New Investors

Betty was walking and Bryan caught up to her as he walked side by side.

"Thanks." Betty said very softly. So softly that Bryan would not have heard it if not for the gene potion.

"It's alright. Saving damsels in distress is my favourite hobby." Bryan said to lighten the mood. He could feel that Betty could start crying because of what had happened.

She looked at Bryan and sighed.

"What happened?" Bryan asked.

"This is the first time, someone did.." Betty said.

"Do you want me to?" Bryan made scissors with his index finger and middle finger and moved them as he tried to turn back to go inside.

Betty caught his hand to stop him, "Thanks. I got a little scared."

Bryan felt her hand tugging on his arm and he just turned and put his arm around her shoulder.

"Aren't we friends? What's with the thanks." Bryan said.

Betty didn't say anything this time as she really needed someone's unconditional support at this time.

It was this time that Kelly and Eddie saw them standing. They just noticed Bryan and Betty standing next to each other.

Eddie rubbed his eyes. He felt like he had seen a ghost.

[Doesn't she hate boys? How did Bryan tame the devil?] Eddie thought.

Eddie and Kelly walked up to them..

"What happened inside?" Eddie said.

Bryan didn't feel like it was his right to divulge the details so he just left it to Betty.

"That guy on the ground touched me inappropriately, so I slapped him. He was about to hit me when Bryan came." Betty told the truth.

Eddie suddenly got angry, "What? Why didn't you tell me there? Wait, I will make some calls." He brought out his phone.

Betty said, "Stop making a big issue out of it. If mom knows about it and I get grounded. Don't even think about you will go down with me." 

Eddie stopped hearing what Betty had said.

"But." Eddie said.

"Bryan beat him real good. The hand he used, I am pretty sure, he won't be doing anything with that hand anytime sooner." Betty said. This was the first time she had seen someone handle another guy so easily. 

Usually, the fights were much more even. She wouldn't be able to figure out who was winning but not today. She had seen how Bryan was standing on his hand. It had given her some relief.

Eddie already knew Bryan was powerful so he believed what Betty had said and looked at Bryan, "Thanks." 

"Don't worry, you are an investor. I can't let you guys have any trouble." Bryan said.

"Investor?" Betty and Kelly looked at Bryan.

[Why did he have to say that? Now if she tells my dad, it's all over for me.] Eddie thought.

"It's a small thing. He is joking." Eddie said 

"Eddie!" Betty smiled at him. He knew that smile. 

"Bryan needs money. I loaned him some. I am not alone. Andrea did the same." Eddie brought in Andrea to soften the blow for himself.

Betty was hooked, she wanted to know more. She didn't trust Eddie but she trusted Andrea.

"Why do you need it?"

"Lot of things. Think of it as a private placement of your funds with me for a few months. I have promised a double return to Eddie." Bryan gave his pitch to Betty and Kelly. 

Each little investment was crucial at this point.

Kelly didn't seem interested. It was the first time, she was with Bryan but Betty spoke,"How much did Andrea give?"

"It was her sister's money and it was 10k." Bryan said.

"That's a lot. What about Eddie?" Betty said.

"Why do we have to talk about it. Let's leave this place." Eddie said.

Eddie got a sharp glare from Betty and shut up. He could feel Betty's eyes telling him to shut up.

"50k" Bryan said.

"What? How did you have so much cash?" Betty said as she looked at Eddie in disbelief.

She knew how much allowance her cousin got. Her uncle was really strict with him. Each dollar was accounted for at the end of the month. She knew how hard it was for  Eddie to hide his anime figurine purchases.

"I don't. I just mortgaged my car and my watch." Eddie said honestly.

"Does uncle know?" Betty said.

Eddie looked at Bryan expecting him to intervene. Bryan also felt something wasn't right.

"Hey, if you don't have the money, it's alright. Why you gotta discourage him. I will return him the doubled money before the end of this year."  Bryan said.

"Who said I don't have the money? I don't have as much as him but I also have the same watch he had. It was the gift and I got the same. Same for the car." Betty said.

Bryan knew he had found a potential investor. He just needed to bait her in. 

"So, I can count you in? I promise that if you invest today, you won't have to work again. I am talking about the long term. I will double your investment but that's just the start. This isn't about the money. What I am offering you is an opportunity." Bryan said.

Even Kelly who had been a passive listener was a little curious where Bryan's confidence came from. Kelly was a little smaller than Andrea and not just in height. She looked up at Bryan who was giving his speech.

"An opportunity to invest in me and I will make sure that you guys don't have work for a day in your entire life." Bryan said.

Bryan was done. He had said what he wanted. The rest was on Betty and Kelly. Bryan wasn't one to let Kelly get away for free. He had seen her Gucci bag. She seemed well off and Bryan had looked at all three while he had spoken.

"What's the idea? Why don't you just say it?" Betty said.

"I can't. I have my reasons. It's your choice." Bryan said as he tried to be mysterious. He had his reasons. He didn't want to do anything which could change the future.

[Even Andrea invested and Eddie is also there. I can't be the only one.] Betty thought.

"Fine. I am in. Eddie help me with the watch. I can't mortgage the car. It's not mine." Betty said.

Kelly had a choice to make.

"I can chip in 10k. That's all I have on me but I will be broke for this year." Kelly said

"You don't have to do it." Bryan said.

"I will feel left out." Kelly said.

"I will take it then." Bryan said.

"Don't worry about it." Eddie said, "You can trust Bryan and if you have any problems regarding money, you can borrow from Betty. She is loaded."

"Fuck off. You shouldn't say that to anyone. You are the richest of all of us. Uncle even bought you a house just for college. Why are you still living on campus? I am not even sure about that." Betty said 

"I.." Eddie couldn't mince out any words.

"Tell me? Why are you still inside campus?" Betty asked again.

[What can I say that I am scared to live alone?] Eddie thought.

"I can't make friends if I live alone." Eddie said.