CHAPTER 6: 1400 years later.


This chapter is one huge time skip, during this time period many things have already transpired which will slowly be revealed accordingly as the story progresses.


4 years later in reality/1400 years later in the time chamber.

31st July 1991

Kyle wore a blue hoodie, with the cowl-shaped hood covering his face, as he stood before a white exterior building; he currently was in Diagon ally. Time to reveal that both the children of prophecy were alive, was coming closer. It had already been 4 years since his 'death', or from his perspective 1400 years had already gone by.

Just the way the interface had mentioned his aging process while he stayed in the chamber, physically he had only gotten 4 years old. His previously frail and short body was replaced by a tall (for his age) and athletic one, however, his complexion was extremely pale and sickly, his sclera had turned from its once snow-white color to a pale yellow.

During this time he had experienced such a growth in power and control that it would make even Dumbledore seem like a child rivaling him as an adult prodigy, however, he had suffered from a major setback. The mentioned setback would have killed any other wizard, however, Kyle wasn't just any wizard, he had an extra white core capable of producing an indefinite amount of life force. This life force was what was keeping him alive. Right now he could unearth barely 0.1% of his true power. He needed some extremely rare materials, some already deemed to be near extinct, but now wasn't the time for discussing the MC's said condition.

The white-haired boy entered the building and proceeded to walk towards the end of the rectangular hall. On the sides were short men with pointy nose and ears sitting on elevated wooden tables, continuously stamping papers. At the end of the rectangular hall was where the manager/chief/head of the building and goblins working.

Kyle attracted a lot of attention to himself, mainly due to the aura of power and royalty his hooded figure was exuding. Despite Kyle's current condition, he could beat any of these mobs with ease. The sound of papers being stamped and wizards' conversations related to business stopped, as they all looked towards the same hooded figure.

Staying in an empty realm all alone, a guy would try finding any way to somehow spend his time. Kyle had read and rehearsed magic etiquettes so many times that it had somewhat ingrained into his being, as they say, beggars can't be choosers and well practice makes a man perfect. Garnering attention wasn't Kyle's style, plus all this attention after living like some hermit for over millennia, though he appeared to be indifferent from the curious gazes and comments of these passersby, he did feel uncomfortable.

Kyle's lips moved, a subtle change in the magic around him transpired and suddenly the stamping and conversations reinitiated. "Gotta work on that," Kyle muttered under his breath as he proceeded walking to the end of the hall where the manager of the bank sat.

"Greetings, may your gold grow forever, and may your enemies be vanquished by your blade," Kyle greeted the goblin who was mostly bald with a few locks of long white hair. He gave a toothy grin as if pleased by the unexpected greeting from a human. "Greetings to you too wizard, may your gold too increase forever, how can I help you?" The goblin adopted a polite tone with the white-haired boy. Many saw the goblins as just a bunch of greedy, rude, intelligent magical creatures, Kyle would have too. Fortunately, Kyle wasn't like other idiotic prideful wizards, also he had read all the history books Hogwarts library had to offer, and though the goblins were shown to be only greedy little buggers, Kyle could easily tell that passages were all biased as they were written from the wizard's perspective. And now his suspicions were slowly being proven true.

"I would like to get an advanced bloodline affinity test performed please," Kyle respectfully replied. The goblin seemingly even more pleased with the respectful attitude of the boy, "the fee charged would be 50 galleons after the test has been performed, would you still like to get the test performed young wizard?" the goblin asked for confirmation. "Yes please, also please call me Kyle," Kyle confirmed. "Great, and please call me Barnot, since you have been polite with me, unlike these other wizards who see us as an inferior race and still come to us to finalize their business propositions and pay us to keep their gold secure…now... if you would, please follow me," Barnot said, getting to first name basis with Kyle on their very first meeting. Barnot momentarily disappeared behind the red-brown wooden table, a moment later he appeared on the polished marble floor.

Following Barnot, Kyle reached a dimly lit room, in the middle of the room stood a black tree with a thin trunk and even thinner branches, with short pieces of pale-white paper for its leaves, Kyle noticed that on each page was a name written, pertaining to a house Kyle presumed. Kyle didn't notice when another much shorter goblin in a monk's attire entered the room. The said goblin approached them, "Schkri, Kyle here, would like to get an advanced bloodline affinity test performed, if you would please," Barnot spoke. The monk moved his gaze from Barnot to Kyle, surprised on the frankness Barnot showed to the young wizard. Kyle greeted the newly arrived goblin with the same respect he had shown to Barnot, saying that the monk goblin was surprised would be an understatement.

