Bro Code

Park Hye Min started the story and Song Ji Woo sat silently listening to it

"So, the story starts around 40 years back, my father and Lee Ji Woon's parents were best friends and they knew each other from childhood. My dad and Lee Ji Woon's dad had a huge crush on Lee Ji Woon's mom when they were teenagers. So, as a bro code they two decided to never make a move on Lee Ji Woon's mother, it was their pact"

"When they were around 18 years, Lee Ji Woon's mom grew up to be the prettiest girl in their circle, even today she is so beautiful and charming, at that time she had lot of guys trying to woo her but my dad and Lee Ji Woon's dad used to scare away those boys. Although they were protective towards her, they were serious about their bro code so no one ever made a move."

"But Lee Ji Woon's mom had a huge crush on Lee Ji Woon's dad. Rather she was in love with him since she was 10 years old. She too believed he liked her but she didn't know why he never confessed, so on his 19th birthday she threw a huge surprise birthday party for him and she proposed to him at that party."

"Wow, so gutsy she is" Song Ji Woo commented.

"Ya, I really like her personality. When she proposed to Lee Ji Woon's father, he was shocked and was not sure what to do, he liked her and did not want to humiliate her by rejecting her in front of all the guests, also he didn't want to break my father's heart. Ultimately he decided to choose not to humiliate her therefore he accepted her proposal for the time being and decided to deal with my dad later and explain the situation to him later, he was even planning to explain the situation to her and end their relationship."

"But my father felt very hurt when he saw Lee Ji Woon's mother proposing to Lee Ji Woon's father and felt betrayed when his friend accepted her proposal breaking the pact. My father left that party in anger. Later, Lee Ji Woon's parents tried to find him to explain the situation as Lee Ji Woon's father told her about their bro code and she understood the situation."

"When they found my father and tried to explain the situation, he didn't forgive them and broke off the friendship, then my father left the country to study abroad. These two tried contacting my father multiple times but he ignored them. They then continued their relationship."

"6 years later, my father came back to the country and found out that Lee Ji Woon's parents were in a serious relationship and were still going strong. This hurt my father even more and he decided to move on. Lee Ji Woon's parents again approached my father after finding out that he came back to the country."

"My father behaved very rudely with them and even cursed their relationship; this broke their last bit of patience and they decided to leave my father. Later my father joined our family business and immersed himself in it. During one of the projects, he met my mother, who was handling her family business. Initially they didn't like each other but they used to meet more and more as they always crossed each other's paths because of being in the same line of business and after multiple encounters they started understanding each other and then they fell in love."

"My father moved on from his love for Lee Ji Woon's mother and fell head over heels for my mother. The only thing was, he couldn't forgive Lee Ji Woon's father as he was his best friend and he didn't expect to be betrayed by him."