Chemistry Test

Bryan had a rough night because of reading some really raunchy material. He had not thought he would be reading soft porn after he got a system but he was wrong. He had spent more time on the novel than he would admit to anyone.

He was looking at the roof when he heard the sound.

~Knock Knock~

"Bryan, Bryan, are you ready?" Eddie thought.

Bryan looked at the door and then at the clock. 

[There's still 30 minutes for the test. Why is he in such a hurry.] Bryan thought as he opened the door.

Eddie seemed like a completely different person. He was in a shirt and full pants instead of the polo and the shorts he usually wore. He even had a pair of glasses on.

"It's a test not a fancy dress." Bryan said.

Eddie had a similar expression of surprise on his face as he looked at Bryan.

"You are not ready."

Bryan had tried to take a bath but because of the morning test, the bath was full so he had delayed it. There was still half an hour for the test, why would he be ready.

"Why are you ready?" Bryan asked.

"It's my bad. I should have told you about this. For tests, I wear these things to mix with the studious folk. You don't want to stand out during a test. Secondly, we have to go early to secure a nice seat to be able to you know right."

[He is a professional.] Bryan thought.

He had a respect for professionals. It took years of practice to get good at these things. Bryan even regretted a little that he was not ready but then he remembered that he had an ace up his sleeve. It was Andrea.

"You carry on. I will come later."

"I really want to wait. I will try saving up a seat for you if I can." Eddie said as he walked up.

"Good luck"

Bryan took out his phone as he thought of messaging Andrea.

[Fuck it. Why am I worried about a little test.] He thought as he did not send out the text.

It was just 2 mins before the start of the 8am test when Bryan entered the test venue. It was a large lecture theatre with those wooden desk cum chairs.

He looked at the room. He tried to find Eddie first but he noticed Andrea on the last seats. 

Bryan walked up to her.

[She has saved a seat for me even without me asking for it. She is really sweet.] Bryan thought as he made himself comfortable next to her.

Andrea had not noticed him. She was deeply concentrating on her last minute revision. Bryan remembered the torture he had gone through last night. 

Bryan didn't just tell Andrea. That was too simple. He remembered a scene where the MC had blown air into the girls hair and eventually ended up fucking her brains out.

'fuuuuuuuu' Bryan blew the air on her hair before going down on her neck with the breath.

It was that this time Andrea realised that someone was sitting next to her. She was about to get real angry but immediately calmed down when she saw the face of the mischief maker.

"Hi. Why is it the first time that I have seen you in class?" She asked.

"Why would I attend chemistry classes. How is it going to be useful." Bryan protested.

[She didn't realise what I was doing.] Bryan thought. 

"I know but still. Let me revise one last time." She went back to studying.

Bryan wasn't just going to give up. He saw Andrea's hand. He wanted to re-enact another scene where the MC had touched the girls hand with the back of his own hand before sliding it up her arm.

Bryan was just about to the elbow when Andrea closed the book and looked at him. 

"You read it." She said.

"Read what?" Bryan replied.

"Don't lie. That air thing and now this." She said with a huge reddish tinge.

"Okay, I may have come across certain things. I was just doing a check whether the site was working correctly. It was a surprise to say the least. A welcome one."

She hit him with her elbow.

"Don't speak about it. My sister uses a pen name. No one used to know except me. Please keep it a secret or she will kill me.."

"I like secrets, especially the dirty ones." Bryan said.

"I am not kidding. It's a serious thing. You are not talking about it again." Andrea said seriously.

Bryan knew it was a serious issue so he replied, "I know. I won't talk about but when are we buying that chocolate bath."

Bryan was referring to a scene where the MC and the girl had sex in a chocolate bath and licked each other off.

She just blushed and did not turn around because of the embarrassment.

It was this moment Bryan saw Betty. She was wearing short shorts and slippers. Not the type of dress you would expect for a test. Her hair didn't seem very nice. It looked like she had directly woken up and walked into the class.

She stood next to Bryan.

"The washrooms are that way." Bryan pointed to the door.

"Really funny." Betty picked up a chair and tried putting it between him and Andrea.

Bryan blocked her from getting in. It was Bryan was invisible to her.

"You took my seat. I had asked her to save it for me." Betty said.

Bryan looked at Andrea and asked, "Did she?" and blew air on her face. She knew he didn't want to leave.

"Betty, it's alright. We are all friends."

"Friends? When are we friends." She looked at Bryan.

"We can be from now onwards. I am Bryan Best." Bryan extended his hand for a handshake.

Betty did not do anything as she looked at him with disdain.

"Fine, we are friends. Now be a good friend and let me sit with her. We have to discuss chemistry."

"It's a test." Bryan reminded her.

She gave him another serious stare before trying to go in between Bryan's legs and the next row. Bryan held her hand and put her on the table next to him.

"Andrea, you saw right. He is a hooligan. A pervert." 

Andrea just acted like nothing happened. She couldn't be overly biased towards any side.

"Please, let me. I haven't studied anything. I need to copy her answers." Betty decided to throw away her self esteem as she spoke her true reason for trying to change the seat.

[She is just like Eddie in this regard but a noob compared to Eddie's copying techniques.] Bryan still had not found where Eddie was sitting for the test.

"It's not a good thing to cheat. It becomes a habit." Bryan said full of self-righteousness.

"Andrea. Tell honest Abe to shut up or I am punching his face."

Andrea did listen to her this time. She had helped Betty since school. It was a test ritual by this time. 

"Bryan, please." Andrea had spoken. Bryan needed to make a decision now.