Schkri, comparatively to the rest of the employees was actually much younger, he had no idea why he and his race were so prejudiced against by the wizards, and finally meeting a wizard who was being sincere with his greeting, shocked and overjoyed him. "Greetings to you too Kyle, please call me Schkri," the younger goblin replied with great enthusiasm. "Sure, Schkri," Kyle readily agreed while taking off his hood.

"Alright Kyle, we will be needing a drop of your blood for the test, after extracting a drop of blood, drip the blood on the altar there," Barnot said while handing a black bladed dagger to Kyle as he pointed towards a small black alter attached to the black tree. Kyle gave a nod as he punctured his finger with the dagger and moved to the altar as he dripped the blood.

Now, Schkri moved forward as he lifted both his palms facing the alter. He started reciting a short chant in Latin which Kyle understood as follows, "***Reveal the connection held across the time and death, reveal the connection of blood!!!***" The thin black trunk lit up in golden splendor, the light traveled up the trunk and split into 6 thinner branches.

Kyle: ⁺(⁰0⁰)⁺ (oh….OHHHHHHH!!!)

Schkri: ‛{⁰ộ⁰}' (hehe, let's see who Kyle is, hmm….HMMMMMMMM)

Barnot: ‛[⁰ộ⁰]' (Ahhh, youngsters, such a joy watching them interact...let's see the results... oh, maybe my sight is getting weaker…-a moment later-…ohhh…fuck)

Barnot forcefully turned his gaze from the tree to the boy who was the cause of such spectacle. Barnot saw the boy shockingly look in the tree's direction, 'it's only a coincidence…right.' Apparently, the tree was a goblin artifact, it was visible to any being of magical nature, but the results of the test could only be seen by goblins. However, judging from Kyle's expression, he too could see the results which were why his mouth was open enough to fit an ostrich's egg in it. "Ahem…Kyle can you actually see the results?" Barnot asked for Kyle's confirmation who despite the expression of shock nodded back at him.

"B-but h-how? O-other than goblins n-no one s-should be able to s-see the results," Schkri mumbled out the sentence while stuttering. "Sooo… was I not supposed to see the results," Kyle inquired as he turned to Barnot. "No actually, not even Albus Dumbledore is capable of using our artifacts that can only be used by goblins," Barnot explained.

Kyle thought for a moment on how to explain the current scenario, in the end he decided to tell, though he and two goblins were on first-name basis, putting his trust in the duo would be his test as to see whether they sell out his information or whether they were trustable enough to become friends in the future. "Barnot, Schkri…what I believe is that there are no classifications of magic, be it light magic, dark magic, goblin magic, or centaur divination. With enough knowledge and comprehension anyone can see past these so-called boundaries," Kyle explained.

Kyle had spent good 1400 years not merely on the cultivation, wandless and telekinesis, another gain of his was enough to scare the shit of Voldemort, Grindelwald, or any other wizard. They wouldn't dare to even try earning his ire. Sadly, Voldemort already had. He had crafted an entirely new magic system that was entirely unique to him.

"Umm, Kyle, if what you say is true, then how can your knowledge be superior to that of Albus Dumbledore's?" Schkri asked, still uncertain about the situation. Kyle didn't give a reply, however, there was a mischievous smirk that adorned his face. Barnot who had a much longer experience with clients could easily discern with his eyes when the said client was telling the truth, could determine that Kyle was speaking the truth.

"You can rest assured Kyle; we goblins take care of any friend as if he was one of our own… I, Barnot, the manager of Gringotts bank, swear on my gold and magic, none of Kyle's secrets will be revealed by us to anyone of the wizarding world or the goblin kingdom unless Kyle tells us to do so, so I swear, so mote it be," following Barnot, Schkri too made a similar oath of magical binding, as they both showed how highly they regarded the young wizard. Kyle was touched by how they regarded him and gave them an appreciative nod.

"Kyle… you can avail the heirship of 4 houses since the other 2 have currently their young lords and lords alive, the 2 houses that you can't claim the heirship of are, Weasley and Black. As for the 4 whose heirship and lordship you can claim are houses of Potter…house of Peverell…house of Gryffindor…and lastly…the house of Slytherin." Kyle understood the situation, he didn't plan on getting the heirship of the house of Potter as he wanted to leave it for his brother… the other three he was planning on claiming. He still could not believe that he was a Slytherin and a Gryffindor at the same time. Now he somewhat could understand that Parseltongue was an ability that he had inherited and not gotten it from Voldemort. This very ability had allowed him to converse with and befriend this friend of his from the forests of Albania.