Chapter 129

In the underground practice room during a sparring session, both Caroline and Jason were attacking Jianmen with full force. And this time, their weapons were no longer made of wood, but of a kind of light grey metal with not much shine. These metal weapons were heavier than the wooden ones, and they seemed to conduct Xuanli better. These metal weapons were also able to change their shapes with the control of their power of mind and will, and as they continued their spar with Jianmen, they eventually locked into the shapes of they were most comfortable with. Caroline's final shape for her field was a plain shield shape but with the outer edge sharpened so she could deliver cutting attacks with the shield; her final shape for her right hand weapon actually became a battle axe with bulging blade on one side and long slightly curved blade on the other. While Jason's pen-shaped weapon turned longer and the handle gradually became thicker the closer it was to the tip, and its tip became a two-pronged blade that sort of looked like a fountain pen.

Jianmen, on the other hand, was using only his signature bamboo stick, and with it he was able to parry and block all attacks from both Caroline and Jason. Not only that, he was also able to launch counter attacks at them, forcing them to adjust their fighting style and positions.

Caroline's axe was deflected in its path of attack by a jab of Jianmen's bamboo stick and ended up slashing the ground, and Jason's quick jab was then whipped to the side by a swing attack from the bamboo stick.

Caroline roared and swung her shield at Jianmen, the sharp edges of her shield unleashed three fiery energy blades at a time aiming at Jianmen's chest and neck. This forced Jianmen to fall back and lowered his body while facing up so that he could evade the attacks. And the next moment, Jason kicked the handle of his long spear back to its original position and then swung the spear at Jianmen's legs. Jianmen hit the ground with his bamboo stick and used the reaction force to backflip in the air and dodged Jason's attack in the process.

Jianmen extended his left hand at Caroline and Jason while he was still in the air, releasing two small balls of lightning at them. Caroline was able to block the ball of lightning with her shield up infused with her Xuanli, while Jason was able to hop to the side and concentrate his Xuanli and launch his next attack. Jason concentrated his Xuanli on his spear and condensed his power in order to unleash a multi-angle attack, and soon he gained a vision of what he might want to do.

But just when Jason had this vision in mind, he felt a strange sense of resonance from within his meridian, which then spread to his whole body and his mind. "Time out! Time out!" Jason immediately laid his spear on the ground and started meditating. And after only a few seconds, his skin started shining in metallic light, a small spinning and boiling ball of liquid metal appeared on top of his shoulders and his head, and light silver shadows started emerging from his body and dissipated in the air, as if he was emitting silver ripples in the air.

"So this is his time." Caroline laid her axe and shield on the ground and sat beside him: "I wonder how I looked when I had my mini breakthrough. Too bad mine was on the battlefield."

"These kinds of mini breakthroughs usually happen ON the battlefield." Jianmen waved his hand, at the entrance of the practice room, three bottles of wine flew into the room. He then placed the bottles on the ground and sat by Caroline's side: "Cultivation is not something you learn by just theorizing. You need to hone your skills in various trials. And one important kind of said trial is battle."

"When will we expect our first 'official' tribulation?" Caroline took a small gulp from her bottle of wine and asked: "You know, when we make it past the second layer?"

"Soon. And you will feel it when it happens." Jianmen smiled and answered: "I would assume, maybe the start of next year. "

"Well, as long as it doesn't happen on Christmas." Caroline chuckled and shook her head: "Can't have some random waves of lightning striking our house in the middle of gift giving."

"Yeah well, be prepared. It might just happen." Jianmen finished half of his bottle and scratched the back of his neck.

"What are your plans Boss? I'm spending Christmas with Kane and Alex for the first time in - I forgot how many years. Jason's spending his time with his family. What about you?"

"I usually just go to the farm or travel the world for some adventure and discovery on holidays. But not on Christmas." Jianmen said as he observed Jason's situation: "This year I am spending my time with a grumpy old lady."

"Grumpy old lady? Josephine Wong?" Caroline turned to Jianmen and asked in an insinuating tone.

"Well, no. " Jianmen laughed gently and said: "Don't say that in front of Josephine - or you can just try, I'll try to keep you alive. And that grumpy old lady is much younger than Josephine, she's a civilian."

"Civilian? Now I finally know that you have a civilian friend." Caroline nodded: "Who is she? Someone important to you? Why not teach her to cultivate?"

"Quite important." Jianmen said: "And unfortunately not everyone is cut out to be a cultivator. Even if I tried, she could not be one. It's a long story I can tell you later."

Just this moment, Jason opened his eyes and stood up. His spear rose up by an invisible force into his hand, with silver light shining through his eyes, he unleashed a full force thrust to the direction in front of him.

The moment Jason's spear almost reached the end of its trajectory, two faint and translucent silver shadows of Jason appeared on his two sides, and thrusted their silver energy spears at the same spot as Jason.

"That is … very cool!" Caroline couldn't help but applaud.