Chapter 55

It took a while for Jason to finish the call, and all the while Caroline was on his side laughing uncontrollably. According to Tim, Branston's team found out about Jason and Tim's channel and their team, so Branston's team reached out to Tim and expressed that they would like to collaborate on a future project. And the theme of the project? Visiting a deserted haunted hospital next month, which is exactly what Adam told him last time they met at San Francisco.

Jason spent most of the phone call trying to talk Tim out of the collaboration, but Tim being a fan of the paranormal and ghost adventure was way too excited for his own good. Jason's case was made more difficult after Tim mentioned that he saw Branston's livestream. By the time Jason hung up, they still could not agree. Tim said he would like to arrange a meeting among the channel members and take a vote.

"So, you're telling me, that the Branston team was full of idiots, and your buddies are not that smart either." Caroline shook her head when she heard about the details about the call: "I mean, haunted hotel is one thing, haunted hospital? That is some nerve."

"Not to mention always wanting to get rich and famous." Jason put his phone back into his pocket and still tried to look for a place to put the rose in a bottle: "You know, we could be though? I think if we get into showbiz directly we can beat up 99.9% of the action stars."

"Well, yeah, but you're really not the actor type - you're always the writer/director/producer. type" Caroline laughed: "And for me - you know..."

"'re allergic to douchebags, which makes 90% of the actors and actresses." Jason completed what Caroline was about to say: "You know, I feel that you might be too harsh there. At least 10% of them are only acting like douchebags because they want to fit in."

"Aww, aren't you kind." Caroline took the rose from Jason's hand and played with it: "What do you say we bring this rose back to the inn? I know it's already cut and will die soon, but maybe that garden of Boss could use some fancier flowers."

"Hmmm, maybe. But I am not sure he'll approve, he's very protective of the garden."

"Yeah. You let me worry about it." Caroline handed the rose and the bottle back to Jason: "We still have a couple of hours here, you worry about keeping it alive. After all, it is a rose once held by the marvelous and charming Miss. Madeline Bennette."

"Yeah, too bad we can't sell it." Jason laughed.

The rest of the day was uneventful as the days before: two of them wander around the set while people inside continue shooting the movie. Technically they are not allowed to go inside while the shoot was ongoing because of confidentiality and publicity concerns, even though they signed a nondisclosure agreement before taking the job.

But this boring job is also good for both of them besides the obvious factor that it pays pretty well for a consultancy position - Jianmen taught them some basic methods of casual cultivation, where they don't have to have full concentration on the power of their mind and will or Xuanli but yet still be able to slowly hone and cultivate them. By Jianmen's word, it is a perfect set of cultivation tricks that one can easily use when they are taking a walk or listening to music or working out in the gym. So both of them happily obliged and took advantage of the boring and uneventful work to practice these basic cultivation methods. With Jianmen's regular supervised sessions and their practice of these casual cultivation methods, they could feel that their Xuanli, their power of mind and will has been steadily growing stronger, which gave them more confidence when it comes to dealing with potential paranormal related situations.

"Oh, hey, Jason, Caroline." as both of them were ready to leave, Bethany, one of the friendlier prop coordinators on the set went up to them: "Next week, clear all your other schedule, be here on Thursday and Friday."

"Why, what's special about next Thursday and Friday?" Caroline asked, as she looked at the plastic water bottle and the red rose still in full bloom in Jason's hands with a smile.

"It's Josephine Wong! It's confirmed! She will have a cameo in the movie, and she will spend two days on our set!" Bethany let out a low scream in excitement: "Oh my god! Can you imagine?!"

"Huh?" although Caroline was not familiar with Josephine Wong, because of her boss Jianmen's shenanigans she still has heard of the name multiple times: "Is she a bigger celebrity than Madeline Bennette? You don't seem as excited about her."

"It's different. Madeline is more of a traditional actress and talk show host." Bethany explained with enthusiasm: "Josephine, on the other hand, is a total badass action star. I heard she has multiple blackbelts and has official combat training with a lot of traditional weapons. How freaking cool is that?"

"Yeah, and not only that, she is also a pretty darn good actress." Jason was also really excited about the news: "Oh my god, her performance in 'The Room Upstairs' is definitely Oscar-worthy, it's a shame that not even a nomination was given."

"I know right!?" Bethany gave Jason a high-five: "She's such a gem! And I heard her cameo is also pretty badass. Oooh I can't wait!"

"Alright, remember to save an autograph for me." Caroline gently patted on Bethany's shoulder.

"What - you're not gonna be here?"