CHAPTER XXIX Mother of All Beings - Part 1

"Covenant girl, the princess of tomorrow !!! HEEEEEYY !!! "

The six fighters, including Anna, could only stare at the black-eyed girl greeted cheerfully. Moreover, the devil in her side that felt so strong with slim tall darkness body, yet so obediently on the black-eyed girl.

The air gripped so closely that it filled the entire wide space in the middle of the sandy ground in that place. So that even to move a muscle, the fighters must first transcend the terror of the existence of the two figures.

"Ooooooh ~ oh! Mother, LLeeeeett meeEE ~ SSeeee sssOOOMMeee OOLLLLdd FFFFrrriieennnnDD!! 

MMMMaaayyy IIII???~"

The devil's peculiar neck and facial movements accompanied by his characteristic screeching voice, left a chilling feeling in the sculptors' ears.

DUP dup !! DUP dup !!

What can he do? ... Herman began to sink into his thoughts as time slowed down to the rhythm of his heart pump racing with terror.