's needed but something big is coming to undo what was done.

They feel it in the air in the leaves in the birds something is coming and they still haven't found the two Realms.

It was said long ago that the missing Realms came from Knights of past and Creatures of new but those rumors where shut down.

The Radinat's have always been taught that there are multiple alternate worlds which they can't maintain without the Two missing Realms.

The two missing Realms are the key to the end of wars in the Realms end the wars against the M.E.N their would be peace within all Dimensions and Realms.

An alert came in taking two Radiant's The March sisters to alternate world where the two Realms are married in the 2301 so they think.