The Universe is a never-ending vast expanse, the dark and light both exist in amalgamation with each other, it was a beautiful celestial creation, within it existed The Galaxy, The black hole, the stars, the planets, the undiscovered mysteries and the most unique of all creation was "LIFE"."LIFE"was a unique form of energy of creation that gave birth to living organisms. Just as living beings of various kinds was created,different races, unique living beings of different features had been brought into existence with "life". The creation, the existence called LIFE was the functioning factor that had prolonged the existence of the universe while preventing the apocalypse of The Universe.
The existences formed of "LIFE" created civilisations, populated the universe. They had no rules besides a bit of conscience which enabled them to survive but the rationality was clearly faint. At some point,these beings had evolved to a level that they had acquired intelligence which is when discord started between different worlds, community, different race etc then multiple wars exploded in various regions in the universe and there was the "intergalactic "wars the Finale that had almost destroyed the universe "Life".
After the wars, an intangible boundary between JUSTICE and EVIL was created. There was discrimination, greed, lust ,the evil snares creeping up to corrupt and brainwash the universe population, these evils had to be kept in check, countermeasures of varying degrees for different beings were created and implemented all across the universe. Moreover, the quality of environment had immensely receded to a point where mutation had gradually become and existence that could thwart the momentarily acquired peace. The mutation had become a threat to "LIFE", the main source of evil was the mutation, which had also managed to acquire "LIFE" along with intelligence. At various regions in the universe such abomination grew in population while building their own organisations with power and strength as the basis for hierarchy.
To prevent further destruction, all the races had made a pact of alliance and initiated the project called "restoration". The main goal of the project was to develop means to improve the overall health of the Universe which is to restore the quality of "LIFE". Not only was "LIFE" a form of energy to create living beings, various races had developed different application to utilise this form of energy. The quality of "LIFE" was deteriorated and contaminated due to the intergalactic war. The byproduct of war was the mutation,and these abominations formed from the mutation helped in the further depletion of "LIFE".
But through the co-operation of different races and its technology they have prevented the abominations from becoming and imminent threat to "LIFE" and the universe. An Organisation had been created to exterminate and maintain equilibrium and peace in the universe the [Life guards]. This organisation was also a part of the "restoration " project.
Through numerous success and failure the research department of the life guards they had constructed weapons,utilities and machines which only required inferior [LIFE] and alternate to function it. The weapons and machines used in the war was only able to utilise the pure form of "LIFE" and these weapons have become obsolete and had been sealed while labelling them as highly destructive and inefficient . The new machines and weapons were called "Plasma-Tech "that had high efficiency and conserved every little energy it could. This technology became a revolutionary which had changed the way of utilisation of energy all over the universe.
The angel race and devil race were the strongest in terms of magic and strength respectively , but technologically Humans were at its pinnacle, humans was declared the most intelligent out of all the race as their contribution to project "restoration" was the most. It was decided then that the headquarters of lifeguards research and technology department to be located at Earth, it was the planet of origin of humans. The HQ of battle department was decided to be located on planet Holy-star the planet of angels.
As the spread of plasma tech, the technology further improved which became a daily necessity. This era was named the "Restoration or the Reinvention era". This era had concluded when the project restoration was completed and alternate energy sources were discovered. Although "LIFE" wasn't fully restored it was gradually recovering but it became forbidden to use "LIFE" excessively.
After this era came the "wandering era", people started to seek adventure. The universe was still filled with numerous mysteries, and unexplored regions. The Lifeguards took up the exploration of the universe and its mysteries as its next project. To explore the whole universe it took considerable amount of time and with even the current technology it was impossible to explore the whole of universe in a life time,every race had a limited lifespan. They started to seek methods for prolonging and enhancing their life and their answer was Immortality. The Lifeguards had limited success in prolonging life, but the secret to it was "LIFE" but It was forbidden to use excessively . In their venture to seek out the mysteries of the universe, the Adventurers had discovered mines at unknown places which produced concentrated Life energy in the form of crystals. These crystals were named Life crystals by the lifeguards and became the most important asset to unravel the mysteries of immortality.
The dreams to both venture the unknown and seek immortality was realised partially with the help of life crystals but there was no significant progress let alone success. But what they discovered was that the life crystals were only found in places where there were black holes. Different races made preparation to travel through the black hole to explore where it led to. In conclusion the lifeguards had found through research that the black holes had led them to the centre of the universe with very high concentration of "LIFE". It had become the ideal place for their existence. The universe experienced an immense movement after the intergalactic war, it was then all life forms with privilege and power, had decided to shift their home to the new discovered region named higher dimension by the lifeguards.
Unexpectedly the centre of the universe was the most mysterious of all places from what they had discovered. Beings of unknown origins existed with unimaginable power at its disposal. The discoveries were huge, the lifeguard had discovered the existence of cultivators that seek immortality. Cultivators were existence much more capable the them and had also managed to acquire significant secrets of immortality.
Various lifeforms dream and aspire to be one of the adventurers of lifeguard to reach the higher realm to seek immortality.