Birds flitted from tree to tree, chirping at each other and battling over the best roosting sites, the sun was shining brightly and ther woke up Kate with full of excitement.

She was excited because it was her birthday. Daniela and Lobby gave her many wishes but Carol did not wish her and as usually she was very rude .

But it didn't bother Kate, because she was very happy to go to the school and meet her friends.

Kate dressed up in a bright pink t-shirt on which unicorn was drawn, black jeans and black shoes, she wore a high pony . She was looking very pretty.

Holding a box of chocolates she left to school, when she reached the school all her friends were giving her the day's wishes.

But her class teacher called her to the school staff room and gave her a chocolate"SILK" and told her that-"You are looking very pretty, by the way where did you buy it  from. " So Kate said -" I don't know mam my parents bought it for me. "

And then kate left from the staff room, her friends gave her great gifts and then she arrived home.

When she entered her house lobby called her to the room and what kate could see was - ,room was decorated with many lights , ballons were all on the floor, it was a great view .

Then at night lobby bought cake with her father, it was Kate's favorite cake. At night they cut cake and it made Kate's day. She was very happy.