Chapter 225

"A knight! Working for a mob boss. How ironically dishonorable!" a dusty and slouching old man in a dirty brown cloak with a staff made of old, crooked, dirty and even creepy wooden staff following Emilia Corin's team laughed loudly and said. And before the middle aged man wielding a scepter and a shield could offer any kind of retort, the old man pointed his wooden staff at the middle aged man, skulls made of dark smoke came out from the tip of his staff and started surrounding himself and several members of the team including Emilia Corin herself, then he waved his hand, releasing three arrows made of the same dark smoke at the middle aged man.

"Necromancer!" the middle aged man was so angry that he ended up scoffing: "Emilia, I was wrong to underestimate you - you and your blind, naive ambition, and the levels you are willing to stoop to in order to get what you want."

"Oh the sanctimoniousness. A fond memory of my childhood." the old man in a dirty brown cloak laughed in a bizarre and even creepy tone, "And the priests and knights ended up immortalized in my dungeon. I wonder if you would like to join them?"

"You… you are Timothy Durbin!" the middle aged knight was shocked to learn the identity of the old man in the dirty brown cloak: "How are you still alive!?"

"I think you already answered your question - I'm a necromancer now, and death treats us differently." Timothy Durbin laughed out loud, his laughter and his grim voice seemed to even make the sky darker, "Now, make way!"

As Timothy Durbin raised his staff up high and concentrated his dark and grim magical power, a giant shadow of some kind of humanoid skeleton monster in a grey, torn up cloak wearing a chain of human skeletons around its boney neck like a chain of rosary beads, holding a huge sword with a curved blade and nine rings on the blade's back. When he swung his wooden staff down like a long sword, the huge shadow of the skeleton monster also swung its sword down along with Timothy Durbin with barely recognizable speed.

The middle aged knight working for the Corin family could not dodge the attack in time and had to block the attack with his shield.

Even the explosions of grenades and other explosives used both by Emilia Corin's team and the defensive forces in the mansion could not cloud the sound from the clash between the huge shadow sword and the knight's shield. The middle aged knight was knocked into the ground when the blade continued striking down. Timothy Durbin laughed hysterically and slammed his left hand on his staff - the giant shadow of the skeleton monster slammed its left skeleton hand on the handle of the sword. This move caused the blade from the shadow sword to fall off and exploded, with its release of explosive energy mainly concentrated on the direction downward.

A fissure was created by this strike, with dirt, rocks and sand being thrown to the sky.

Inside of the mansion, three members of the attacking team were thrown in the air and struck by bolts of lightning bolts and in term exploded into chunks of burnt flesh and bones in mid air.

A tall, bald man in a grey suit with dark blue tattoos on his forehead and both of his arms and hands stood in a hallway right in front of a panic room, with electric flares popping out of both his palms. Some more people flooded into the hallway and were ready to breach the panic room, but the bald man's lightning strikes pushed them back and they sustained heavy damage.

"Bang! Bang!" two grenades were tossed into the hallway from the corner, which bounced on the wall and exploded in midair. One was a high explosive grenade with small metal balls within, and the other was a stun grenade, which released deafening noise and blinding strong flash of light when it exploded.

A lightning bolt pierced through the wall on the corner and the grenadier who threw the two grenades was struck on his shoulder. The electric shock not only burned a hole through his chest cavity, but also set off the grenades on his belt.

The lightning bolt only pierced through the wall, but the explosions from the grenades completely destroyed the whole corner, and now there was a portion of the wall in the mansion that was completely missing. More attackers from outside were brought down because of if.

"Useless chumps." a man in the dark red coat rushed through the hallway, and headed right towards the hallway that was half destroyed, his sleeves still dripping with blood.

The bald in a grey suit frowned as he saw the man in a dark red coat incoming at inhuman speed. His two hands turned to claw shape, his palms facing each other and with a short period of concentration he conjured a ball of lightning in the space between his palms.

Just when the man in a dark red coat appeared around the corner, the bald man in a grey suit pushed the ball of lightning forward with both his hands. The ball of lightning started deceivingly slow, but flew with unparalleled acceleration, so much so that when it reached the corner, it was already at the speed of a standard pistol bullet.

The man in a red coat leapt into the air, and two long red chain blades shot from his palms at the bald man.

The ball of lightning expanded to dozens of times its initial size, the man in a red coat's body from the chest down was instantly burned into charcoal and crushed into ashes and dust. The bald man, on the other hand, got his head and neck impaled by two red chain blades.

The upper body of the man in a red coat fell to the ground, his hands still holding the red chain blades. Seemingly out of nowhere, the bald man's whole body started shrinking like it was drying up - his blood, his body fluids, his bone marrow and his life force was being sucked dry by the two chain blades.

The man in a red coat crawled up, his lower body regrew to almost functioning levels while the bald man was being drained. In less than ten seconds, he was able to stand up and walk, though his lower body and legs were still raw, pale and covered in slime.

Emilia and Rufus Corin were in the hallway just in time to see the man in a red coat put on his now dried-up opponents' pants and shoes.

"Your uncle's in the panic room. I'll open it for you then it's your problem." the man looked back and smiled: "It's probably not that big a deal for you though. I can smell his fears through the reinforced steel door."