Chapter 95

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Faunus and Axis, my two newly acquired diabolical companions, they both had an aura that had me on an edge, mostly because right now I was powerless, but still, it was enough to have me ready to jump back to my real body.

Their powers were so massive, I doubted I could win against them in their own element. Which made this all the more fun, I could barely wait to fight them and learn from them.

"Now, all we need is Fire, and Water," Faunus said with a wide smile, "I know just the fire spirit we can add to our little group!"

"I already have a fire spirit," I reminded the demonic deer who pouted in response.

"I'm not saying you should… kick the bear out, goodness no, but… the spirit I have in mind is a master of his art," Faunus replied, "You of course already have the best of the best for Air and Earth, but why stop there?"

"Just have two fire spirits and be done with it," Axis sighed.

Well, if these two were a point to go by, I could already imagine the next spirit being another demonic monstrosity leagues above Ursoc and Chesire in the power scale, though to be fair Chesire was a hard cat to measure… with his powers being so weird.

"Fine," I shrugged.

"A most wise choice, Boss," Faunus smirked.

With that said and done, Faunus took us to quite the hell-like place, where flames roamed free and the scorching heat was ever present; the place was almost identical to my personal idea of hell.

"Agni!" Faunus shouted, and out of nowhere a blast of fire landed close to him, growling.

"I told you.. if I ever saw you here again, that I would kill you Faunus!" The massive flames growled in a tone that promised pain, lots of it, and I wasn't gonna was quite the impressive display, the fire was so hot it melted the very ground around the focal point of the fire at an alarming rate, turning the ground around it, into lava basically.

"I don't think he's your friend," Axis chuckled, creating an air bubble around us to protect me from the heat.

"Oh, nonsense, we are like brothers that occasionally want to kill each other," Faunus laughed.

"I am nothing but your executioner!" The flames shouted.

"Oh, you and your humor," Faunus said, purposely annoying the fire spirit, "While I would normally love to… humor you, I came here for business related reasons, you see this little human here is looking for the best of the best! To work under him, and I know what you're thinking… What can this respectable human offer? Well, allow me to answer than simple question, he can offer us… our freedom, well limited freedom as long as we follow some minor conditions,"

"Is that true?" Agni asked.

"I can offer you a human body, so yeah," I answered.

"Then…." The furious flames started to become smaller and smaller to the point where the was no fire around, and where the massive inferno of flames at one point stood melting the ground on its wake, now stood a small and adorable weasel that basically teleported in front of me extending his little paw, giving me a firm handshake, "Then the name is Agni, boss, short for Agnitron, long for Ag,"

"I kinda expected you to say no… I mean, you seem to hate one of my associates," I said pointing to Faunus.

"Oh him, I already forgot why I hated him in the first place," Agni shrugged, climbing into my shoulders where he stood high, and shouted to the wind, "Onwards to victory!"

"Do you also have a big form you would like to show?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah," Agni chuckled, "Faunus has one of those, I forgot, well, mine is what you saw… pure fire,"

"Neat," I chuckled.

"Neat indeed!" Agni chuckled.

"Well… as we can see, I contributed to the team, now all we need is a water spirit," Faunus said with his ever present smile, he was starting to creep me out, unlike Chesire, Faunus had no emotion behind the smile he showed.

"I know one, she is one hell of a… hell of a…?" Agni said, scratching his head in a way that denoted he was trying to remember, "Oh yeah, she's one hell of a sea serpent, she will want to join,"

"Oh, her…" Axis chuckled, "Leona is definitely a good pick, she is without doubt unmatched in the water… where she reigns supreme, but she will not come with us that easily,"

"Nah, don't worry, I'll take care of recruiting her," Agni said, still on my shoulders, it was both annoying and oddly comforting to have a small weasel there.

"Oh, this will be very entertaining," Faunus laughed.

And I couldn't help but wonder, was I missing something? "Am I missing something?" I asked, getting tired of the bit of everyone here having fluent conversations while I stayed out of the loop.

"Oh, yeah… well you see Leona has but one rule, if you want her help you have to beat her… so, Agni here will have to fight her," Axis chuckled.

Oh, well. Then Faunus was right, this was going to be very entertaining.


[Vaatu POV]

Being a human for long periods of time was… confusing, it was utterly disgusting how human bodies worked… especially the bathroom part… I will never be the same chaotic spirit after that mess, and the problems didn't end there… oh no, they just kept growing, like eating… It was such a bother having to eat three or more times a day, it was messy, disgusting and it would inevitably send me back to problem one… the bathroom.

Everything about being a human was disgusting, I just couldn't wait for Akira to come back so that I could go back to binge watch human tragedies on his head… I miss not having to eat , not having to walk, and no having to use the… Bathroom.

"My ever growing hate for humanity has grown even more after this," I growled as I once again made my way to my new nemesis, the bathroom, "The bathrooms all over the world shall rue the day they messed with me! Chaos personified!" It was second on my list after destroying Raava.