20. Spartanburg Day VS Oak Hill Part 1/2

Shin was finished warming up and was focused on the game in his half-sleep state.

The referee told the time to warm up was finished and told both team centers to come to the center of the court.

Both Zion and Ronald prepared to jump.

No matter how you saw it, there was no one who could see Zion winning the tip-off.

The referee whistled and threw the ball up.

Both jumped but Zion was down by a hand and a half from Ronald before losing the tip-off.

Casey took the ball and watched the entire court with his Hawk Eyes.

He saw Tyler stepping out of his marking and moving on to paint.

He tried to pass the ball over everyone seeing the average height of the other team was very low, but what he didn't expect was Shin with a monstrous jump managing to change the direction of the ball with his finger.

The ball went aimlessly towards the sidelines.

Himuro who was the closest one jumped with everything and caught the ball-playing backward. He fell to the ground but his team caught the ball.

Kagami was the one who took the ball and he ran with it to the three-point line.

Waiting for him, there was Patrick standing with a intimidating aura before him. Thought it didn't affect Kagami much. He remembered how Shin was much more intimidating and went to him without a ounce of fear on his eyes.

Kagami did a quick crossover going back and forth and stepped back creating a considerable distance between them.

He jumped to throw and Patrick found it strange, he had heard his coach say Kagami couldn't hit threes, but he still jumped to guarantee.

Unfortunately for him, Kagami did not plan to shoot and passed the ball to his side where Trent was, who in turn shot and made the first point of the game.

Oak Hill started playing a little more defensively to take advantage of their height, which in turn worked, blocking several balls that the opposite team would throw.

Shin thought it was time to start the strategy.

He signaled to his companions and they agreed.



Shin: "Coach, I have a strategy that I think is risky but would like to try this game."

The coach looked at him curiously and let him talk about it.

Shin: "I want to tag everyone in defense alone"

The entire team looked at Shin with doubtful eyes, even the coach who didn't show much emotions almost coughed after hearing it. They thought it was a joke, but after seeing Shin's serious face they knew it wasn't.

Kagami: "Are you crazy? Do you want us to lose the game?"

Shin: "No, I don't have any mental issues and I want to win this game and every single one that is to come."

The coach was thoughtful for a while and spoke after a few seconds.

Coach: "I understand what you want to do, but do you think you will be able to play the whole game like that?'

Shin: "I don't know but I'd like to try."

The others were half lost and Shin started to explain.

Shin: "I will try to steal the balls for our team as much as possible, probably after seeing me alone in the defense only two or three will go on the attack to secure the points while some stay in the defense in case I steal the balls and pass to you, this could get us some easy points since when two come to attack there will be only three in the defense. This will also be good because we will save our energy throughout the game, enabling us to increase the intensity we are playing at will. This game will be a race for both teams, whoever gets most points wins."

The others realized that this was a very risky mad mad strategy that few would have the courage to try. Everyone was apprehensive but they heard an encouraging voice.

Himuro: "I trust you, Shin! Don't worry about attacking us and focus entirely on defense"

The team regained confidence in their captain after hearing what Himuro said and everyone agreed


Tyler took the ball and dribbled it until midfield, but something looked different

He saw that only one person was scoring and thought they had given up on the game

The crowd was sad to think that the new junior basketball star had given up the game

Tyler ran and jumped for a layup, but strangely, he didn't have the ball anymore whilst in the air.

Shin: "Level 1"

Shin caught the ball before he could even see and threw it to his team that were alone on the other side of the court, enabling them to score a point.

Everyone was surprised at first, and then shocked when they realized what Shin's team had planned.

Oak Hill's Coach: "They have a lot of courage, huh."

They came again to attack and were a little scared at the sight in front of them.

Shin stood still, never moving a inch as vapo continued to come out of his mouth. His body looked like it was about to fall at any moment, yet, no one on court dared to underestimate him, because at that moment, he was exuding the aura of a king.

Everyone swallowed their own salivas and went to attack.

They started to rotate the ball between them and Shin didn't move at all. One of them lost hpatience and ran to the basket, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Shin smiling creepily.

He started to sweat and tried to pass the ball again in a desperate attempt but Shin had already ran to mark him.

He was at the end of the court and holding the ball. He couldn't dribble it again or else it would be a foul.

Shin walked slowly over to him and used something he had learned in the time before the national.

Change of pace!

He held out his hand so fast that it turned into a shadow in the eyes of the crowd. Not much could follow what he did.

Shin took the ball and threw it over the entire court to Zion. He peerlessly scored with a reverse layup.

Oak Hill's coach told them to go just three to attack.

Shin could steal more passes but it was obvious he was getting more and more exhausted.

The first quart ended with a score of 29-21 to Shin's team.

They had some time to rest and discuss some strategies.

Coach: "I'll put you out the first half of the next quarter Shin."

Shin: "What? No, I can play the entirety of the game without exausting myself, coach!"

The coach sighed and shook his head.

Coach: "Don't try to play when you need to rest, I can see your legs are shaking."

The team nodded and prepared for the second quarter.

Both teams entered the court and started playing.

Coach: "This move you were using put a strain on your body right?.'

Shin didn't want to say but agreed with him.

The coach sighed and turned to see the last quarter.

