Chapter 87:

Exactly 29 minutes had now passed, and everyone except for Kaga had returned to the combat area. Kaga's presence had gone unnoticed by all except for Kimimaro and the others naturally.

Now that all the instructors were ready and could see that all of the genin were back, it was time to announce the next round of the preliminary matches.

Shibi walked back into the centre having been given the nod of approval by the Hokage himself.

"Alright everyone, it's time to announce the next battle," Shibi said, not caring if anyone was missing.

"Where the hell is Kaga sensei?" Koyuki asked as she placed her hands on her hips, clearly not happy that he hadn't returned in time.

"I'm sure he's fine," Haku said, not feeling overly concerned about their sensei's well being.

Kimimaro didn't say anything and instead, he turned his attention to the screen, watching and waiting to see which names would be next.

The names slowly came to a halt and everyone took a good look at what the screen displayed.

"The next match will be, Suba of the hidden leaf, vs, Botan of the hidden waterfall!" Shibi announced.

Everyone looked to see who the fighters were as they made their way down to the battleground, coming face to face next to Shibi.

Kimimaro watched Botan with interest, remembering how he could have killed him with ease earlier in the exam and wondering if maybe there was more to him than met the eye.

He also took a good look at the hidden leaf Shinobi Suba. He was tall and seemed older than most here, having a bold head with his headband tied around his forehead. His clothing was simple but he had a serious look on his face that meant business.

"Are you both ready?" Shibi asked, seeing how each of them had their game faces on.

"Yes." They both said.

"Alright then, begin!" Shibi said, announcing the start of the battle.

Suba of the leaf didn't waste any time, pulling a set of kunai from his weapons pouch on his leg and charging forwards.

Botan kicked back off the ground, taking a couple of steps back as he tried to get some space to react.

Suba threw the first kunai, aiming for Botan's face. Botan was able to dodge the attack, having been lucky to see it coming before he pulled out his own weapon and blocked Suba's reverse slash.

Both Botan and Suba fought for dominance as their fists shook in strain, each of them pushing as hard as they could as the kunai ground against one another, sparking from the clash.

Suba was the first to pull back, causing Botan to almost fall forwards as he wasn't expecting him to move just yet.

Suba used this to his advantage. Quickly he ducked down, letting his knee land against the floor, pressing his weight forwards and shooting in, placing his back leg to the side of Botan and suddenly grabbing him around his waist with his free hand.

It was an excellent technique performed with perfect timing, allowing him to gain the advantage with his taijutsu ability.

Botan was slow to react but was just able to lift his own kunai as he stopped Suba from slashing his throat, having allowed him to take his back he had now found himself in a tricky position indeed.

Suba used his free hand to place Botan in a chokehold while continuing to push down with his kunai, going for the kill.

Botan was using both hands now as he tried to hold his own, shaking from the effort he was using as Suba's kunai came closer and closer towards his neck.

"No use fighting it, just give up!" Suba said as he continued to pull the kunai down towards Botan's neck, intent on ending him.

"I won't give up..." Botan said as he struggled, doing his best to try to pull Suba's wrist away.

"There's only one way out of this. You die." Suba said, feeling that he was winning the struggle.

Botan could see the tip of the kunai was almost at the end of his nose, going cross-eyed as he focused in on the razor-sharp tip.

"I can't lose here... I won't lose!" He shouted as he suddenly found a reserve of strength, using it to overpower Suba and prise his arm away from him.

"B-but how!" Suba shouted in shock, trying with all his might to pull the kunai back down and finish the job.

"Never!" Botan shouted as he quickly used one of his arms to ram his elbow into Suba's ribs, breaking them on impact and getting a howl f pain from Suba.

"I won't surrender!" Botan shouted again as he grabbed Suba's wrist, twisting it and placing him into a tight shoulder lock as he swiped the kunai from his hand, placing it against his neck as he pinned the leaf ninja to the ground.

"I win," Botan said through heavy breathing, ready to use lethal force if Suba tried to break free.

Everyone watched remained silent as the struggle had taken a sudden turn of surprise. All except for Botan's squad who cheers for him as loud as they could.

Shibi watched as Botan held Suba in the shoulder lock, putting more pressure on the joint as Suba refused to say anything, simply grinding his teeth as he tried to bite through the pain.

"Do you surrender?" Botan asked, digging the edge of the kunai into his neck, cutting the skin and drawing blood.

Suba didn't have a choice. He had let his guard down and now he was suffering the consequences.

"I-I... I surrender." He said finally giving in as he could no longer bear the pain.

Botan sighed in relief and slowly let go of his arm, also pulling the kunai from his neck as he turned to look at his teammates.

"Alright, I did it!" He shouted as he raised his hands into the air, getting a round of cheers from his squad.

"Alright, Botan!"

"Woo! We knew you could do it!" They cheered.

"Winner, Botan of the hidden waterfall!" Shibi announced as he watched the medics come over and help Suba up, carting him off to be treated.

Botan headed back over to his squad, the three of them jumping around like kids as they celebrated his win, while everyone else remained quiet.

"Alright, that concludes the sixth match. Let's draw the names for the seventh." Shibi said as he turned to the screen above.

Everyone did the same once again and waited for the names to come to a stop shocking a few of the genin who watched.

"Next match will be, Koyuki Karatachi of the hidden mist, Vs. Miyako Kato also of the hidden mist." Shibi said as he announced the next match.

Both Koyuki and Miyako turned to look at each other, glaring daggers at one another before each of them whipped their hair out of their face, turning away and breaking eye contact.

"Koyuki be careful," Haku said to her, knowing this could be a dangerous matchup.

Koyuki didn't seem bothered with his concern for her and blanked him.

"I'm going to end this bitch." Koyuki said with a serious scowl.

"Don't be too hasty now Koyuki. Remember to keep a level head." Haku said trying to get through to her.

Kimimaro decided not to say anything, knowing that his words would only piss her off even more and instead gave her a simple nod.

"You've got this."

Koyuki returned his nod and then headed down towards the battle arena.

"Where the hell is Kaga sensei?" Haku said as he took a look around, still not seeing any sign of him.

"I don't know, but all we can do is watch and support her from here," Kimimaro said as he crossed his arms, spotting a look from Hattori from across the room.

"I know... I just don't want her to lose control." Haku then said as he stepped towards the railings, gripping them with both hands as he watched her from above.

Both the girls were now standing on the battleground, glaring at one another from the other side, neither of them coming any closer.

Shibi could already tell there was tension in the air between these two, and he knew it was going to be some sort of grudge match.

"I can see you are both ready. But, remember the rules. What I say goes." He said to remind them before he got ready to start the match.

"Alright... Be..." Just as he was about to announce the fight, Shibi's words stopped as the doors to the exam hall opened, revealing a rather imposing guest.

Everyone turned to look at who had entered through the door, wondering who could be so important that it would interrupt the start of the match.

A tall man dressed in a blue cloak stood in the doorway with a hat similar to the one the Hokage wore, except this one was blue and had the kanji for Mizukage on it, getting a surprised gasp from everyone who noticed.

"Well, well. Looks like I made it just in time!" Fuyōna said as he raised his Mizukage hat, allowing his face to be seen by all.


Alright, that's the end of this one! A quick chapter and ending on a cliffhanger for the next intense battle!

As always thank you for your support and have an awesome day!

Remember to check out my P.a.t.r.e.o.n page for up to 50 extra chapters in advance!