Chapter 163

In a quiet and luxurious high end restaurant, Emilia sat down on the opposite side of the table to Carol Summers. She was wearing a simple coat, a long sleeve shirt and wearing jean trousers, and she appeared a bit unnerved because she appeared to be slightly underdressed for the occasion, while Carol Summers was wearing a tidy and well-designed white suit.

"Thanks for meeting me here." Carol Summers nodded and Emilia Corin: "How have you been?"

"I am feeling underdressed. " Emilia Corin chuckled nervously, "What's the occasion?"

"Just have something I want to talk to you about." Carol Summers flipped open the menu placed in front of her: "Oh, you should really try the foie gras or duck confit at this place, it is to die for. And order away, it's my treat."

"Thank … thank you?" Emilia Corin also opened the menu, but still looked at Carol Summers from time to time: "I think I'll have the duck confit then, I could never get used to foie gras."

"Hmm, touche'." Carol Summers closed her menu and handed it to the waitress: "I'll have the venison steak, medium rare."

"Excellent choice, what about you, miss?" the waitress asked Emilia Corin.

"Duck confit, please." Emilia Corin also handed in her menu.

"So, how have you been?" after the waitress left, Carol Summers asked.

"Good, good. Trying to stay out of the spotlight and prepare for my thing." Emilia did not get into details: "And I am very grateful for the wonderful man power you brokered for us. I hope you'll know that I look forward to more of our collaborations."

"Thank you. I am just glad you liked our services. " Carol Summers smiled: "You know, being the biggest broker in the area means I'll be taking most of the heat, it's nice to have appreciative customers."

"And I don't presume you invite all of your appreciative customers to expensive dinners at a place where all your employees are guarding us while we eat." Emilia Corin took a gentle sip of the ice water and said: "May I know what this is about?"

"I like your eagerness and caution." Carol Summers shook her head: "Why don't we talk it over during the entree?"

"Yeah, I am just extremely curious. Otherwise it might kinda ruin my appetite."

"Don't worry, it's nothing." Carol Summers chuckled: "And you're right, I don't just invite any customer to dinner at this fine place. And my employees here are just for my - our safety. You know, being the biggest broker, and being a real estate investor and developer can bring about a fair share of dangerous threats."

"Hopefully one day I'll have to worry about my safety like that." Emilia Corin smiled.

"Oh, you will, perhaps even more than me. You're competing for a seat at your family's highest table, no?" Carol Summers waved at a man in suit standing behind her: "And from what I heard, the competition's pretty stiff for you."

"I don't know if I should discuss family business here -"

"If you must know. This once belonged to a pretty interesting individual." Carol Summers told Emilia Corin as the man in a suit brought a piece of jewelry with very long metal chains on the table: "If you don't know what this is, it's fine. Just know that the previous owner wrapped it around her whole left arm."

"... I'm sorry I am not sure what you meant?"

"I'm still getting there." Carol Summers gently pushed the jewelry to Emilia Corin: "Like I said, I heard that you're dealing with very stiff competition. And I am more convinced, as I just recently came across a witless group of man children on motorcycles who intended to do me harm. And when I asked very nicely who hired them, as they could have never pulled off such a plan by themselves, guess who they told me it was?"


"They told me it's you."

"What? How? I've never..." Emilia Corin stammered and almost stood up: "You must believe me, Ms. Summers, I could never..."

"Don't worry, I know it's not you." Carol Summers shook her head: "It's indeed quite a bold but creative solution. This interesting individual I just mentioned? Her specialty was creating false memories. And for a group of simpletons like those man children, manipulating them was a piece of cake for her. If it was anyone else, then I would've probably bitten the bait. But your competition clearly underestimated my capabilities. So I took away some dear possession of hers and decided maybe you should have it. If you're as resourceful as I thought you were, you'll find a use for this."

"Thank you." Emilia Corin exhaled in relief.

"It was your cousin Walt, isn't it?" Carol Summers looked at Emilia Corin deep in her eyes and asked: "The two brightest next generation leaders, competing for one seat amongst a bunch of old timers who will not die."

"... he tried to lure me in with a fake deal with an arms dealer. I guess that's his backup plan." Emilia Corin sighed and answered: "I am sorry, I didn't know he'd go this far."

"And as a retribution for your competition, I'd like to provide you with more of my support. " Carol Summers nodded at Emilia Corin, at the same time the waitress brought over the food they ordered: "Consider this dinner, pitch dinner for this business proposal."

"Okay. Thank you." Emilia Corin took a deep breath and asked, then she picked up the silver utensils: "What do you propose?"

"I offer you with more of my help. Not just the talented contractors I can broker for you. But my personal help."

"And what would your price be?"

"Simple, I would like your allegiance in my future business and endeavors."