
A few days after the events in the hall, Januar was once again released from his contrains by a nurse, fortunately it was the same nurse as before.

He had been thinking about his encounter with the crazy Orange and Greenie the past few days. Maybe they were even his chance to return, although he was not entirely sure how exactly...

And today he would have the opportunity to figure out more, now that he was allowed outside of his room again. He was determined to dos so, even if he was very reluctant to meet this strange pair again.

But the longer he followed the nurse - he no longer had to be supported while walking- the more they distanced themselves from the hall.

This puzzled Januar, but he decided to trust the nurse. Also, this was a hospital, they wouldn't hurt a patient, right?

Soon they arrived in front of a locked door, the nurse took out his keys and calmly unlocked the door. They stepped through before the nurse meticulously locked the door again. He then hooked his arm under Januar's shoulder and continued to lead the way in this fashion. Januar was very obedient during all this, which put the nurse in a good mood, not many patients were as well-behaved as this, even when considering the patient's young age.

They reached yet another door, but this time, it lead to a small room with two couches facing each other and a low table inbetween .

On the couch facing the door sat a man in a black suit, his appearance would be considered neat, or rather frigid in Januar's world were colorful and free variety was the norm, but he had a big smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes. Januar disliked this smile a lot, it didn't sit right with him, even Orange's smile was better.

The nurse nudged Januar to sit down on the other couch while he once again settled at the side watching over the exchange.

After Januar sat down, the other man with geled back hair opened his mouth, it was once again a greeting which Januar deducted from the outstreched hand, but he could only respond with silence, quietly shaking the other's hand.

After this quick introduction, the suited man opened the bag sitting next to him on the couch, pulling out a plain note book, a pile of papers and a pen. He put all the items on the small table in front of them.

Januar was a bit confused at first but understood immediatly after the man started to write in the notebook.

He wanted to communicate with him! But...even if he wanted to, he wouldn't be able to answer him in anyway...

Januar had a feeling that this meeting was very crucial to his identity, but he couldn't understand a word!

So, he only continued to sit in silence even after the man pushed the notebook towards him. He read the words that the man had written on the paper, or at least he tried to, but everything just looked like gibberish to him.

The man tried again and again, writing line over line, all of which had been instructed to him by his client, but there was no response whatsoever. The opposite didn't even bat an eye while reading these phrases.

With every additional word the man grew more annoyed, in the end stopped smiling altogether. Simply pushing the pile of papers in front of Januar and tapping on a line with his pen. He then grabbed Januar's hand and forced him to hold the pen.

Januar froze with the pen in his hand, what was he supposed to do now? He was pretty sure that the other party wanted him to give his signature,... but how?

He pondered his hardest, what should he do? Not sign it? Or sign it? But how was he supposed to sign it.

As Januar continued to think, the other man grew impatient. From his point of view it looked like Januar was deliberately wasting time.

Despite or maybe because he knew of his opposite's disability, he opened his mouth and started talking. Januar couldn't hear anything, he noticed the other speaking but ignored it, he glanced at the nurse, wondering whether the man was talking to him. Only to see the nurse's expression to worsen, gorwing darker with time.

What was wrong? Did the man say something bad to the nurse? Thinking of this Januar's eyes also became colder.

Suddenly the man pulled Januar's hand to the document and forced him to press the point of his pen on the paper. Januar twisted his expression, he was pretty sure now that signing this paper wasn't a good idea, he tried pulling back his arm but the other side tightened his grip.

At that moment a strong hand appeared, saving Januar from his plight and freeing his arm.

The nurse stood in front of Januar, so he couldn't see the other's expression but he was very thankful to him. This nurse was really his savior!

He watched as anger flashed over the slick man's face, he quickly picked up his things and stuffed them back into his back, storming out of the room.

Only when the man disappeared did the nurse gently urge Januar to stand up with a sad smile on his face.

Why was the nurse sad?

Januar was a bit startled at his expression.

He decided not think about it too much, instead hooking arms with nurse again and follow him back to his ward.

They soon reached Januar's room, but suddenly the nurse halted his step, he seemed to have spotted something, but he was to tall for Januar to see what it was. The nurse turned around to Januar and pointed to his room as if telling him to go in himself and rushed away.

Januar looked at his back did really something bad happen? Januar wondered.

He hobbled towards his room about to enter, when an arm appeared and blocked Januar from entering.

He looked towards the source of the arm. It was a boy with pale skin, shoulder-length black hair and eyes that highlighted his unhealthy paleness even further. He wore a blue patient's dress and a pair of glasses. This was the first time Januar had seen glasses on a patient.

The boy saw that he had garnered Januar's attention and pulled his lips into a smile, showing off the forgotten sketch book from that day.