Chapter 30

One morning, at a SJPD precinct.

"Detective Chavers." the Captain went to Thomas and Aimee's desks with a serious expression, "Come to the briefing room, we have some important development on the Corin family case."

"Okay. That doesn't sound good." Thomas said to Aimee when they were walking over: "I hope it's not Emilia again."

"It's Emilia Corin, looks like she surfaced." when they stepped into the briefing room and closed the door behind them, the two federal agents they had been working with on the Corin family case told them with a stern face.

"Jesus, what'd she do now?" Aimee asked.

"A security camera at a Cafe in San Francisco caught her dealing with a man in hood and sunglasses." the shorter and slimmer one of the two federal agents showed a security camera photo on the TV screen: "We sent over someone to the Cafe already. They used cash and only stayed for a short time. The waitress there saw them exchanging envelopes, but unsure what was in them."

"Our theory is that she's looking for manpower." the taller and bulkier of the two federal agents continue: "We know that she's smart and apparently quite ruthless. She could pull that stunt on Emerson Street to get rid of hostile family members, then she could hire more guns to take over the family business."

"That's a scary theory." Aimee walked closer to the screen: "Who's this man? Any known dealer?"

"We are not certain, but it could be one of the low level Exalted Bondsmen." the Captain answered : "Since we know that the Corin family have gifted members and hired helps that have been working against her, if I were her I would not want to be outgunned."

"But most of the gifteds for hire are not able to carry a gang war." the shorter Federal agent said hesitantly: "I think if she's really that smart, she would have hired specific kinds of gifteds, and she would be looking to buy a lot of firepower."

"That's a good theory." the taller federal agent nodded, then turned to Thomas and Aimee: "We would coordinate with other agencies to trace arms and hired gifteds, and you guys need to be extra careful on this - if she's still in the bay, then her loyals will be here as well. And they will be dangerous."

"What about those two civilian inn staff?" the Captain just thought of something: "The two that helped you save officer Lopez and take down Cliff?"

"Yeah, what about them?" Thomas appeared confused.

"No, sir, I don't think they will be recruited." Aimee already knew what the Captain was suggesting.

"Who are we talking about here?" the taller federal agent asked.

"Two civilians we met when we were initially looking into Emilia." Thomas answered with a smile: "Really capable, like able to face off against a gifted goon capable. And really hot..."

Aimee delivered a heavy backhanded flip on Thomas's arm and said: "We reached out to them a couple times and asked them to contact us if they got in touch with Emilia. But so far we have not heard anything back."

"Place them on a watchlist then." said the taller federal agent.

"But they are not potential suspects or persons of interest, don't you think it would be a little rash..." Aimee was clearly not comfortable with the idea.

"PROTECTIVE watchlist." the shorter federal agent's expression looked like he just found the magic word.

For a moment, Aimee and Thomas just felt like facepalming so hard.


"Question for you: do you fight with your body? Or your mind?" one morning training and sparring session, Jianmen asked Caroline and Jason with a bamboo stick in his hand while pacing in front of them.

"Um… why not both?" Caroline asked.

"... you are too smart and no fun." Jianmen turned around, not looking embarrassed at all, "And you are right, when you fight, you fight with both your mind and your body.

"What you should also know is that, mind and body are only two of the three factors that you possess in your arsenal as cultivators. When you reach the second layer, you will start to deal with Qi. And you will learn to turn Qi into Xuanli, using your mind and body, thus completing your basics.

"I know, that before you had your super fun first visualization and meditation sessions, you did not fully believe this cultivation thing. But now I believe you have become more … believing, for a lack of a better word."

Jason raised his hand.

"Yes Jason?"

"If what you're gonna teach us is really cultivation methods, how soon can we fly? Will we be super powerful like superheroes?"

"Sustained flight is achievable when you reach the fourth layer. And yes, you will become powerful not unlike superheroes in those movies. But you still have much to learn and you still have a long way there." Jianmen answered with his bamboo stick pointing to the sky: "Only when you can cut that piece of cloud in half with this bamboo stick, without causing much trouble to others, will you be able to call yourself a good cultivator."

"Can you do it? Can you show it to us?" Caroline asked.

Jianmen did not answer and started laughing, leaving Caroline and Jason speechless for a while.

"When you can cut the cloud in half, I will show you." Jianmen gathered himself and said: "Now! Enough questions! Here is your first lesson on fighting with both your body and your mind: you will practice the basic moves I taught you, while reciting your personal scriptures and re-living the feeling of your visualization in your head. This session is not timed, you can only stop when I tell you to stop. Got it?"