
Jack wanted to get up and apologize for leaving Cast's side, but before he got the chance to, Cast sat down next to him.

Jack scooted slightly to the side so that Cast would have more space to lean against the wooden post.

Cast was still a bit out of breath and Jack didn't dare say anything, only continuing to awkwardly look at the tip of his black shoes.

"Can you give me the champagne?", Cast suddenly spoke up, pointing at the glass next to Jack with his chin.

A bit startled, Jack hurriedly grabbed the glass of alcohol and passed it on to Cast. The other received it wordlessly and after a short pause took a sip.

He slightly scrunched up his face in distaste and put the glass aside.

"I was worried something happened to you," Cast said quietly.

This stunned Jack and he looked at Cast with a strange look on his face. Cast glanced at him, catching Jack's expression, Cast closed his mouth, seemingly hesitant, but soon continued.

"I don't know why I care about you," he rubbed his forehead, "I have never felt something like this before, I only ever cared about myself."

Jack quietly listened to Cast, somehow... he knew what the other meant.

He had also felt it odd that in every 'Realm' until now he very quickly started to harbor good feelings towards the 'Characters' around him. Usually, especially because of his track record regarding relationships with other people, Januar was actually pretty apathetic towards strangers.

Sure, he was nice and would help them to the best of his abilities, but he didn't really care about them. The only reason he felt bad when people talked about him was because of his own insecurities, he knew that himself.

That was also the reason why he kept his problems a secret from his family. They were pretty much the only ones whose opinions really mattered to him.

Again, they sat in silence, both occupied with their own thoughts.

The sea underneath them softly hit the jetty, the sound of waves colliding with the wooden posts brought a sort of peace.

Even to Jack, because funnily enough, Jack wasn't actually afraid of water after dying in his first 'Realm'.

What he was scared of was being trapped, without any way of escape.

Just thinking about it caused his pulse to speed up.

Jack searched for something else to focus his attention on, he really didn't like thinking about this.

He saw that Cast had actually taken off his cap and was holding it in his hand. The other also noticed his curious eyes.

"It actually doesn't hold that much value, you know? But I remember finding it one time in the streets years ago and then I just couldn't get rid of it. Its existence alone kind of calms me. Ha! I obviously found it on the streets but I treasure it like some kind of god-send gift."

The self-mocking tone in Cast's voice was impossible to overhear.

Jack didn't know why but when he heard this, he unconsciously thought about his pendant. After a moment's hesitation, he took the necklace out from under his shirt and slipped it over his head.

Looking at the violet jewel in front of him, Jack opened his mouth.

"I treasure this. I found it only recently, I think it belonged to my mother. But... I am not sure myself... it just doesn't feel like I treasure it only for that reason. It's really important to me, all most as much as my life, at least that's what it feels like."

These were Jack's true feelings, earlier he didn't even want to think about the moment he would leave the 'Realm' and lose the pendant.

Jack balled up the pendant and tightened his grip slightly, before moving his fist to Cast.


Now it was Cast's turn to be surprised, he looked at Jack with a slightly shocked light in his eyes. But after Jack didn't withdraw his arm even after a minute, Cast stretched out his hand to receive the necklace.

He let the pendant dangle in the air, examining it carefully.

The necklace felt cool to the touch. The design was also beautiful, from what he could tell the chain and frame were real silver, and the embedded jewel glittered with a certain shine even now.

Taking another glance at Jack, who was simply looking away as if he actually didn't care at all, Cast slowly slipped the chain over his head and hid the pendant underneath his shirt the same way Jack had earlier.

Soon, Cast leaned forward and placed the cap on Jack's head.

While Jack was still surprised and reached up to touch the cap, Cast flashed an awkward smile, it had been a long time since he last genuinely smiled.

"My actual name is Castiel, but you can continue calling me Cast if you like."

A small smile also crept onto Jack's lips.

"Thanks, Castiel. Same goes for me, you can call me Jack or," Jack hesitated for a moment, "...Jan, what you like best."

Hearing his name like this, Cast felt a kind of fuzzy feeling in his stomach that he couldn't quite describe.

But one thing he knew for sure; the small smile on his face wouldn't disappear.

He suddenly felt the urge to touch the feather boa around Jack's neck.

Jack noticed this and awkwardly laughed: "Someone must have hung this thing around me while I was lost earlier, I didn't even notice."

Saying that Jack put half of the shawl over Cast's shoulders, it was long enough for that anyway.

And so they sat together.

It felt peaceful and comforting, and also like something they hadn't done in a very long time.

A few minutes passed before Cast grabbed the glass again and took another sip.

This made Jack a bit curious, he had never tried alcohol. He was usually also pretty repulsed by the smell alone. Not to mention that barely anyone drank it in his world anymore.

"Do you want to try some?"

Jack thought for a moment but ultimately nodded.

Cast gave him the glass.

Jack hesitated one last time before lifting the glass to his lips, holding his breath so he wouldn't smell the alcohol.

Just as the taste of the slightly sour and fizzy beverage spread through his mouth, fireworks shot into the sky, exploding with a bang and the music also reached its climax.

But Jack never got to enjoy this view.

A red flower began to bloom on his chest, painfully obvious on his white shirt.