Chapter 61

"Stone of Negation? What would that be?" Tamil Brooke asked Xyankor, with a rare sense of intrigue and respect.

"It's a rare gem, rarer than diamonds. Even the smallest sliver contains the amount of power enough to wipe out a temple." Xyankor answered: "Some of our oldest documents stated that a special spell can be cast using it as a power source - the spell to annihilate existence itself. It can remove a being's presence from the current time and space, as well as its lineage and affects."

"And how do we know this is indeed the cause? Do you know anything about how to find the traces of this Stone of Negation?" Tamil Brooke asked: "I have yet to learn about such a powerful gem. And annihilating existence itself? That's unheard of."

"If any of you know anything else, I am all ears. "

Other five at the table looked at each other, then Soren said: "Looks like this is our only theory. But what can we do about it?"

"First, we need to find the one who cast the spell." Xyankor answered: "I think I don't need to remind you, that this kind of power is just a ticking time bomb for anyone."

"Agreed." "Agreed." …

"Next item on my agenda, is the rise in paranormal and spectral activities around the area. Same area of the AeixiiMhundu Tunnel." after wrapping up the first discussion, Carol Summers tapped the small tablet a few times and the hologram projected above the center of the table changed to a 3D map of an area - exactly the area right above the span of the tunnels, "Which is without a doubt related to what happened in the tunnels below and the person that completed the bounty."

"That sounds like a nuisance for Uncle Sam, not us." Tamil Brooke gently rubbed his mustache.

"It is for now. But it will be on our plates soon." Soren Lupei said: "Many members of my leagues reported that they started seeing an increase in spectral activities in their territory close to the area of the tunnels. The effects are expanding."

"Oh my, imaging the dwellers in the dark see ghosts everywhere. How unexpected." Tamil Brooke lightly chuckled.

"Some of my family's children also reported that - they even lost some low level workers and employees because of them. " Lucias Vyn said: "They operate near that area as well."

"This does not concern us. So I'll call for an adjourn." Paulo Chang laid on his chair back and said: "Dealing with filth and apparitions seems like a problem for meat walkers."


"Carol, a minute?" after everyone left the meeting room and were ready to leave the underground location, Soren Lupei came to Carol Summers' side alone.

"Sure." Carol Summers signaled her assistants and guards to stand back, and followed Soren Lupei to the side.

"Please be assured I am by no means trying to pry on your business. And you know I respect you." Soren asked with a slight hint of hesitation: "But I gotta ask, have you dealt in business with a certain runaway member of the Corin family?"

"I cannot comment on that. But I have heard some whispers that some of the best assassins and witches in my league are under the contract of a young member of a gang." Carol Summers answered with a coy Smile.

"And that kind of contract does not go by you?" Soren Lupei also smiled.

"Like I said, I cannot comment."

"Thank you. I am just telling you this because of professional courtesy - that some of our rambunctious younglings appeared to have been under the employment of the Corin family. " Soren Lupei said: "And Northern California is your turf. So I would like to give you a heads up on that since Corins have started more operations there."

"And should our league members clash with each other in this way. I shall refer to our original agreements."

"That's all I could ask for. Thank you for your good will."

"Of course."

As all six of these individuals left the underground location. The location went back to lockdown mode again. They boarded their means of transportation and left for their own destinations.

Carol Summers got onto her armoured car with her three security guards. The car drove away, surrounded by other protective vehicles. But not too long after they left the premises of the meeting location and went onto a long and uncrowded road seemingly some distance away from the nearest city or town, their way was blocked by a gang of motorcycle riders.