12. Captain of the Team

One week later

One day before the tournament...

Shin was currently doing the workouts his coach passed for him

His body was sweating a lot reflecting the light with his pure white skin

Shin: "97...98...99...100! Uff...huff..."

He dropped himself on the floor and was panting heavily after doing the last section of his trainment

Shin: 'This workout is really hard, I can't even move a finger after finishing it'

His body was getting really well built, he already had a 4-pack abdomen and defined arms and legs

After resting a bit he stretched his body to disperse the tension built by his body after training and take the opportunity to push his muscles to the limit to increase further his growth

He took a shower and did his daily meditation to improve in a lot of areas, he could fuse his skills, improve further his focus or play against created opponents

(A/N: By playing in his mind he can improve, but obviously it isn't nothing compared to the real life, it's like you play a game and gain exp after winning, and the other you go play against Bots created by the computer)

Shin: "Good night Mom and Dad, I love you two"

Mom & Dad: "Good night, we love you too sweetye/my son"

Shin waved his hand and entered his room, jumped to his bed and fell asleep quickly


At school...

Shin: "Hi coach, good afternoon to you"

He said while putting his bag in the bench

Coach: "Good afternoon, get your things we are going to the bus, almost everyone arrived already"

Shin nodded and picked up his bag again, and followed the coach to the bus

Shin: "Coach, you know what's the name of the school we'll play against today?"

Coach: "No, we'll play against two schools today, tomorrow it will be the third game and the semi-finals and in the fourth day the finals, in total 39 teams will play today and 3 of them won't play the first game, after finishing the games today, it will have just the top 8 bests left"

Shin: "Heh~, coach we'll win all the games don't matter who comes"

Shin said while cracking his fingers, the coached nodded in appreciation

Coach: "It's good to be confident, but not too much, I forgot to ask before, Shin you would like to be the captain of the team?"

Shin looked to the coach in shock

Shin: "Eh? Why me coach? I don't remember doing nothing to be the captain"

The coach looked to Shin and said

Coach: "I heard you saying encouragement words to the team, and all of them looks at you with admiration and respect by your decisions, for me this is good enough to you be the captain"

Shin got a bit embarassed and scratched the back of his head

Shin: "Well, if you says so I'll accept it"

They entered the bus and after some time they started moving to the gym that they were going to play

Kagami: "Hey Shin, where is your shoes?"

Shin smirked and got a box out of his bag

Shin: "Kukuku~, look to the shoes my dad got to me, it's the new one that passed in the internet, I still didn't opened, I can't let get dirty after the game"

Everyone in the group looked at it with stars in their eyes

Group: "S-So coool~"

Kagami: "Open open open, or I'll steal it, I need to see with my own eyes"

Shin looked at them and put a arrogant expression on his face

Shin: "Huuuhh, and why should I, I'll open in the gym"

Kagami started to bark to Shin but he just put the box in his bag again and closed his eyes


Coach: "We have arrived, get your stuffs, make sure you don't forget nothing and follow me"

Everyone did as they were said and followed him

Shin saw a lot of different teams entering the gym and got excited, he saw some people that were very tall entering the gym too

Everyone entered the gym and

saw it was pretty big compared to their gym

The coach guided them and got a place in the crowd

All the teams got side by side and watched a person who was preparing to speak

Announcer: "Welcome to the first day of the South Carolina State Tournament, today we'll have each team playing two games and it'll be left just the top 8 best teams

Three teams will be out at the first game and play in the second one, it will be decides by a draw right now, good luck for everyone"

He put his hand inside a place that had a lot of papers and took three of them

Announcer: "The schools that skipped right to the second match are...Fort Mill School, Dreher School, and Spartanburg day"

Shin: 'What a luck, or this is plot armor?'


Shin saw a bit of the games and all of they were boring so he passed the rest of the time meditating to focus on his next game

The name of the school they are going to play against is Dreher School

After a while in his meditative state he sensed someone was about to touch him and opened his eyes smiling

Shin: "It's time?"

Zion: "Yes, the coach said to put your jersey and warm up"

Shin nodded and opened his bag, from there he got out his jersey, it was white with red details on it, matching his hair and eyes, he put a black sleeve on his right arm and in his right leg, he took the box his shoes were on and opened, it was the same colors as his hair and eyes, being all white with red simbols

Shin did his warm-up and saw the other team warming up too, they had a very tall kid that seemed to be 5'4" atleast

Shin remembered seeing him before on the entrance of the gym


At the bench...

Coach: "The team you'll be playing against isn't nothing special but this year they have a tall kid on their team, Zion you'll be marking him because you are the taller and stronger from our team, Himuro today you'll be playing at Point Guard and passes the ball the most to Shin and Kagami,

Shin you already know what to do right?"

Simhin smiled and nodded

Coach: "Okay, come on I want to see nothing more than victory from all of you, want to say something captain?"

Shin: "You already said everything I wanted to say, we'll win everyone and get to the nationals, put your hand there and says WIN in the count of three, three...two...one"

Everyone put their hands together and said loud together

Team: "WIN!"

They went to the court and prepared to the incoming match