Chapter 147

"Shit!" Jianmen rushed to Yedong's side, all of his "buddies" were either scared and incapacitated on the ground or had already run away. And with a quick look at the bullet wounds and a finger test of Yedong's pulses and breathing, Jianmen was able to tell that there is no way Yedong would be able to make it, if he was lucky enough to even not die right away.

The next action from Jianmen was to immediately run out in pursuit of the man in the black leather jacket. He did not get a chance to cast tracking spells yet, but he remembered what the man looked like and he was able to locate the man from inside the fleeting crowd.

When the man got outside of the nightclub, he immediately started going into a small and dark alleyway. Jianmen followed, and started preparing for a tracking spell and he would place it on the man the moment he had a clear shot and the man was in range.

But the man was quick on his feet, and he clearly found out that Jianmen was following him, so the moment he got out from the alleyway, he dived into another alleyway with a lot of houses and buildings on both sides and hopped over a fence to his left and ran into an apartment building community with a lot of buildings that were built close to each other .

Jianmen cursed at the man in his head, and hopped over the fence as well. But the next moment, he saw that the man just ran upstairs and busted into one of the apartments. And the moment Jianmen followed into the apartment, three shots were already fired his way.

Swiftly lowered his body and evaded the bullets, Jianmen then lunged towards the room from which the man in the black leather jacket opened fire at him. This was an empty apartment with no one inside so the scuffle did not cause third parties physical harm, though Jianmen clearly heard people living in the nearby apartments screaming.

Seeing that his shots did not land, the man in a black leather jacket slammed the room door shut against Jianmen but the next minute Jianmen just threw his body against the door and completely knocked it down. Even though the man in a black leather jacket was somehow prepared, he was still hit on the left foot by the flying door which then swiped him on the ground. His gun flew off from his grasp to a corner of the room before he fully dropped on the ground.

Jianmen's right hand slammed the wall on his right side and made use of the reaction force to launch his body towards the man he was chasing. The man in a black jacket tried to reach for the gun but Jianmen already locked his fingers around his neck and threw him against the wall to his left.

The man's back left a big dent on the wooden wall, and he was barely able to move a muscle when he slid down from the wall onto the floor.

"Okay, tell me, who do you work for? And why did you kill that man?" Jianmen asked and kicked the gun away: "And let's not go with the hard to crack charade. It's very tiring and bad for you. "

"You don't know whose business you're messing with." the man in the black leather jacket was out of breath from his injuries and all the running: "They'll gut you like a pig!"

"Yeah yeah. I'd be more worried about you." Jianmen shook his head: "They neighbors are calling the police now. And I wonder what happens to you when you end up in police custody right after killing a man, and apparently for hire."

"Go ahead, you can leave me to the police. I'll go out in a week, and then I'll hunt you down and kill you with my bare hands!"

"Big talk for a guy who can't even kill me with a gun." Jianmen shook his head and then reached to the man's jacket and took out his wallet and his phone: "Such a thick wallet you've got here. And this is a nice phone! I've always wanted one but can't afford it. What's your passcode? Let me see, your birthday's November eleventh… ah! It's indeed 1111. Even an Ojisan like me knows that's dumb."

"Wait. What are you doing?�� the man in a black leather jacket saw Jianmen scrolling on his phone and panicked a little.

"Oh, so you do have sensitive information on the phone." though the man in a black leather jacket was able to gather himself, Jianmen still caught his brief moment of panic: "Okay, let me see your call history … four calls to the burger joint in two days? You gotta be kidding me, I thought you hitmen need to stay in shape. Oh, this 408 number is interesting, it called you three times in one week, let me see if I can call back."

"You won't get nothing. I ain't no snitch!" the man in a black leather jacket spoke through his teeth.

"Tell me who hired you and what you know about the target, and I won't press the call button." Jianmen waved the man's phone in front of his face.

"Alright." Jianmen pressed the call button.

"What?!" a muffled male voice answered the phone.

Before the man in a black leather jacket could answer, Jianmen already covered his mouth and spoke in a pretend heavy Cantonese accent: "Hello Mr. Employer, I have your hitman right here. He does not have his ID with him so I'll call him Mr. Hitman. I am just calling to let you know I took care of your hitman's job for him. He's so useless, you should hire me instead for your next job."

"Who the fuck is this?"

"How rude of me. Let me introduce myself. My name is Lei and my family name is Diu. I am new to Chinatown, so I would like to do business with you. You know, even as gangs, we should keep our jobs professional. You can't afford to have some sloppy butthole who don't know how to keep his mouth shut ruin your business. I did not even slap him and he told me more about the Zhang family, the drugs and some other things. Haiyah, you hired a terrible guy!"

The voice on the other side went silent for a few seconds, then asked: "What did you do with him?"

"Depending on whether you are willing to accept my business proposal. I can either kill him for you, or beat him half dead and let the police take him. You know, I am actually a very very nice guy."

"Do whatever you want with him. It doesn't matter to me. I don't do business with strangers." then the man on the other side just hung up.

"Mobsters nowadays are so impatient." Jianmen sighed and threw the phone back on the man's stomach: "Okay play yourself some internet video while you wait. The police are coming."