Chapter 248

Inside of a training room in the common building booked by both Caroline and Jason, both of them were sitting on the ground face to face in meditative poses. On their side, laid two wooden dummies with meridian lines and dots plotted on their bodies.

Earlier in the day, both of them were once again testing their healing spells, when they had some kind of sudden inspiration. They couldn't find a more suitable place for meditation, so they just sat down where they were and started their own process of meditation and visualization.

What triggered the sudden inspiration was just an unintended utterance of thought from Jason - because even after quite a number of tries, they were still not able to combine their healing spells and make them synergize without their Xuanli colliding with and consuming each other while the power could be turned into healing forces. Both of them felt that they were missing something, and that they were close to finding it out.

"Could it be that we need some sort of extra elemental power to mediate our spells?" Jason scratched his head and asked: "Or, do we need to rethink how our Xuanli manifest in the spell?"

"Boss did stress many times that we should think outside the norms of our power's elemental manifestation." Caroline opened her scroll of healing spells: "I think you're onto something some of these spells do seem to require that my Xuanli possesses some other elemental properties to grasp - look at this: Breath of Reinvigoration, it requires that my Xuanli be light, soft and loose, it doesn't seem like something fire Xuanli could be, unless - "

"... unless you have air Xuanli." Jason thought for a short moment then opened his scroll: "I think this might just be it - we can try to sense if we can make our Xuanli to manifest other elemental properties - "

"... it just might be the time." Caroline closed her eyes and tried to make some of her Xuanli to manifest in elemental properties other than that of fire.

When both of them were drowned in their meditative state, their scrolls lying on their side also started glowing in different colors. Not only this, the frequency in which the scrolls were flickering were also resonating with the energy pulses radiating from Caroline and Jason's body.

In Caroline's mind, she had a vision of herself being transported to a completely different realm, as if she started reliving the day of her last tribulation - a volcano was erupting right under her feet, lava was shooting towards the sky, bubblin in the air and exploding due to the volatile energy inside. When she looked up at the sky, she could see that there were several suns with different colors in the sky. And in the far away distance, she could also see a few other stars with some kind of mysterious aura around them.

With her current strength and power, the power of the volcano could no longer hurt her, so she just let herself be submerged inside the flow of lava, while still paying attention to the energy waves released from the several suns.

There was a dark blue sun, a light blue sun, a purple sun, a light green sun, a light brown sun, an orange and red sun, and then lastly, a silver sun. Caroline felt that she already had a great connection to the orange and red sun, and right here right now, it was her chance to find the connection to the next sun.

As she glanced through the different suns wondering what kind of connection she could have established with each of them, the volcano under her feet was rumbling louder and shooting lava higher up into the sky. The temperature was also climbing higher, and Caroline felt as if she was about to sweat.

Just this moment, she felt a gentle breeze blowing through her hair. She turned around, and saw that the droplets of lava and burning sparks were floating up in the air, spinning around her up and down like they were doing some sort of cheery dance.

In Jason's mind, on the other hand, he was having a vision where he was in a giant temple, or palace, where there were a few doors around him with different kinds of locks and engraved patterns on the door.

One of the doors was already open, which had a silvery grey color and the symbols of a sword and a traditional Chinese painting brush on its door. Jason pushed the silver door open and looked inside - he saw a flight of stairs leading to somewhere above. Then he walked back and tried to open a red and orange door, but the door had half a sphere crystal as the lock, which looked like it could be opened by infusing it with Xuanli. But when he tried, the half a sphere crystal lock did not respond at all.

Then, Jason tried the door with the light blue color and a bowl of water or some other kind of liquid as the door lock - looked like he would need to create some sort of special flow inside the bowl to unlock the door. But hard as he tried, he could not seem to make it work.

The third door he tried was the one that was all dark brown and had a relief sculpture of a smiling man on it. The smiling man was holding a wide piece of board in his hands horizontally. And on the board, it was a lump of clay.

Jason poked the lump of clay - it was firm, cool and heavy. But to his surprise, it seemed to be easily moldable, and it could even respond to his thoughts and change its general shape and texture with his will. So after a brief moment of hesitation, he molded it into the shape of a cup, then a sword, and finally, a plane.

"Click" the door opened.

"So, how was it?" Caroline asked Jason the moment they opened their eyes and looked at each other.

"Look." Jason smiled and held up his hand, showing Caroline a spinning blob of brown energy, then in a few seconds, it turned into a tea cup.

"Earth. Works with metal, nice." Caroline nodded, then raised her right index finger, conjuring up a small tornado from her fingertip: "And look at that - I connected with the power of wind."