
"You were very lucky, kid! Had the two of them not been so inattentive, you probably wouldn't have been able to escape so easily," a member of the Extermination Group joked.

Januar laughed hesitantly at his words, watching Constantine grinning proudly behind the man.

His mood soured, when he saw that proud expression on the traitor's face.

"Anyway kid, my name is Sebas, me and my buddies are from 'Purge', what's your name?"

Sebas streched out his hand in greeting.

Januar hurried to shake his hand. A member of 'Purge' actually came to rescue him! This was a legendary group not many people were able to meet in their lifetime!

"I'm Januar Stolz, Mr. Sebas! Nice to meet you!" Januar smiled excitedly.

"Oh! So, you're the youngest Stolz kid? Nice to meet you too," Sebas flashed him a smile.

Januar blushed a bit when he heard that someone from 'Purge' knew about him.

"Should I take you home now, kid? Being kidnapped and fleeing from your kidnappers just after school ended, you must be exhausted after all that." Sebas grinned while pointing towards a hover car that wasn't too far away.

Januar's eyes began to sparkle hearing this, he would be able to sit in a car with a member of 'Purge', of course he agreed!

Following happily behind Sebas, Januar heard the two people behind him arguing again.

"Get away, you're walking too close to Jan."

"Why would I listen to some musclebrain with only brawns?"

"Who are you calling a musclebrain, stick figure?!"

"Hah! Is that all you could think of?"

Januar wanted to facepalm listening to their nonesense. Especially Kay, he was very easily provoked by the other.


Sebas opened the car door for Januar. Flustered because he wasn't properly paying attention, Januar hastily thanked him, before boarding the hover car.

After Sebas also entered the car, the machine came to life. He merely needed to enter the coordinates in the touchpad in front, for the car to start driving.

Soon Sebas started talking again, he knew from experienced that most people would be too shy to strike up a conversation with a 'Purge' member.

"So, kid, how is school going? Judging by your age, you must have just finished your Transcription not too long ago."

Januar stiffened at his question, hesitating to answer.

"Um, yes, I had my Transcription only a month ago, but I'll be seventeen in two months."

"Wow, you had to wait for such a long time for your Transcription, great patience! Did you already experience your first 'Realm'?"

Not quite knowing how to answer, Januar kept quiet for a moment. But after Sebas looked at him questioningly, Januar spilled the beans.

"I've just finished my second 'Realm'..."

"Whoa, as expected from the Stolz Family, one child more talented than the other!"

Januar laughed stiffly in response.

"What kind of cards do you have?" Sebas continued his questioning, ignorant to Januar's uneasyness.

After glancing at the still arguing Kay and Constantine, Januar answered.

"... 'Character' cards."

Sebas showed an impressed expression, 'Character' cards were very rare and it was even rarer to have several of this type, as first and second cards nonethless!

"Congratulations! Seeing that you are such a talented new seedling, would you like to train with us some time? It would be our pleasure to strengthen the future generation of Elites even a little bit," Sebas smiled and paused for a second, "If you're satisfied with a bunch of fourth and third-rank 'Cardplayers'."

Januar needed a second to calm down.

Training with 'Purge'! Others would give their life for a chance like this!

But, it was definitely impossible for Januar...

His strength was pitable, pathetic, he only just started catching up to the others in his class. If only he was someone like Frederic, he would have agreed in a heartbeat.

But he also didn't want to refuse this offer out right, instead he used his upcoming examination as excuse.

"I'm sorry but my semester exam is coming up..."

"No problem, just join us after your exam is over!"

Januar was a bit baffled by the other's enthusiasm.

Seems like he wouldn't be able to refuse the offer...

At that moment the hover car halted. They had arrived at the Stolz' apartment complex.

Januar wanted to leave the hover car but Sebas stopped him.

"Wait! Here, this is for you!"

Sebas grabbed a badge with the 'Purge' symbol on it from a bag and threw it lightly towards Januar.

The iconic blue-violet 'P' was very obvious on the white badge.

"The direct number connecting to 'Purge' is on the back, just call us when you're finished and tell them that I invited you, then there shouldn't be any proble-" At that moment a quiet peeping sounded from the touchpad of the car, which interrupted Sebas' speech. He glanced at his ComWatch, before waving Januar goodbye.

"Seems like I have to leave now, until then! And good luck with your exam!"

Januar thanked Sebas and bade him goodbye. The hover car then swiftly left. Soon, Januar also entered the elevator to his home.

As soon as he stepped into his home's living room, some of the tension in his shoulder's relaxed.

"I heard you will be having an exam soon? Let me study with you, I will help you during your test!" Constantine said in a good mood.

Januar started to frown again, firmly ignoring the other, as he walked into the kitchen to grab himself a snack, before he would have to go excercise with Kay again.

"I'm really good at memorization, with my help you will receive full marks!"

He continued to ignore Constantine.

"Stop spouting nonesense! Only something earned through one's own effo-"

"Only because sport is so troublesome, doesn't mean intellectual topics have to be the same."

"I don't want your help, so please just return to your card and leave me alone."

Everything was silent after Januar's words.

He looked at Constantine with an angry expression. A flash of hurt appeared on the black-haired boy's face.

"I helped you escape earlier, you must understand by now that I don't intend to cause you har-" Constantine tried to appease Januar's rage, but Januar interrupted him before he was able to finish his sentence.

"Then why? Why did you stab me? Explain it to me, so I know whether I can put my trust into you or not."

Januar looked at the boy, waiting for an explanation. But Constantine remained silent, with a conflicted expression.

"..., thought so."

Januar took out Constantine's card from his pouch and threw it at him. He passed him as he walked in direction of his room, he still had to change his clothes for today's training session.

Kay jogged up to Januar and patted his shoulder.

"You finally stood up for yourself, you can be proud!"

But... Januar wasn't happy about this development, his heart was in turmoil.

Why should he sympathize with his killer?