Kate was a good ranker, infact she used to study very well but after coming to sixth standard her concentration totally lost. She was getting very less marks and she knew that her mom would take dad's belt and start beating whoever used to get less marks.

But that evening Carol failed the exam but kate and Daniela passed the exam with less marks. So carol thought of not showing the marks to mom. And so as usually they went to play.

But Anna got message from the school that all the students got their marks .Anna was waiting for Carol to say her marks but carol did not say so anna kept quite.

It was time for dinner, she called all of them for dinner, while they were having dinner Anna said who ever would finish their dinner fast would get a chance to play on the computer.

Carol ready to play on the computer had her dinner like a jet plane and went and sat near the computer to play but there came mom with a stick in her hand and bet the hand which went to open the computer's switch she bet her very harshly.

She said-"Failed your exam and hid the exam papers from me but ready to play on the computer shameless monkey. " Then she called out Daniela in the room and bet her alot for getting less marks in the exam.

Kate got scared so she slowly crept and went into bedroom and slept. From the other day their time table became very strict. No playing for them was provided. The re exam of Carol was in summer vacation.

Mom strictly said Carol that-" Everyone will be enjoying their summer vacation but you should just keep on studying. Until you pass your examination don't think of enjoyment. "Kate started making fun on her as Carol used to do.

During summer vacation she wrote the exam and this time  passed it As it was summer everyone decided to go to a all  the cousins went to farmhouse there they enjoyed alot with their cousins-"Sophia Alice,Charlotte Esme and Emelia mary ,she was the youngest in the whole family."

Kate, Daniela, Sophia and Charlotte were very close to each other they made a group of four of them called-"HEART BREAKERS"  They said anyone who calls all of them together should call them heart breakers.

After leaving from farmhouse,All of them went to their grandmother's house all the cousins spent time with each other and enjoyed alot.Daily they would try making new recipes.They all loved living in their Granny's house.they were very happy there.

Heart breakers got bored so they decided to make a horror movie because they got fed up playing the same games and watching TV.

So they all started making the horror movie.In which kate was playing the role of ghost and Sophia was playing the role of a heroine and Sophia's brother was the movie hero. Charlotte was the camera man and her brother was side role actor and Daniela was heroine's best friend.

The movie turned out to be perfect but after making the movie they still wanted to do something different.

So they decided to sit in the form of a circle and decided to tell some horror situations which really took place with them Kate started-"During the school when we had games period my six friends and I decided to play charlie charlie ... Game ,so one of my friend brought paper and four pencils with her so we played that game back of the school bus so while we were saying Charlie charlie are you here... The paper flew away due to heavy wind so all girls shouted and ran from there seeing them even i ran when we came to an end i put my hand in my pocket so i found a blue pen which i never used when I asked others a girl whom i didn't know came to me and said it was hers i still don't know whether it was something by nature or Witt wanted.