She Is Just An Employee

Lee Ji Woon decided to relieve himself in the hot shower itself as a cold shower will kill him.

It was getting difficult to turn back to normal so after fighting with his own thoughts, Lee Ji Woon couldn't help but recollect the vivid dream he just had, he had to imagine fucking Park Hye Min to get his release and only then did he calm down.

Lee Ji Woon felt very embarrassed for having such wild thoughts for an innocent person like Park Hye Min, he didn't even have genuine feelings for her and yet he was thinking about her like this, he didn't like his thought process but he was helpless as his mind could only think of Park Hye Min in that green cocktail dress.

Then Lee Ji Woon promised himself he will never think about this dream or the early morning shower he had, ever again and will forget all of this as a bad dream.