Who cares?

After telling Nero that, Katanci asks Rira if Neko is dead. Then Rira walked to the food that was being prepared by Katanci and Nero. Rira doesn't seem to care about Neko who is already dead.

Nero hopes when Rira finds out Neko is dead, Rira cries in his arms but that will definitely not happen. Lyra was able to decapitate Nero using a very sharp object in the shape of an X that was placed right on his head.

Nero will be given a fairly difficult calculation question and if the answer is wrong the object will fall and Nero will be decapitated on the spot.

In beheading there are two ways, namely, first standing with hands and feet in a tight chain so as not to run away, the chain is tied to the two poles that support the object with the shape of the letter X. When a person falls, it will surely split in two,

The second way is, the person who will be beheaded lays his body in the place that has been provided then he looks down with both hands held by a wooden block. When X falls, only the person's head is severed, not the body.

Furthermore, Katanci hopes when Rira finds out that Neko is dead is to feed her when she is crying, Katanci likes it when she laughs at the suffering of others. None of the hopes of the two of them came true.

Rira is enjoying her breakfast while smiling happily because she can get a good breakfast. "Rira, don't eat it too fast or you'll choke!" Katanci told Rira to eat slowly.

At this moment, Rira was eating like she was in a race, she was eating really fast like she hadn't eaten for several days. Rira drank water like she was going to take a shower, the water spilled everywhere.

All the food was spent alone by Rira, Nero and Katanci who did not get the food and were forced to make it again. Luckily there are still materials available. Katanci and Nero returned to cooking food.

Nero is cleaning fish to burn, the fish that Nero got came from the food supplies he brought here (before coming to Rira's village, he prepared a lot of food ingredients using magic bags)

"Nero your magic bag is quite unique even though you don't bring anything but easily take materials from your bag, how do you do it?" Katanci chop carrots.

"The way it works is just put the ingredients into a large bag but the bag doesn't need to be carried, so just mention the material you want and the material will come by itself." Nero answered while setting up a fire to burn the fish.

Nero brought quite a lot of supplies ranging from vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, grass, and cooking utensils.

When the day starts....

"It's time for breakfast~" Nero's voice was a little sluggish from not eating. "May I eat some more?" Rira sat down. Katanci and Nero don't mind if Rira eats again as long as she doesn't eat it alone.

With a calm atmosphere being far from the village and a very refreshing air passing through the three of them. The three of them ate together with a very curious feeling in the depths of the three of them.

Followed by the sound of magical beasts monitoring or wanting to prey on Rira. The magic beast was beside Rira. "Naaaa..... Rira why are you silent there is a monster beside you!" Katanci looks nervous because Rira doesn't seem to feel that she is in danger.

"Really? hehehehee...don't worry I'm strong when I'm full!" Rira's cheerful smile who didn't feel in danger. "lan–" Nero wanted to cast his magic but Rira refused to be helped because the monster was harmless.

However, the monster resembled a wolf with a mouth like a crocodile. The monster sitting quietly beside Rira suddenly bit Rira's neck which made Nero and Katanci shocked.

"The weather is sunny ..." Rira relaxed smile.

"I immediately help you hold it he–" Katanci tried to heal Rira's neck, then Nero summoned his fire spear to kill the monster. But Rira said it's okay that Katanci and Nero didn't help her and went back to continuing their breakfast.

After that the monster tore Rira's skin on her neck and a lot of blood came out.

"I immediately helped–" Nero again wanted to help Rira and again Rira refused.

And Nero went back to eating again. "Do you really care about Nero and Rira?" Katanci asked with cheeks full of the leaves that Nero was cooking.

"About that..." Nero was confused, Rira looks dizzy from lack of blood and stands up to scold Nero for taking his vegetables that are beside the wheat field.

"Who cares what matters is eating.." Katanci and Nero said at the same time. But Rira got even more angry and accidentally touched the monster and made it explode like a balloon.

After seeing that Nero immediately prostrated in front of Rira. Nero also ordered Katanci to bow down, but Katanci refused because it wasn't him who harvested it but Nero.

Rira immediately fell because of lack of blood. "Who cares, when she was helped, she was rejected." Nero doesn't want to help Rira.

"Who cares if we're surrounded by a herd of monsters..." Katanci looked around and it was too late because they were already surrounded.

"Who... will eradicate that monster?" Lyra changed with Rira and relaxed in the sun while healing Rira's wounds. Nero and Katanci looked at Lira who was relaxing when they were surrounded by this herd of monsters.

When the weather was fine right now it was better to relax but it might have been more possible if it wasn't surrounded by swarms of monsters. Nero and Katanci were getting ready to attack the monsters that had come uninvited.

Even though they were outnumbered it didn't mean their strength couldn't beat him because the two of them weren't random people. Right now all they could do was fight or survive and Lyra was confused as to why Rira wanted to come with them when they weren't people she knew they should have stayed in her village.

But why did he leave it doesn't matter if he left him but what Lyra was afraid of was the future if she was afraid that something would happen to Rira beyond Lyra's expectations.

Hoping not to do anything unexpected now it's almost time for Rira to have a slightly cracked eyepiece will it last long Lyra can only hope it will never happen. But fate can't be changed just like that.

Lyra and Rira's expectations are indeed different, the paths they take are also different. Even so, they hope that they will stay together and that whatever happens in the future will be filled with thorns, which will be filled with sacrifice and sadness.